-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Invention

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Showing posts with label Invention. Show all posts


TPO Roof - NO Touch Electric Ground Wire Installation

TPO Roof - NO Touch Electric Ground Wire Installation

A prototype CAD design has been created with SketchUp and uploaded as a Free Share / Open Source Design in the 3D warehouse

TPO Roof - NO Touch Electric Ground Wire Installation

GAF TPO EverGuard 'strips" were fashioned around the Ground Wire attached to the rooftop communication equipment (Cable, Satellite, and Internet Antennas).  To keep the wire from rubbing holes in the roofing when the wind blows or from rain storms.  TPO strips (1in by 5in) were modified and welded to the existing TPO Roof surface to hold the Ground Wire 1 inch off the roof.  The modified NO Touch Electric Ground Wire attachments were placed 12 to 16 inches apart.

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