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Showing posts with label Architectural Arches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Architectural Arches. Show all posts


Arched Window Symmetry Exterior

The symmetry of the Arched Window Install received a unplanned and gladly accepted Exterior Upgrade and future green-space opportunity.

Now the decision on what kind and types of plants, shrubs, and or small trees should be added!  Hopefully Pepes Plants will have a suggestion!

This last addition to the Covid Office Makeover was yet: Job Site Leftover saved from the Landfill!

The opportunity to add color via greenery and flowers is going to provide a splash of color upgrade and a pleasing astetic value that has a monetary value that can't be measured in dollars and cents. A welcome addition to the property.


Missouri State Capital Building Pictures

These are the pictures I took of the Missouri State Capital Building while I was waiting on the SB830 Committee Meeting to get started.  For those that have yet to make it to the Capital.  Viewing the Architecture and Construction of the Capital Building is worth the stroll around the grounds.
Jefferson City State Capital Building
Jefferson City State Capital Building

Front Entrance to the Capital Building.  The Pillars and Statues are immense!
Front Entrance to the Capital Building The Pillars and Statues are immense!

Inside the Capital they have displays of times gone by
Stage Coaches were one of the first Public transportation systems
one of the first Public transportation systems

The remaining pictures are of the interior artwork of the Capital Building in all its grandeur!

Around the Central Hall of the Building they have Murals that reflect the lives and occupations of the Residents of Missouri.  Every walk of life is represented in a Mural.  Showing the Diversity of our Great State!
Pioneer Mother Mural
Pioneer Mother Mural

A Facteur-

Mural Native Americans the First Missouri Inhabitants
Aboriginals-Native Americans

Mural Early Builders of Missouri

Machinist Mural at Capital Building

Mural Miners of early Missouri

Scientist Mural at Jefferson City Capital Building

Early Riverboat Pilot Mural
River Pilot

Cattleman Mural Early Missouri Ranchers
The Cattleman

Railroad Builder Mural at Jefferson City Capital Building
Railroad Builder

Freighter Mural
The Freighter

The Great Hall and its Arch
My Eco Friendly Trip to the Capital
Here is a copy of the speech notes and actual presentation notes I gave to the Missouri Legislative Ways and Means Committee Members in support of the HB830 Industrial Hemp Bill working through MoLeg. - See more at: http://blog.stlouisrenewableenergy.com/search/label/hemp%20moleg#sthash.LWFyKCXe.dpuf

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone. Build a Green StLouis Green Building Tips and Resources via: Scotty- St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Importance of Keystone,Springers,Voussoirs-Architectural Arches StLouis Brick Building

Keystone (architecture)

Decorative Lion Head Keystone-image courtesy Wikipedia
Decorative Lion Head Keystone

Location of Keystone-Architectural Arch-Photo Courtesy Wikipedia
Location of Keystone-Architectural Arch

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 

keystone is the wedge-shaped stone piece 

at the apex of a masonry vault or arch, which 

is the final piece placed during construction 

and locks all the stones into position, allowing 

the arch to bear weight. 

Although a masonry arch or vault cannot be 

self-supporting until the keystone is placed, 

the keystone experiences the least stress 

of any of the voussoirs

due to its position at the apex.

Keystone, Springers, Voussoirs StLouis Brick Building
Keystone, Springers, Voussoirs StLouis Brick Building


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

voussoir (pronounced /vuˈswÉ‘r/) is a wedge-shaped element, 
typically a stone, used in building an arch or vault.
Although each unit in an arch or vault is a voussoir, 
two units are of distinct functional importance: 
the keystone and the springer. 

  • The keystone is the center stone or masonry unit 
            at the apex of an arch. 

  • The springer is the lowermost voussoir, 

located where the curve of the arch springs from the 
vertical support or abutment of the wall or pier.

The word is a mason's term borrowed in Middle English from 
French verbs connoting a "turn" (OED). Each wedge-shaped 
voussoir turns aside the thrust of the mass above, transferring 
it from stone to stone to the springer's bottom face ('impost'), 
which is horizontal and passes the thrust on to the supports. 

Voussoir arches distribute weight efficiently and take maximum 
advantage of the compressive strength of stone, as in an arch bridge.
In Eastern Romanesque and Arab architecture the voussoirs are 
often in alternating colors, usually red and white.

During the 18th and 19th centuries British bricklayers became 
aware that by thickening the vertical mortar joint between regularly 
shaped bricks from bottom to top they could construct an elliptical 
arch of useful strength over either a standard 'former' or over 
specially constructed timber false work, (work to be removed following 
the construction of the prime). The bricks used in such an arch 
are often referred to as 'voussoirs'.

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