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Showing posts with label Dirty Coal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dirty Coal. Show all posts


COP21 StLouis Climate March at the Arch

Here are my 10 biggest takeaways from the #OursToLose Climate March at the Arch in StLouis. In which I was proud participant in last Sunday at the Arch.

The gathering of like minded individuals was an eye opening experience for me to say the least.
#OursToLose Climate March at the Arch in StLouis gathering at the StLouis City Hall
#OursToLose Climate March at the Arch in StLouis

I learned in the brief correspondence while talking to the other participants that:

  1. There were as many older generations ages- 50 plus, as younger generations of less than 30 years old- that care about the health of our Planet and Pollution that is causing world wide climate change from the business as usual approach of the Big Business Polluting Machines 
  2. The participants were interested and knowledgeable to the importance of Energy Conservation as well as generating True Clean Energy
    Scotty at the Climate March #OursToLose StLouis Participants
  3. Climate March #OursToLose StLouis Participants are not happy with the local activities of the Dirty Coal Machine Ameren UE.  
    News Four interviewing #OursToLose StLouis Program organizer
  4. Some of the local Solar Installation Companies in StLouis are not adequately trained in the proper ways of installing Solar Racking on challenging roofs
    Arch Ground Image participants at the Climate March supporting #COP21
  5. Pointing our finger at other countries such as China who is a big polluter, does not help at the Local Level.  I firmly believe that society as a whole needs to: Chop Wood and Carry Water- mankind must not point to another country without taking care of business at home
    Don't be Fooled by the Dirty Coal Plant Misleading Dirty Coal Image Labadie Power Plant
  6. It was great to see a #BlackLivesMatter supporter at the march!  Climate Change affects everyone regardless of Race, Creed, or Community Status- we are all in this together
    #BlackLivesMatter supporter at the march!  Climate Change affects everyone regardless of Race, Creed, or Community Status
  7. People that live around the Labadie Dirty Coal Plant are worried about their Personal and Families Health from the Pollution via the noted 4th Dirtiest Coal Plant in the Entire USA.
    Labadie Dirty Coal Plant 4th Dirtiest Coal Plant in the Entire USA
  8. The boundary line between my activities and what I'm doing needs to be broken in relation to networking with other clean energy and energy conservation promoters and businesses in the St Louis region.  We are all in this together and their is plenty of work and buildings in the StLouis region for everyone.  I personally need to extend the Olive Branch to others in the region to lend my support for their activities as well as letting them know of what I am working on.  I believe in action over inaction and start by listing the information from 2 of the companies working in the area right here that were also proud participants at the #COP21 #OursToLose StLouis Climate March.  Please check out their websites and to give them a call: Aaron Michel Energy Resources Group, inc and Brian Ettling Climate Change Communicator 
    Just like a giant fishbowl with rising tides climate change affects everyone
  9. You will meet some of the nicest people at Social Gatherings and as it was pointed out you can even find love and meet the person of your dreams! 
    Love was in the Air COP21 Climate March at the Arch StLouis MO
  10. I believe to put up or shut up.  And to prove this I will be offering rock bottom prices on any energy conservation activities I will be doing for my StLouis neighbors.  I am going to cut the prices of any and all activities for the remainder of the 2015.  I'm sure this will make the bookkeeper cringe but I will offer a 50% labor discount on any and all green building projects that I bid on for the remainder of the year.

We can build a green St Louis- Join Me in making the world and our region a better place for all.

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone. Build a Green StLouis Green Building Tips and Resources via: Scotty- St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Double Checking Google Analytics

I use Stat Counter to Double Check Google Analytics Reports for accuracy
I use Stat Counter to Double Check Google Analytics Reports for accuracy
Since google isn't sharing enough analytics data.  I've starting using Stat Counter again to double check google analytics reports and website traffic.

Added 11/30/2015

  • Stat Counter you made my day with the Stats from Today!  
  • I would have never seen that the biggest CO2 Polluter in StLouis: Ameren UE who gets their #DirtyCoal from #PeabodyEnergy was reading the blog about my latest #COP21 #OursToLose that I proudly participated in a blogged about to show my support.  
  • Thanks again for everything you do!  Scotty http://blog.stlouisrenewableenergy.com/2015/11/cop21-stlouis-climate-march-at-arch.html
COP21 has the attention of the Biggest Dirty Coal Company in StLouis
#DirtyCoal #PeabodyEnergy and #AmerenUE is listing to #COP21 Green Blog Posts

Screenshot Image of StatCounter Website Analytics green blog post: http://blog.stlouisrenewableenergy.com/2015/11/cop21-stlouis-climate-march-at-arch.html

I also get detailed reports that are easy to read.  Such as this list of most viewed posts from the past week or so.

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This blog post was not sponsored by Stat Counter and is part of the ongoing SEO experiments and tribulations- Scotty


Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone. Build a Green StLouis Green Building Tips and Resources via: Scotty- St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Another BigBusiness Bailout in Missouri

$ buys Politicians More #BigBusiness financial support on the "backs" of the People

Only this time its a #DirtyCoal burner who gets the bailout and not the Banks, Wallstreet, or the Auto Industry.

What really irks me is that: MoLeg sells public to the same  Electric Company who doesn't want Missourian's to have #Solar

That's right more SOLAR + Energy Storage wouldn't require Ameren to buy it burn coal for 20years!

$80 million of one company's electric costs onto the backs of other ratepayers MBEF Statement on MoLeg PSC Vote 

Jefferson City, MO - Missourians for a Balanced Energy Future (MBEF) expresses sincere disappointment with the perceived bailout for Noranda Aluminum granted today by the Missouri Public Service Commission (PSC).

Executive Director Irl Scissors released the following statement:

"To shift approximately  $80 million of one company's electric costs onto the backs of other ratepayers in Ameren's service territory is simply unfair and unjust."

"We remain encouraged that the order is expected to contain significant consumer protections to the benefit of Missourians.  The Commissioners' comments also indicated that this should be the last handout granted to Noranda and anything beyond this rate shift should be addressed by the General Assembly and the Department of Economic Development.”

News Tribune: Noranda gets rate cut, other Ameren consumers see increase

Post-Dispatch: Rates rising for Ameren Missouri customers, except Noranda

$ buys Politicians http://klou.tt/gdvk4y5 More #BigBusiness financial support on the "backs" of the People. 


Yes Old Dog New Tricks-DirtyEnergyDuke and Solar

Another Dirty Coal Company jumping on Clean Energy from Solar Bandwagon 'proof' that Solar Energy has been adopted as the preferred energy source of the Future.

2 Universities in DC Make Deal to Buy Solar Power (abcnewshidden in the text of the document: 'Duke Energy Renewables'

"Whats this I asked?" 

I know Duke Energy is known for #DirtyCoal... 

a quick google search on Dirty Duke Energy led me to a page that downplays the Dirty Coal aspects of Dirty Duke Energy Company and preaches clean energy aspects.  They even downright admit clean energy is best for all.

 Coal Company jumping on Clean Energy from Solar Bandwagon 

'proof' that Solar Energy has been adopted as the 

preferred energy source of the Future. Scotty

What I found most interesting is: "This Dirty Coal company has jumped on the #Solar bandwagon-which means that even dirtydukeenergy has realized the importance of clean energy production from non-polluting sources." Further proof that #SolarEnergy has been adopted as the preferred energy source of the Future.
Even here in #StLouis the local #DirtyCoal company #Ameren is building a big solar energy plant. Once again proof that #cleanenergy from solar is both profitable for the owner and is the Future!
  • Do you realize that the same #BigBusiness #dirtycoal  companies that are fighting and supporting negative ad campaigns with #dirtyenergymoney against #CleanEnergy  are then investing $$$ #Money   ' IN ' #solarenergy  .  This should show you what is going on behind closed doors (in the Energy Industry) in regard to the future of energy and where it will come from.  
  • Solar is the Future.  Dirty Energy realizes it and soon you will too. 

Build Green,

Dirty Coal jumping on Solar Bandwagon for profits from clean energy production
Solar-Good Enough for Dirty Coal Company good enough for me!

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference. Build a Green StLouis Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


How climate change will impact states like Missouri-via U. S. National Climate Assessment

U. S. National Climate Assessment outlines how climate change will impact states like Missouri.  

States are taking action

Before issuing this proposal, EPA heard from states, utilities, labor unions, nongovernmental organizations, consumer groups, industry and others to learn more about what programs are already working to reduce carbon pollution.  We learned that states are leading the way– especially through programs that expand energy efficiency and renewable energy. Missouri already has programs in place that could be part of its individual or regional plan to reduce carbon pollution, including: 
  • Energy efficiency standards or goals
  • Demand-side energy efficiency programs that advance energy efficiency improvements for electricity use
  • Renewable energy portfolio standards or goals

Proposed state goals build on state leadership

To set state-specific goals, EPA analyzed the practical and affordable strategies that states and utilities are already using to lower carbon pollution from the power sector. These include improving energy efficiency, improving power plant operations, and encouraging reliance on low-carbon and zero-emitting electricity generation. Together, these make up the best system for reducing carbon pollution. They achieve meaningful reductions at a lower cost. 

The Agency applied these strategies consistently, but each state’s energy mix ultimately leads to a different goal that is unique to the state.
In 2012, Missouri’s power sector CO2 emissions were approximately 71 million metric tons from sources covered by the rule. The amount of energy produced by fossil-fuel fired plants, and certain low or zero emitting plants was approximately 80 terawatt hours (TWh)*. So, Missouri’s 2012 emission rate was 1,963 pounds/megawatt hours (lb/MWh).  

EPA is proposing that Missouri develop a plan to lower its carbon pollution to meet its proposed emission rate goal of 1,544 lb/MWh in 2030.

*includes existing non-hydro renewable energy generation and approximately 6% of nuclear generation. The 2012 emission rate shown here has not been adjusted for any incremental end-use energy efficiency improvements that states may make as part of their plans to reach these state goals. 

States decide how to cut carbon pollution 

The state goals are not requirements on individual electric generating units. Missouri will choose how to meet the goal through whatever combination of measures reflects its particular circumstances and policy objectives. A state does not have to put in place the same mix of strategies that EPA used to set the goal.

Missouri may work alone or in cooperation with other states to comply with the proposed rule.  EPA estimates that states could achieve their goals most cost effectively if they work with others.  

EPA encourages states to look broadly across their electricity system to identify strategies for their plans to reduce carbon pollution.  Strategies can include:   
  • Demand-side energy efficiency programs
  • Renewable energy standards
  • Efficiency improvements at plants
  • Dispatch changes
  • Co-firing or switching to natural gas
  • Construction of new Natural Gas Combined-Cycle plants
  • Transmission efficiency improvements
  • Energy storage technology
  • Retirements
  • Expanding renewables like wind and solar
  • Expanding nuclear
  • Market-based trading programs
  • Energy conservation programs
Missouri's Energy Mix in 2012 (in percentage)
Hover over the chart to see more info. (Source: The EIA form 923)

Missouri's Role in New Carbon Plan-proposed emission rate goal of 1,544 lb per MWh in 2030
  • 2012, Missouri’s power sector CO2 emissions were approximately 71 million metric tons from sources covered by the rule. The amount of energy produced by fossil-fuel fired plants, and certain low or zero emitting plants was approximately 80 terawatt hours (TWh)*. So, Missouri’s 2012 emission rate was 1,963 pounds/megawatt hours (lb/MWh).
    EPA is proposing that Missouri develop a plan to lower its carbon pollution to meet its proposed emission rate goal of 1,544 lb/MWh in 2030

Clean Power Plan - States

The science shows that climate change is already posing risks to our health and our economy.

Nationwide by 2030, the Clean Power Plan will help cut carbon emissions from the power sector by 30 percent below 2005 levels.

The proposal also would cut pollution that leads to the formation of soot and smog by over 25 percent in 2030.

States, cities and businesses across our country are already taking action. They have set energy efficiency targets, increased their use of renewable energy, made agreements and implemented programs to cut carbon pollution.

Read More at:

  • http://cleanpowerplanmaps.epa.gov/CleanPowerPlan/
  •  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/06/epa-map-co2-emissions_n_5461848.html?utm_hp_ref=green

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference. Build a Green StLouis Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Petition For Ameren Keep NetMetering Standard as Voted on by MO Voters

Bottom Line: Ameren is attempting to sway the Missouri Government to change the laws that we the voters voted for long ago. The company boasts of making millions in profits but can't divvy up for when we connect to the grid and send our clean energy back to them-that they get to say is part their system since it counts towards their renewable energy mandate.

If Ameren UE didn't have the 4th Dirtiest Coal Burning electrical plant (#Labadie) or was making strides to fix this issue I might be a little more swayed that they can't meet the obligation.

Hell the shipping costs for them to ship the coal here from Wyoming is a million dollars and this cost was passed onto we the consumers. The simple way to reduce this million dollars to make electricity in MO that doesn't need outside dirty coal.

Petition For Ameren to Keep the Net-Metering Standard as Voted on by the MO Voters

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotts Contracting- St Louis Home Improvement Projects and Energy Reducing Needs Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Misleading Dirty Coal Commercials via Ameren UE

 Recent commercial by AmerenUE where they say they are out for the publics best interest is total bull ___. Ameren UE is poisoning the people with pollution and stopping Clean Energy Production Rebates-Coal Pollution Causes Cancer... 4th Dirtiest coal producing plant in the USA is spilling toxic pollution ... 

I don't watch as much broadcast tv since the family "Cut the Cable Line" we've been using Chrome Cast and our computers to watch TV via the Internet (chrome cast transmits the signal to the tv from the computer and I watch everything for FREE.).

Pollution from Dirty Coal=Cancer

Luckily many of the shows we watch don't have commercials!  But every now and then a commercial sneaks in and a recent one by AmerenUE where they say they are out for the publics best interest is total bull ___. 

  1. The simple facts are: They Have the 4th Dirtiest coal producing plant in the USA that is spilling toxic pollution all around the immediate area and then into the stratosphere where it mixes with other pollution and is creating global warming and is affecting the people and the food we eat to survive. see Ameren's Labadie plant named a top greenhouse-gas emitter by EPA 
  2. Simple Solution to eliminate Dirty Coal Smoke containing pollution is to create Clean Energy from non polluting fossil fuels.  But since this in direct conflict of Ameren UE's profits they would rather keep poisoning the people with pollution rather than allow additional clean energy to be produced.

I've know for awhile that Ameren UE is challenging Net Metering Payments. I learn via: Renew Missouri Article in the Post Dispatch -that they want to eliminate the Solar Rebate as it is costing the company money in profits of 36 million.

Typical Big Business and dirty tricks (dirty coal pollution has risen by 3-5%).  This little 36 million worth of pollution free energy has a hell of a lot more value and benefits than their dirty coal fired electricity.

Coal Pollution has been linked to CANCER (1).  I can think of 36 lives are worth more to me than company profits.  While they preach energy conservation and generating clean energy...don't let them fool you.  They are protecting their interests and want to burn dirty coal and poison the world.

(1) Toxic Air-The CaseforCleaning UpCoal-fired Power Plants See the PDF by the American Lung Association or

Power Plant Air Pollution Kills 13,000 People Per Year, Coal-Fired Are Most Hazardous: ALA (American Lung Association) Report

Simply put: 

All the people affected by
 Cancer in StLouis 

I feel is

in-directly linked to Ameren UE and how they burn Dirty Coal to make electricity.

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotts Contracting- St Louis Home Improvement Projects and Energy Reducing Needs Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog

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