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Showing posts with label CSP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CSP. Show all posts


CSP Design with Heat Recovery Unit-Designed by Scotts Contracting

UPDATE:  Concentrated Solar Power Design with Added Heat Recovery Unit-

  • CSP-CAD Diagram designed by Scotty, Scotts Contracting-St Louis Renewable Energy Nov 1, 2011

Updated Concentrated Solar Power Photovoltaic Design with Added
Automatic Heat Recovery Unit for Dual Energy Savings
This is an update on the CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) design with Heat Recovery Unit for added energy savings.

Design Features:

  • Parabolic Trough Focuses the Suns Rays onto the Receiver
  • Photovoltaic Receiver creates Electricity and 
  • Energy via the Automatic Heat Recovery Unit
  • Many of the CSP designs on the Market today "create steam to generate electricity".  This design will create electricity efficiently via Photo-voltaic Cells in the receiver; thus eliminating the need for Steam Engines.  It also generates heat to be used in the Heat Recovery Unit (twice as much usable energy for today's home and business).
  • Heat Recovery Unit incorporates a automatic air handler set by thermostat for transferring climatically controlled air movement.
  • This design works exceptionally well during the winter time when the suns radiation is at it lowest radiation level-the loss of energy is minimized by the Heat Recovery Unit.   
  • Concentrated Solar Power will soon be available for non-desert regions and easily adaptable for any region. 
  • System allows for the'Receiver' to easily upgrade to new and developing Photovoltaic Cells for increased electrical output

Seeking Assistance to further Develop this CSP Design2.  Please use the Contact Form> for additional info and Scotty, Scotts Contracting will reply ASAP.


CSP Business Proposal

Business Proposal1

CSP-Design will enable every homeowner an option for Inexpensive Photovoltaic System for their Home or Business. 

In many of the calls from people who desire a solar photovoltaic system for their property I have found that the biggest hurdles to overcome are:

  • Total Costs of the System (Thousands of dollars that do not produce as reasonable return on the investment that is under 15 years) and or

  • Their Property Lacks the Area Needed (Total square footage of roof space) to install a field of solar panels that are needed to generate the required electricity to supply the needs of their building.

The CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) design I have been engineering and designing will overcome both of these hurdles and can be adapted for any roofing system and ground mount capabilities.

This Business Proposal is open to: People, Groups, and Organizations who are not affiliated with the following industries: fossil fuels or nuclear.

I am not trying to re-invent2 the wheel with my design and plan to adapt and use various individual components from the leaders in the photovoltaic industry that are currently on the market today.

To make this invention a viable solution and bring the product to market. I am seeking investors who are interested in assisting me with this project. To include:
  1. Monetary donations
  2. Copyright and assistance in establishing a corporation.
  3. Engineering assistance to fine tune the CSP design that will include real-world stats on the electrical output that is generated from the CSP system.
  4. Manufacturing assistance once the final design is configured.

At this stage in building the promotional model. I am relatively confident that I can build the system between $400.00-$1,000.00 and it will supply the same electrical output of a a system that uses 3-4 solar panels. This is a savings of 66% when compared to the costs of current solar panels on the market today.

I am still working out the percentages of income that investors are entitled to, and am not seeking monetary donations at this time. If you would like to learn more about the offering use scottscontracting@gmail.com and I will return any inquires for this offering.

View the Confidentiality Agreement

1Initial Exploratory Public Offering For CSP Design-4/17/2011 This heading was changed- to Business Proposal 4/22/11- I do not own a publicly traded company.

2Archimedes was the first Concentrated Solar Designer and many companies and individuals have improved upon these principles


Exploratory Public Offering For CSP Design

Design will enable every homeowner an option for Inexpensive Photovoltaic System for their Home or Business. 

Initial Exploratory Public Offering For CSP Design-4/17/2011 Has been re-named to: Business Proposal 

[I do not own a publicly traded Company.4/22/2011]

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