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Showing posts with label Benton Rehab. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benton Rehab. Show all posts


Simple Comparison of Clothes to a Buildings Envelope

R 16 Unfaced Wall Insulation as used in Benton Rehab Project
R 16 Unfaced Wall Insulation as used in Benton Rehab Project

If you are reading this I’m going to assume that you aren’t a googlebot or bingbot and wear clothes in your daily activities.  You are an actual human being who wears clothes.  
Besides the obvious fact we wear clothes to cover our nakedness.  
We humans wear clothes for protection, protection for our bodies from the heat, from the cold, from rain and snow- from the Elements.  
We protect ourselves with clothes against the Climate and Elements we live in.

Just as you wear clothes to protect yourself from the elements the various parts of a properly constructed energy efficient building are there to protect it from the elements while keeping the inhabitants comfortable.

While it may sound complex in Nature; it’s really rather simple in content when talking about a Building.

The simple comparison in how warm and dry an Insulated Windbreaker is to a Simple T-Shirt.   
The Windbreaker stops the Cold Air from reaching your skin and the Insulation is the stuff that keeps the cold from creeping close to your body.  
  1. While a T Shirt lets in both Air and Cold thus failing to keep you warm and dry. (This is the Framing of your Building. )
  2. A Sweatshirt will help seal out a little cold but not for long. (This is the Insulation in your Building. )
  3. But when a Windbreaker is put on over the Sweatshirt and T-Shirt it is such relief to be warm- almost anything is tolerable when in a Cold Windy Environment. (This is the Air Barrier in your Building.)
  4. Caps or Hats (The roof of your Building)
  5. Shoes and boots (The Foundation / Basement of your Building)
Examples 1 thru 5 when applied to a Building is your Building's Envelope or Outer Shell.
The buildings we live and work in need protection too. Just as you will add layers against the cold to stay warm in today’s extreme climate. Your Building needs the same protection against the Elements of Heat and Cold.

The best protection against the Elements cold and heat from entering your building is: Insulation.

Insulation is your Number One Source for keeping your building’s energy consumption as low as possible while staying comfortable.

 Insulation keeps the Heat and Cold from creeping in your Building.  

While building Insulation comes in many forms it basically performs the basic action that I mentioned above when talking about wearing a sweatshirt.  

Insulation is there to keep out the heat and cold that make life uncomfortable(to include the uncomfortable feeling you get when you pay your local monthly Gas and Electric utility bills- for the over priced services they provide your building.)

Example of Air Barrier used in Benton Rehab ProjectJust as the Windbreaker stops the Wind from interfering with your body.  The Air Barrier does the same for your Home or Office.  Normal construction techniques have various Air Barriers. All of which are designed to eliminate and reduce the cold or warm air from entering and leaving your Building.  This is the second most crucial step in protecting a building against the Elements of heat and cold.

Bare Wall Stud Framing with No layers of Protection from the Elements
Bare Wall Stud Framing with No layers of Protection from the Elements
So what is the T-shirt used in this examples place in a building.  The T Shirt in this example is the Buildings Walls and Roof.  See the bare wall in this photo above of the Benton Rehab Project.

 While the crew and I were rehabbing this building in St Louis.  This is the framing without layers of Insulation or Air Barrier.  It’s obvious that these walls will not keep out any heat or cold.  Just as a t-shirt performs.
The Air Barrier and Insulation coupled with a few other areas of your building is your Building's Envelope.
reposted Scotty, Scotts Contracting St Louis Renewable Energy 4/2/13

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.


Benton Rehab Tree Root Experiment and Damage Update

Day 5 in the Benton Rehab Roof Project uncovered some interesting hidden gems in the roof system.  In the photos below you can view the extensive tree Stump and Root Ball that started out as a sapling years ago and was left to its own accord.

Benton Rehab Tree Root Experiment-How Far Did the Roots Grow when left unattended?

damage this little tree was causing to the adjacent 4 Family Unit. Benton Rehab Project

Experiment to see how far a tree root will grow when left unattended for 10 plus years.  Benton Rehab Roof Project

The photo is of the tree's root ball that was growing in the built up roof system.  While this was not the only culprit as to the roofs demise in the past 10 years it has led to the steady degradation of the roof system.

Note: Part of the reason we left this tree and root system intact was so that we could trace the roots to ensure it was removed completely from the wall and roof system-eliminating a tree restarting from its roots.  Its also part of an:

Experiment to see how far a tree root will grow when left unattended for 10 plus years.

Note Added May 1st 2013- I found a tree root growing down into this section of wall yesterday.  I believe the tree root started this crack in the wall long ago and as the Invasive Tree Root grew it widened the crack in the wall.  When we replace this section of the wall.  We will find out more.  Stay Tuned for further updates.

This last photo was included to show the before tuckpointing the parapet wall. [And the saplings that are attempting to gain a foothold] Required step before installing the new roof system of: Bar Joists, Pan Decking, and Concrete Topping.

Photos added May 1, 2013

Additional Tree Root Photos and the Damage They Caused
We traced the Invasive Tree Root for another 10 Feet and found the tree root had followed the top course of Masonry alongside the Parapet Wall.Benton Rehab Project
We traced the Invasive Tree Root for another 10 Feet and found the tree root had followed the top course of Masonry alongside the Parapet Wall.
I did not actually measure the Tree Root and am going to venture to say the Invasive Tree Root had grown to a distance of 15-20 feet in length and followed the top course of brick alongside the Parapet Wall.

Additional Benton Rehab Stage 2 Project Green Blog Postings

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Benton Roof Project Daily Report

On Day 4- The Crew and I have the first dumpster filled and ready for pick-up and 75% of the Roof has been removed as seen in the photo taken 1pm on Thursday.

In these photos you can see the I Beams that will be utilized to hold the Bar Joists and Pan Decking for the New Roof System.

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Benton Project Stage 2 Dismantling Roof Demolition

Stage 2 Benton Rehab Warehouse Roof-Before Photo
Stage 2 Benton Rehab Warehouse Roof-Before Photo
With the Dumpster delivered and parked in the bay the crew has started removing the roof-despite the rain StLouis has been getting as of late.

We estimate the Roof we are removing was 50 years old and was originally a rock ballast roof system with an additional 4-5 layers of patching.

Tearing Off the Existing Roof-Stage 2 Benton Project
Tearing Off the Existing Roof-Stage 2 Benton Project

Tearing Off the Existing Roof-Stage 2 Benton Project
Tearing Off the Existing Roof-Stage 2 Benton Project

Parking the Dumpster in the Warehouse Bay we estimate will save 1 days worth of  Labor for the Crew and makes our lives much easier for the roof tear off!
Parking the Dumpster in the Warehouse Bay we estimate will save 1 days worth of  Labor for the Crew and makes our lives much easier for the roof tear off!

Despite the Rain the Crew is making good progress with removing the existing roof with 1/4 to 1/3 of the old roof removed.

See additional photos of the project at Google Plus

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotts Contracting- St Louis Home Improvement Projects and Energy Reducing Needs Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


My Earth Day Celebration-Benton Rehab Project

Scotts Contracting Green Team Celebrated Earth Day 2013 by Starting Stage2 Benton Rehab Project:Replacing Water Damaged Roof on the Benton Warehouse!

See photos of the before work that must be completed before starting the renovation at Scotts Contracting Google Plus Photo Album

When a Good Roof goes bad from a simple water leak left unattended for 20 years
When a Good Roof goes bad from a simple water leak 20 years ago

After we get the existing roof removed we will be Welding Bar Joists and Pan Decking to the existing metal support beams before covering will a concrete topping and weatherproofing.

Stay Tuned for additional details and photos of the new roof we will be adding!  As well as all the stages of work to be done prior to adding the new roof structure.  To Include: Extensive Tuckpointing to the Building and Rebuilding the Garage and Man doors on the Main Street Access.

Day 2-Dumpster Delivery & Rain Delay

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Benton Rehab Flooring-Custom Floor Patch

Although it is not impossible to find Lumber to match a floor built in the late 1800s.  The Owner of the Property decided to Jazz it up and incorporate a design into the floor.

Part 14-Custom Flooring Patch Hardwood Floor Repair-Benton Rehab

  • Original Flooring Material-Douglas Fir
  • Wood Flooring Patch in a varied pattern made from:Up-Cycled flooring materials and Lumber from past jobs consisting of: Red Oak, Redwood, Walnut, and White Oak.

Custom Flooring Patch-http://stlouisrenewableenergy.blogspot.com/2013/01/benton-rehab-flooring-custom-floor-patch.html
Benton Rehab-Flooring Patch 

The flooring will be finished with a clear poly urethane coating that will blend the color of the floor with the design on the Apartment.  Douglas fir has a redish tint that we matched to the Interior Tuck-pointing giving the Investment Property an: 


Part 8: 1st Floor Weatherization

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Benton Rehab Project Drywall Installation and Tip: Number 1172


This drywall installation tip is brought to you by: Scotty-Scotts Contracting, St Louis Renewable Energy.  A full service General Contractor for the St Louis Region.


How do you cut the Man-Hours needed to hang drywall on the Ceiling of a Building?

A simple drywall hoist or lift will make hanging drywall on the ceiling a breeze.  Let the hoist do the work instead of your Arms and Head! 

Drywall Installation on Benton Project-Scotts Contracting St Louis MO
Installing the Last Sheet of Drywall on the Front Room Ceiling
 After the Drywall is Installed now its time to mud and tape the joints for a smooth finish.  I generally use: either paper or sticky tape with 2-4 layers of sheet rock mudd.  Lightly sanding the areas after 3rd and 4th layer.  Don't forget after priming the new drywall with "New Drywall Primer" -Fill in any voids or missed spots for a truely uniform finish.
Scotts Contracting Drywall Installation Serving the St Louis Area
Drywall Installed Good Start on the Mudd and Tape!

Scotts Contracting Drywall Mud and Tape Photos- Serving St Louis MO
2nd Layer of Sheet Rock Mudd

Part 8: 1st Floor Weatherization

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotty for any Home Improvement Projects or Energy Reducing Needs and Scotty, Scotts Contracting will respond ASAP. Company Web Address: http://www.stlouisrenewableenergy.com


Water Main Repair-Benton Rehab

Scotts Contracting, St Louis Renewable Energy Water Main Repair Benton Project
If your Water Main is leaking it can cost you Thousands of Dollars over the year.
Scotts Contracting, St Louis Renewable Energy Water Main Repair Benton Project
Safety First-when there are open holes in a sidewalk

A leaking water main can cost a building owner thousands in water bills in St Louis and can cause damage to the Rock Foundation Walls and Footings- which will also cause damage to the buildings Structure.  See Previous Posts on the Benton Project where we repaired the Rock Foundation Wall (where some but not all of the damage was from the Leaking Water Main).  Mr Dale Or of Master Plumber StL speculated that the Water Main had been leaking for 8 years prior to the repair. Note: a water leak left un-repaired is a major cause of a Building Settling over time and distorting the Integrity of the Buildings Structure.
Water Man Repair was completed by Master Plumbers St Louis

The above photos are of the Water Main Repair of the Benton Rehab Project.  The Water Main Repair was done by: Master Plumber St Louis {Although I did help dig the pit}

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotty for any Home Improvement Projects or Energy Reducing Needs and Scotty, Scotts Contracting will respond ASAP. Company Web Address: http://www.stlouisrenewableenergy.com

Kitchen Framing Tip #36-Benton Rehab Project

 Here is a good tip I learned from the Owner of this Property.  Before Installing the Drywall over the framing members in a Kitchen Wall.

The following photo is a double stack wall to allow the space needed for the efficient bathroom fixtures and also the upstairs apartments kitchen, and bath areas.

With so much at stake to repair a water leak; the small amount of time needed to snap a photo and make a Job Site Sketch is minimal when compared to the alternative: a water leak repair in new construction!
Kitchen Framing Tip #36 Benton Rehab Project-Take a Picture and Make a Drawing of the Wall that the Future Kitchen Cabinets will attach to.  This will eliminate any guess work and possible water leaks from misplaced screws while attaching the Kitchen Cabinets!
Take a Picture and Make a Drawing of the Wall that the Future Kitchen Cabinets will attach to.  This will eliminate any guess work and possible water leaks from misplaced screws while attaching the Kitchen Cabinets!
-Brought to you by Scotty-Scotts Contracting-
 This Construction Tip was brought to you by Scotty-Scotts Contracting, St Louis  Renewable Energy

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotty for any Home Improvement Projects or Energy Reducing Needs and Scotty, Scotts Contracting will respond ASAP. Company Web Address: http://www.stlouisrenewableenergy.com


Interior Framing-Plumbing-Benton Rehab Green Blog Series

Part 10: Interior Wall Framing, Plumbing, Laundry Room Exhaust Vent and Plumbing-Benton Park Gut Rehab Green Blog Series

 The below CAD drawing was the Basic Plan going into the Rehab Project.

Benton CAD Floor Plan by Scotty,Scotts Contracting
Benton CAD Floor Plan by Scotty,Scotts Contracting

Neither the Building Owner or Myself like to have Return Air Ducts Located on the Floor (where they suck or pull in more Dirt and Debris).  The HVAC Return Air Vents were instead installed 6 ft off the floor.   

Installing New HVAC Return Air Ducts in the Wall
Installing New HVAC Ducts in the Wall

This is a very Important Wall.  It not only will support the Kitchen Cabinets.  It contains the Plumbing Stack for the 2nd Floor Kitchen as well as the First Floor Kitchen Area.  This wall was constructed using a double 2x4 wall with the studs running parallel with the wall plates.  This allowed for Plenty of Clearance for the Plumbing on both the First and Second Floor.

Hint: See Next Blog Post about Why this Picture is so Important

 The plumbing for this project was done by: Master Plumber St Louis and I highly recamend their Services for your plumbing needs.

Double 2x4 Plumbing Stack Wall

The photo below is the only photo I have of the future Laundry Room.  This was added the day the Master Plumber St Louis showed up at the Job Site.  All though this was a change order (email the Pros at Master Plumber StL) they handled the addition of the Laundry Room for this floor and the 2nd Floor.  Giving the Investment Property Apartments Updated Amenities- Which increases the both the Rental Value and the Investment Property Portfolio.

In the Photo below we have 2nd Floor Laundry Room, 2nd Floor Hot and Cold Pex Water Lines for the Laundry Room,and the 1st and 2nd Floor Dryer Vent Exhaust.  Quarters were a little cramped but everything was able to fit snugly into the allocated space.
Above the 1st Floor Laundry Room Ceiling-


Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotty for any Home Improvement Projects or Energy Reducing Needs and Scotty, Scotts Contracting will respond ASAP. Company Web Address: http://www.stlouisrenewableenergy.com

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