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Showing posts with label Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cancer. Show all posts


Misleading Dirty Coal Commercials via Ameren UE

 Recent commercial by AmerenUE where they say they are out for the publics best interest is total bull ___. Ameren UE is poisoning the people with pollution and stopping Clean Energy Production Rebates-Coal Pollution Causes Cancer... 4th Dirtiest coal producing plant in the USA is spilling toxic pollution ... 

I don't watch as much broadcast tv since the family "Cut the Cable Line" we've been using Chrome Cast and our computers to watch TV via the Internet (chrome cast transmits the signal to the tv from the computer and I watch everything for FREE.).

Pollution from Dirty Coal=Cancer

Luckily many of the shows we watch don't have commercials!  But every now and then a commercial sneaks in and a recent one by AmerenUE where they say they are out for the publics best interest is total bull ___. 

  1. The simple facts are: They Have the 4th Dirtiest coal producing plant in the USA that is spilling toxic pollution all around the immediate area and then into the stratosphere where it mixes with other pollution and is creating global warming and is affecting the people and the food we eat to survive. see Ameren's Labadie plant named a top greenhouse-gas emitter by EPA 
  2. Simple Solution to eliminate Dirty Coal Smoke containing pollution is to create Clean Energy from non polluting fossil fuels.  But since this in direct conflict of Ameren UE's profits they would rather keep poisoning the people with pollution rather than allow additional clean energy to be produced.

I've know for awhile that Ameren UE is challenging Net Metering Payments. I learn via: Renew Missouri Article in the Post Dispatch -that they want to eliminate the Solar Rebate as it is costing the company money in profits of 36 million.

Typical Big Business and dirty tricks (dirty coal pollution has risen by 3-5%).  This little 36 million worth of pollution free energy has a hell of a lot more value and benefits than their dirty coal fired electricity.

Coal Pollution has been linked to CANCER (1).  I can think of 36 lives are worth more to me than company profits.  While they preach energy conservation and generating clean energy...don't let them fool you.  They are protecting their interests and want to burn dirty coal and poison the world.

(1) Toxic Air-The CaseforCleaning UpCoal-fired Power Plants See the PDF by the American Lung Association or

Power Plant Air Pollution Kills 13,000 People Per Year, Coal-Fired Are Most Hazardous: ALA (American Lung Association) Report

Simply put: 

All the people affected by
 Cancer in StLouis 

I feel is

in-directly linked to Ameren UE and how they burn Dirty Coal to make electricity.

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