

Obamas Clean Energy Future- We do big things

On 1/26/11, Barack Obama <> wrote:
> Friend --
> Tonight I addressed the American people on the future we face together.
> Though at times it may seem uncertain, it is a future that is ours to
> decide, ours to define, and ours to win.
> I know we will.
> Because, after the worst recession in decades, we see an economy growing
> again.
> Because, after two years of job losses, we've added private-sector jobs for
> 12 straight months -- more than 1 million in all.
> Because, time after time, when our resolve has been tested, we, as a nation,
> have always prevailed.
> Overcoming the challenges we face today requires a new vision for tomorrow.
> We will move forward together, or not at all -- for the challenges we face
> are bigger than party, and bigger than politics.
> Yet the story of America is this: We do big things.
> Just as the progress of the past two years would not have been possible
> without your hard work, we will not realize the agenda I described tonight
> without you.
> So as we continue this great mission together, and we set out the plans for
> how far we can go, I need to know that you are ready to work side by side
> with me once more.
> Will you stand with me as we strive to win the future?
> The last two years have been marked by unprecedented reforms and historic
> progress.
> But there is much more work to do.
> Moving forward, America's economic growth at home is inextricably connected
> to our competitiveness in the global community. The more products American
> companies can export, the more jobs we can create at home.
> This vision for the future starts with innovation, tapping into the
> creativity and imagination of our people to create the jobs and industries
> of the future. Instead of subsidizing yesterday's energy, let's invest in
> tomorrow's. It's why I challenged Congress to join me in setting a new goal:
> By 2035, 80 percent of America's electricity will come from clean energy
> sources.
> It means leading the world in educating our kids, giving each of our
> children the best opportunity to succeed and preparing them for the jobs of
> tomorrow.
> We must build a 21st century infrastructure for our country, putting
> millions of Americans to work rebuilding roads and bridges and expanding
> high-speed Internet and high-speed rail.
> We must reform government, making it leaner, smarter, and more transparent.
> And we must take responsibility for our shared debt, reining in our
> long-term deficit so we can afford the investments we need to move our
> country forward.
> That is the vision I laid out tonight. That is how we win the future.
> It is going to take a lot of work -- but I have no doubt we are up to the
> task.
> Half a century ago, when the Soviets beat us into space with the launch of a
> satellite called Sputnik, we had no idea how we'd beat them to the moon. The
> science wasn't there yet. NASA didn't even exist.
> But after investing in better research and education, we didn't just surpass
> the Soviets. We unleashed a wave of innovation that created new industries
> and millions of new jobs.
> This is our generation's Sputnik moment.
> Please stand together with me:
> It is because of each of you, who define the will of a people, that the
> state of our union is strong in the face of tough challenges. You are the
> reason our future is still bright in the face of deep uncertainty.
> And you are the reason I believe that future is ours to win.
> Thank you,
> Barack
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National
> Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This
> communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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