Scotts Contracting
Spot On assessment DTRH! I found your video link on "Corruption News" using #WestlakeLandfill in the search.
I do not think they know what to do with the "Green Monster" (the locals term-derived from green membrane looking octopus thing covering the site-Leachate pump system). I live in St Louis and down wind, so it matters to me; and, it matters even more to the People living in the near vicinity. We are trying to share the message. It seems to me the
Politicians have that 'Fluoride' stare-when discussing the immediate danger of Westlake Landfill.
It only gets better when the fact that the Nuclear Waste is in an unlined Garbage Pit that also has an ongoing underground fire that is burning towards the nuclear waste toxic plume.
They don't know what to do. If they open the Ground and the Fire takes off it will be Nuclear Nightmare for the Midwest. The tons of Radioactive Waste buried here are staggering. 50,000 comes to mind, i'm not for sure.
Here it and see pictures taken by the locals:
This group has been formed by concerned residents to inform and keep the public updated about the radioactive waste in the West Lake Landfill in Bridgeton, Mo
Just Moms STL