-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Energy News June 10,2010

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Energy News June 10,2010

Editor's Choices

Mixed Outlook for Gas Reactors

Dan Yurman By Dan Yurman - The future of high temperature gas-cooled reactors is taking different directions depending on where you look. In Europe a multi-national collaboration is working on plans for a site to build the Allegro Reactor. However, in South Africa the proposed "rescue plan" for the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor involves selling off the now unfunded project by auction.   » Continue...

From our sponsors

RWE Innogy, Stadtwerke München and Siemens build offshore wind farm Gwynt y Mor

x RWE Innogy and Siemens have entered into a joint venture to build the offshore wind farm Gwynt y Môr (Welsh for "wind in the sea"). RWE Innogy will hold a 60% stake in this joint venture, Stadtwerke München 30% and Siemens 10%. The total investment amounts to more than two billion Euros, including the grid connection to the coast.  » Continue...

Most Important Climate and Energy Vote of the Year Tests Senate Direction

Keith Schneider By Keith Schneider - Late last year when Senator Lisa Murkowski announced she would vigorously oppose any effort to use the Clean Air Act to regulate carbon emissions, environmental leaders in Washington understood the significance of the Alaska Republican's challenge. A loyal ally of fossil fuel developers, Senator Murkowski attracts more campaign financing from the oil and utility industries than all but two other Senate lawmakers, according to federal election records.   » Continue...

Shame on You, Carly Fiorina

Marc Gunther By Marc Gunther - And then there's Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett Packard, who is running for the U.S. Senate in California, hoping to unseat the incumbent Democrat, Barbara Boxer. She is giving business a bad name, notably with a new TV ad about climate which is unfair, stupid and destructive.  » Continue...

Cozy Financial Relationships Between Environmentalists and Oil and Natural Gas Companies

Rod Adams By Rod Adams - A friend who has heard me discuss my theories about the relationships between mainstream Environmental groups and fossil fuel extraction and marketing companies sent me a link to an article titled Polluted by profit: Johann Hari on the real Climategate. He included a rather amusing subject line on the email "Red meat for Rod" and addressed it to a small group of people who also have been subjected to my "wild" and somewhat contra-intuitive theories.  » Continue...

Winners and Losers from the Gulf Oil Spill

Geoff Styles By Geoff Styles - A comment on my recent posting on oil substitution opportunities in the aftermath of the Gulf oil spill got me thinking about potential winners and losers from the broad changes that seem likely to ensue from this disaster. Some of these outcomes would depend on new laws and regulations that could alter the basis of competition within the oil and gas industry, between it and other energy sectors, and between specific energy technologies. However, I also wouldn't discount the possibility of enduring changes in our perceptions of the oil industry and of the ways in which we use oil.  » Continue...

BP Station Boycotts: Who Gets Hurt?

Jane Van Ryan By Jane Van Ryan - Anti-oil activists have found an outlet for their frustration over the Gulf oil spill. In several states this week, they are protesting, holding vigils, and calling for boycotts against BP. The demonstrations are likely to be similar to the protest held in Washington last Friday where Public Citizen and seven other activist groups waved signs, chanted and held a mock citizen's arrest of BP CEO Tony Hayward.   » Continue...

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