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Showing posts with label Back Yard Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Back Yard Garden. Show all posts


Free Seed Giveaway Prizehead Lettuce

Seems like just a few weeks ago I was watching the lettuce sprout.
2017 garden photos
Prize Head Lettuce Plant Date April 9, 2017
August 2, 2017 Video of Bee Pollinating the Prize Head Lettuce
Natural Pollination Prizehead Lettuce August 2017
Bee Pollinating Prizehead Lettuce August 2017
 Prizehead Lettuce Growing Experience-

After watching the video I tried out the technique and found it worked!

Prizehead Lettuce Seed Harvest 2017
Prizehead Lettuce Seed 1st Harvest 2017

I made a couple of folds of seed saved from the early bloomers and have been waiting for the Mother-Lode seed giveaway.

Motherlode Seed Giveaway- Thousands of Prizehead Lettuce Seeds 2017
thousands of freshly harvested Prizehead Lettuce Seeds
Prizehead Lettuce Motherlode Seed Giveaway
Date of Giveaway will start soon, I will clean and prep the seeds for mid-summer planting allowing plenty of time for fall/ pre-winter fresh lettuce harvest.

Stay Tuned or feel free to watch for postings on the following social media sites.
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Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.


What are you growing in your garden this year ?

2017 Garden Plot and Flower Planting 

Its been so warm in StLouis the past few weeks I went ahead and started some garden work.  3 kinds of lettuce were started as well as a few sweet carrots.

2017 Early Spring Planting Garden Photo 3x Lettuce 1 carrot
2017 Early Spring Planting Garden Photo 3x Lettuce 1 carrot
Scotty's Tidbits on Tumblr

I don’t trust Big Business and the poison they peddle in the grocery store. Today I started some cool weather plants and sowed 3 types of Lettuce and Sweet Carrots.
I couldn’t wait any longer to get the garden started. Its too early to be truthful. I’m sure I’ll have to protect the future plants from frosts that I know are the norm in the Midwest this time of year.
I felt it mandatory to start protecting numero'uno and make sure at least my diet is clean as can be.

Big Business is poisoning the food, poisoning the water, poisoning the air....
You’ve been warned protect yourself. 

Garden seeds are cheap and working with dirt for some reason will make a body feel good!
Image result for tumblr image logo freeshare
Scotty's Tidbits on Tumblr
as posted on 

The following flower planting Facebook Photo was done in the strip next to the fence.

I've also planted flowers, trees, and grass in a few more spots around the yard.  I will be posting progress photos and additional pictures of the 2017 Gardens and Flowers in the near future.

Growing your own food is the greatest thing you can do to ensure the good health of you and your family.  It will also save you $$$.

Cheers, Scotty 3/15/17

Mar 2017 Additional Gardening Photos

 Grass Seed after plumbing dig and repair

Lilac Bush

Flowering Cherry Tree

Bumblebees Love these Blue Flowers #BeeFriendly
Bumblebees Love these Blue Flowers 

Light Mulch with Grass Seed Yard View Scotts Contracting
Grass Seed and Light Mulch Yard View

Grass Seed with Light Mulch Street View Scotts Contracting
Grass Seed Light Mulch Street View

Grass Seed Prep after Plumbing Front Yard Repair Scotts Contracting
Grass Seed Prep 

small valleys, swale, and hills as natural water diverters Design by Scotts Contracting
small valleys, swale, and hills as natural water diverters

Gentle Slope Front Yard  Aesthetics install by Scotts Contracting
Gentle Slope Front Yard  Aesthetics

Easter Sunday Surprise First Rose Flower of the Year is Shaped Like a Butterfly 

Here are additional Easter Sunday photos of the "literal babies"
Wild Flower Sprouts in Wooden Baby Bed Rocker StLouis Yard Ornament
Wild Flower Sprouts in Wooden Baby Bed Rocker StLouis Yard Ornament
1st Rose of Year shaped like a Butterfly Bloomed Easter Sunday
1st Rose of Year shaped like a Butterfly Bloomed Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday Surprise Rose Bloom

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.


Who owns the Veggie-Grower or Neighbor?

When a Veggie grows on the Neighbors side of the Fence.  Who owns the Veggie? Grower or Neighbor?

Gourd Growing On Chain Link Fence Neighbors Side-Whose Property?
Join the Discussion: When a Veggie grows on the Neighbors side of the Fence.  Who owns the Veggie? Grower or Neighbor?

This innocent sounding question has turned into quite the discussion.  Feel free to lend your thoughts who the Rightful Owner of the treasured Veggie is.  Follow and comment on the discussion at twitter, facebook, or g+. #GourdHumor

As Posted in Gardening Club:

Interesting development in our backyard garden this year. 

Who owns the vegetable when it grows on the Neighbors side of the fence?  Grower or Neighbor? 

#Gardening #Fence #PropertyRights  


Gideon Brontë
2:52 PM
neighbour owns it I'm guessing in the same way if a tree on your property falls into the neighbours yard, the neighbour is responsible for taking care of the damage

Scotts Contracting
3:08 PM
thanks for your input.  I'm curious as to what other people will say.  [This is not a big issue or are the parties in a fight over the veggie.]  My girl+sharon wendel  and I have been discussing it.

 I'm staying impartial on the subject but lean to the #Neighors owning it.

The women of the house say its their veggie.


Herb Graybill
3:29 PM
Whoever "grew" it would preferably be giving the fruit of their abundance away in a loving way to that very same neighbor.
The plant is doing that before you get around to it.

I just hope they don't consider our plants as Invasive. I agree with giving it away!

My experience. Growing up on ranch. Didn't matter whose tree fell on fence. Clear tree. Rebuild fence- so the Cows don't get out!

Who do you think the Rightful owner of the Vegie is? 

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference. Build a Green StLouis Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Join Me 5th Annual StLouis Garlic Fest

This is the fifth annual event which celebrates the Garlic harvest locally and everywhere !

St Louis Garlic Fest

Come Celebrate the Harvest 

Sat Jun 21 Carondelet Park,

3900 Holly Hills Drive 9am-7pm

StLouis Garlic Fest-Come Celebrate the Harvest Sat Jun 21 Carondelet Park, 3900 Holly Hills Drive 9am-7pm
StLouis Garlic Fest-Come Celebrate the Harvest Sat Jun 21 Carondelet Park, 3900 Holly Hills Drive 9am-7pm


9:00 am~ Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Blessing by Hraelsvelg Odinsson and Announcements (Main Gazebo)
10:00 am~ 11:30 Classic rock sounds of SKY-CHAINED (Main Gazebo)
10:00- 11:00 The history of garlic, commercial garlic storage and how to sell garlic to CSA’s and restaurants w/Garlic Mark (Workshop area 1 front left of boathouse)
10:00- 5:00 DIY Kids Craft area will be up and running all day. ( In the boathouse)
11:00-12:00 The Kratky Method to hydroponic growing by Hraelsvelg Odinsson (Workshop area1)
12:00- 1:00 Cooking with Garlic and Chef Jen (Left side of Boathouse)
1:00 – 2:00 Brian Greenway (Main Gazebo)
1:00 Kids relay games (workshop area 2 front right of the boathouse)
1:00- 2:00 Recovered Heirloom garlic / Mark (Workshop area 1 front left of boathouse)
2:00-2:30 Heritage Chickens for the homestead w/Diane
3:00- 4:00 Cooking with Garlic and Chef Jen (Left side of Boathouse)
3:30- 5:00 Raw Earth (Main Gazebo)
4:00- 4:30 Self-defense for all ages, courtesy of Black Dragon Kung Fu, Prof. Ike Bear and Jason Apollo (workshop area 2 front right of the boathouse)
5:30 Garlic Eating contest, raffle drawing, must be present to win. (Main Gazebo)
6:00- 7:00 encore performance Sky-Chained (Main Gazebo)
7:00- 10:00~ Drumming by the lake, bring your drums, tambourines, hula hoops and let’s celebrate another great Garlic Fest! (Lake side)
Throughout the day enjoy the mind melting sounds of Jeff Schaffer

*All workshops are subject to change or adding of more at any time. This list was updated on June 11th*

 This years festival will be held again in Carondelet Park. 

CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE FOR FUTURE INFO AND THE VENDORS FORM AT http://www.gatewaygarlic.com/ and Like us on Facebook athttps://www.facebook.com/Gatewaygarlicfest

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference. Build a Green StLouis Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Our StLouis Flower Garden 2013

Since learning about the decline in the Bee and Butterfly Populations in the past few years we have decided that anything that could be done to help the much needed Pollination Services that these insects provide is not only helping to create a beautiful garden but also has the added benefit of helping the USA farmers- that grow the food that we need for the USA.

We decided to add some color to our yard and property this year by Starting the following seeds in our Mini Indoor Greenhouse Facebook Page.  You will notice that all of the majority of the plants are: Butterfly and Bee Friendly.

My Nature Loving Friends at Karmik Korner at 3131 Morgan Ford, StLouis MO also have in stock Butterfly Houses if you would like to help protect the much needed Butterfly Populations.

  1. TROPICAL BIRD OF PARADISE Mallowwort Mallow


  1. CARDINAL CLIMBER VINE Red Flower Ipomea Quamoclit


    Himalayan Tibetian GOJI BERRY

  1. Cosmos

  1. Babys Breath

  1. Rainbow Rose

Web Link for the Indoor Seed Starting Station-See how the plants are growing at my girls facebook page

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