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Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts


My Number 1 Reason the USA needs more Solar Energy

copied from G+ post comments: The points I will make are the reasons that matter to me and not necessarily the points that other Clean Energy Pros might give as their first reasons on "why to have solar panels on your home".  Starting with my Number 1 Reason the USA needs more renewable energy.

Reducing and Eliminating Wars over Oil--In a recent blog post I'm sick and tired of my Brothers and Sisters being hurt or killed for OIL  I touched on the Army Soldiers positive attitude and how the Medical Professionals treatment is enabling the Soldier to have as normal of life as possible after a road side bomb caused both his arms and legs to be amputated.  Both the Army Soldier and Medical Team deserve props!

Everyone knows; but, few will admit- the Republican Warmongers (in addition to #HillaryClinton (added 7/2/16)) with their Republican Lies started the fights in the Middle East over  under the guise of searching for Weapons of Mass Destruction.   These wars over oil have and are costing $millions$ of dollars-billed to we the taxpayers.  

--Maybe the Military can put a price tag on payouts to dead soldiers families but I can't put a price tag on the value that the loss of life brings from loosing a family member.  Money will not and cannot replace the loss of a loved one.

--What really chaps my ass is the new law where the Republican led Congress-Government, who put these soldiers in harms way is now abandoning the injured soldiers by cutting their Postwar Benefits.  They may have helped the Soldier mentioned above but how many are they abandoning (IMO they helped this Soldier as an experiment of sorts when you read between the lines sure they want to help him-but the greedy medical companies are doing it for future profits.)  

They throw the Soldiers into battle then fail to help them when they get home.  The Soldiers have emotional scars as well as physical scars.  Many of the Soldiers who come home can't find work and when you can't find work or a job a person tends to dwell on the situation and its hopelessness.  This is what I feel is the main reason behind all the Military Suicides.  I can lend a little credibility to this fact from observing my own actions-when I'm working I don't have time to dwell on life's problems-I have to pay attention to what I'm working on.  Then somehow my mind subconsciously figures out, mends, solves, or comes up with a solution and way of dealing with the problem or issue.

This subject is one of the hardest subjects for me to write or talk about.  I care.  I care what happens to my Brothers and Sisters of America.  I want whats best for us all and I'll say it again:

I'm sick and tired of my brothers and sisters

 being hurt and killed for OIL. To all the Soldiers

 that were injured and died in Wars Over Oil I'm

 truly sorry that our Government efforts led by

Republican Lies by Republican WarMongers

put you in this situation.

How many  just preached we need to go to war against #Russia over their issues with  in .  Does this sound familiar to anyone?  

For everyone who says I'm a peace sympathizer or whatever. I joined the US Army Long ago to fight in what I thought was going to be a showdown with Iran during the Iran-Contra Affair.  
Yeah I was young and dumb and thought the USA was always right.  

end part 1.

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference. Build a Green StLouis Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Sick and Tired of my Brothers and Sisters being hurt or killed for OIL

To all the Soldiers that were injured and died in #WarsOverOil I'm truly sorry that our Government efforts led by #RepublicanLies by #RepublicanWarMongers put you in this situation.   

US Soldiers saving fellow soldier in battle over OIL
photo copied from fellow Blogger 
Did anyone else see the#lateshowwithdavidletterman last night 3/3/14  with the #Army #Soldier ?  If you didn't see the show here is the You Tube Video

 Props to the Medical Team and the Soldiers positive attitude.

Here is a Youtube video of the interview with David Leterman

Edited and copied from G+ post: now that I'm back on my comp I'll add a little more to what I felt was one of the best interviews of the past few months.  This Soldier was injured when a roadside bomb exploded by the truck he was in- and his arms and legs were amputated because of the damage.

It was reported that those Kick-Ass doctors performed double arm reattachment from Donor supplied body parts.  Though the #USARMY Soldier was in a wheel chair during the show, they have been working with him to fit him with some new legs and in a few months they expect him to be going about New York on foot and not needing the wheel chair!

I'll be honest this #WarHero has a better attitude than I do.  I don't know if I could have kept the positive attitude after loosing my arms and legs. During the commercial I commented to my girl that his ordeal was what #Metalica wrote and sang about years ago with the Hit Song ONE.    Luckily and thankfully Medical Science is helping him and others that were injured fighting a #WarOverOil in a land far away.

I'd like to point out that the USA has the know-how and technology to limit and reduce the amount of Oil we consume and are forced to buy from the Middle East.  I feel this is a step in limiting the resources that these Countries have and are using to kill and hurt the American Soldiers.  

To put it simply: Limiting the cash flow will lessen the amount of $$$ they can spend fighting and if the USA is not dependent upon foreign oil we will become a sustainable nation once again .

To all the Soldiers that were injured in #WarsOverOil--I'm truly sorry that our Government efforts led by #RepublicanLies by #RepublicanWarMongers put you in this situation.   
I'm sick and tired of my brothers and sisters being hurt and killed for OIL.To all the Soldiers that were injured and died in #WarsOverOil I'm truly sorry that our Government efforts led by #republicanlies by #RepublicanWarMongers put you in this situation

For everyone who says I'm a peace sympathizer or whatever. I joined the Army Long ago to fight in what I thought was going to be a showdown with Iran during the Iran-Contra Affair.   Yeah I was young & dumb and thought the USA was always right.  

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference. Build a Green StLouis Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Voters are Responsible for Shutdown~Lesson Learned~BlameGame

Yes I said and do mean that.  The Tea Party and their fellow GOP cronies were elected by the People.  So I point the finger in the blame game back at 'We the People' the Voting Public for electing these clowns into office.

I will admit that when I first learned about the Tea Party. I believed they were making a few valid points.  Though it was not enough for me to contribute $Money$ to support their political endeavors.  Some of the info was at least worth looking into.

Like any informed Voter studying the Issues that are affecting the USA and its Interests.  I want the facts-not the hype from the Media Networks.  I learned long ago when I started studying the effects of Climate Change that it was the Humans Fault. (IPCC-The IPCC report shows the Man Made CO2 is creating warming temperatures Worldwide )

I've written many green blog posts on Climate Change and the Causes and never understood why more efforts to end wars over Oil, Clean Energy Jobs, and protecting America's Greatest asset "We The People" were not adopted and enacted by our Elected Officials.

I had to know why wouldn't any elected official who campaigns on what's best for the American Public and then FAIL to:create and enact laws and regulations to support the endeavor.  To understand and research this topic I luckily found the websites: Open Secrets and Follow the Money.

I had the Ah-hah Moment

I honestly couldn't believe the amount of money Big Business and the Oil Industry was giving to our Elected Officials.  And when I look at the Government Shutdown created by the GOP and the Tea Party Members.  I realized these are the same people who are taking the most money from the Fossil Fuel Industry.

Coincidence or Fact learn for yourself from the people at: Open Secrets and Follow the Money.

I rest my case.

Scotts Contracting, StLouis Renewable Energy

Roy Blunt Missouri Senator is a perfect example of Big Business and Dirty Energy Money in Politics
Roy Blunt Missouri Senator is a perfect example of Big Business and Dirty Energy Money in Politics
Roy Blunt Missouri Senator is a perfect example of Big Business and Dirty Energy Money in Politics

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Res 37 Toxic Air Bill by Sen J.Inhofe

I am writing you today in vehement opposition to the toxic air bill offered by Senator James Inhofe, S.J. Res 37.

The Online Petition I signed via the Environment Defense Action Fund is listed to follow and emailed to Sen R.Blunt and Sen C.McCaskill.

  • My notes to Dirty Oil Roy Blunt are at the bottom of the Post.

This bill would use the obscure Congressional Review Act to block EPA's new emission standards for hazardous mercury and other toxic air pollution from coal- and oil-fired power plants. If enacted, this bill would also forever prohibit the EPA from adopting substantially similar clean air standards in the future.

These standards, which the 1990 Clean Air Act specifically authorizes, have been in the works for more than two decades. They will prevent up to 11,000 premature deaths every year and protect our kids from dangerous exposure to toxic mercury pollution, which can cause brain damage in infants and young children.

They will also save the American economy tens of billions of dollars in avoided health costs while likely leading to the creation of 117,000 jobs installing pollution control technologies between now and 2015.

Last year, more than 800,000 Americans submitted public comments in support of this rule. But now, a few of America's largest corporate utilities have launched an aggressive campaign to block these standards. And Sen. Inhofe's toxic air bill would do just that.

Please stand up for the health and safety of our kids and communities and reject the Inhofe bill.

Please take action today. Help us stop the Inhofe toxic air bill, which would wipe the EPA's life-saving Mercury and Air Toxics Standards off the books and punch a huge hole through our clean air protections.

My Notes:

Mr Blunt in an email I received yesterday from you.  You wrote:
"Job creators in Missouri tell me that overreaching new regulations coming out of the Environmental Protection Agency are one of the biggest obstacles to getting our economy back on track.  Regulations like these threaten to make the cost of electric power skyrocket for most Americans and will sack families and workers with new costs, reducing their disposal income and ultimately threatening their standard of living."  

I'd like to point out the simple fact that-
"All the jobs in the world won't help when Pollution kills the world."  

As you know here in St Louis- Ameren UE (Union Electric) uses Coal for producing our Electricity.  This pollution from Coal Fired Power Plants is a leading cause of Asthma and Cancer.  WebMD just reported last week that St Louis is Number 7 on the list  of leading cities with Asthma Problems.
"The study also points out that recent statistics indicate asthma causes more than 3,300 deaths annually in the U.S. and is a factor in another 7,000."  
It  would seem to me the more healthy people there are working equals more people paying taxes- ie: Income for the US Government.

If you are serious about creating jobs consider this: Energy Efficiency and Renewable "Non Polluting" Energy.

Steve Kidwell, Ameren Missouri Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, said:

"If we went after the potential that we've seen in our own study,  we wouldn't have to build another power plant for 20 years, and we could retire Meramec, and we'd be OK.  But we'd lose  $30 million a year. And we just can't do that. It's that simple."
 (This was a St Louis Post Dispatch Article that talked about making homes energy efficient through weatherization.)

On another note about Energy Efficiency and Nuclear Energy- I'd like to share this info:
"For 1/2 the cost of replacing one nuclear power plant, we can retrofit 1,600,000 homes for "Energy Efficiency" and create 220,000 new jobs- which is 90 times more jobs than you'd get from a power plant replacement."  
ie: how much taxes that are needed for the USA would come from the 220,000 employees?

So basically I'm asking you to do the right thing and leave the EPA alone as the USA is making strides to curb its energy use which reduces the Pollutants in the Air, Land, and Water.

Through the various reporting agencies on Political Contributions. (1 & 2) I know you receive the bulk of your money from Big Oil, Big Coal, and Big Business.  In the future who will be left to buy their products if the population is killed off from Fossil Fuel Pollution.  I'm not even going to mention the fact that we can reduce our reliance on Foreign Oil (which is the root cause of the ongoing wars in the Middle East.  ie: if they don't have any money they cant fight us).

Thank you, looking forward to your Reply.


Help us stop the Inhofe toxic air bill, which would wipe the EPA's life-saving Mercury and Air Toxics Standards off the books and punch a huge hole through our clean air protections.

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotty for any Home Improvement Projects or Energy Reducing Needs and Scotty, Scotts Contracting will respond ASAP. Company Web Address: http://www.stlouisrenewableenergy.com


America First before Politics

America First before Politics

While listening to the Interview by FAREED ZAKARIA who was interviewing Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles.  I was pleasantly suprised that Simpson had the guts to put America First before Politics. (emphasis added by Scotty)

At the start of the Interview he got my full attention when he called himself a "R.I.N.O. ...which means a Republican in name only because I guess of social views perhaps or common sense would be another one which seems to escape members of our party". (Its a great lesson for all of the Republicans in Office).

I admired Mr Simpsons- frankness in why the Republicans and Democrats are causing the turmoil that is hampering the rebound of the US economy .  I especially appreciated his direct comment on Re-Election when he said:

" if (Re-Election)..." means more to you than your country when we need patriots to come out in a situation when we're in extremity, you shouldn't even be in Congress.
He continues on to discuss the economy and progress needed to ensure continued growth.  
You can't cut spending your way out of this hole. You can't grow your way out of this hole and you can't tax your way out of this hole "Put that in your pipe and smoke it,"
To  bring about the progress that is needed to fix our economy while lowering our US Debt all Parties must be involved in solutions and learn how compromise is not always a bad thing.
"if you want to be in politics, you learn to compromise and you learn to compromise an issue without compromising yourself.

Show me a guy who won't compromise and I'll show you a guy with rock for brains."
Truelly pointing out that the lack of Partinanship is not helping the economy.

Mr Erskine Bowles then went on with the interview and pointed out his thoughts on where the economy was headed

If we have a negative effect of 2 percent of GDP, we'll be right back in recession and you better believe that the people of America will be calling on these members of Congress to do something.

So we think something will happen in the lame duck session. We believe it'll probably be a two-step process where we end up setting up a framework with a time-frame in order to get something done. ZAKARIA: Boy, that's pretty optimistic.

Lame Duck Session? What are they talking about.  We need Compromises ASAP.  What happened to the American Way of:

Everybody pitching in to do their part for the benefit of all?

Granted we Americans are a tuff nut and can handle anything thrown our way.  But what in the hell is wrong with our Elected Officials when they have to go behind the scenes and enact legislation during "Lame Duck Sessions".   

  • Do we really need to wait 6 blessed months for progress?   

  • Further Example of how the GOP is truely "Out of Touch" with Mainstream America.

If you too are tired of the Politics of the USA.  

Join me in voting a Democratic Ticket in the upcoming election.

My Best to You and Yours,

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Article transcripts to follow- supplied by CNN from the following listed web sites.

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FAREED ZAKARIA GPSInterview with Alan Simpson, Erskine Bowles; Panel Discusses Presidential Politics
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/2012.05.27.html http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1205/27/fzgps.01.htmlIn 2010, President Obama challenged the bipartisan duo to chair a commission to develop policies to bring America back to fiscal sustainability and they did. Many powerful Washingtonians on both sides of the fence applauded the proposal from the two chairs, but nobody ever did anything about it and this week, the dangerous carping over the debt limit began anew.
  1. Who better to talk about this than Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles who are joining me now from North Carolina?
  1. Thank you so much for joining me, folks.
  1. Senator Simpson, you've seen what's been going on these last few months. The House actually voted on the Simpson-Bowles proposal and it went down decisively.
  1. Paul Ryan, the leader of the House on fiscal issues, I suppose, said that Simpson-Bowles was the wrong way to go because there weren't enough spending cuts and there were too many tax increases.
  1. What was your reaction? That's your party.
  1. SIMPSON: Well, I think my party and I have different views on a lot of things. I guess I'm known as a "
  2. rhino" now, which means a Republican in name only because I guess of social views perhaps or common sense would be another one which seems to escape members of our party.
  1. Abortion is a horrible thing, but, for heaven's sakes, a deeply intimate and personal decision and men legislators shouldn't even vote on it. Gay-lesbian issues, we're all human beings. We're all God's children. What is that?
  1. And for heaven's sakes, you have Grover Norquist wandering the Earth in his white robes saying that if you raise taxes one penny, he'll defeat you. He can't murder you, he can't burn your house, the only thing he can do to you, as an elected official, is defeat you for reelection.
  1. And
  2. if that means more to you than your country when we need patriots to come out in a situation when we're in extremity, you shouldn't even be in Congress.
  1. ZAKARIA: But talk about Ryan particularly, because what I'm struck by is the Simpson-Bowles plan calls for an awful lot of spending cuts and, yet, those weren't enough.
  1. SIMPSON: Well, Erskine can tell you we don't call for --
  2. You can't cut spending your way out of this hole. You can't grow your way out of this hole and you can't tax your way out of this hole "Put that in your pipe and smoke it," we tell these people.
  1. This is madness. If you want to be a purest, go somewhere on a mountain top and praise the east or something, but
  2. if you want to be in politics, you learn to compromise and you learn to compromise an issue without compromising yourself. Show me a guy who won't compromise and I'll show you a guy with rock for brains.
  1. ZAKARIA: Erskine, you're hopeful. You think that some of the ideas gaining fraction and, you know, there's a kind of inevitability if you're going to do this, there has to be some approach that's pretty close to what you're describing.
  1. BOWLES: Fareed, I believe the markets will force us to. I've spent my life in the markets, as you know, and look at what's happening at the end of the year.
  1. We have about $7 trillion worth of economic events that are happening. We have expiration of the Bush tax cuts, we have the patch that's been placed on the alternative minimum tax that'll affect so many middle-class taxpayers, we have the payroll tax deduction that's expiring.
  1. We have these senseless, mindless, across-the-board cuts that come from the sequester that comes as a result of a failed super committee. You know, all of those are hitting at once and the economic effect of those just next year, about 2 percent of GDP.
  1. If we have a negative effect of 2 percent of GDP, we'll be right back in recession and you better believe that the people of America will be calling on these members of Congress to do something.
  1. So
  2. we think something will happen in the lame duck session. We believe it'll probably be a two-step process where we end up setting up a framework with a time-frame in order to get something done.
  1. ZAKARIA: Boy,
  2. that's pretty optimistic.
  1. BOWLES: And don't forget it doesn't have to be exactly what the Simpson-Bowles plan has, but it's got to be a balanced plan. You've got to have some small amount of revenue that comes from reforming the tax code and there's broad agreement that the tax code needs to be reformed.
  1. So I believe that you will find -- if, in fact, we can get the right kind of momentum going, I think I'll find strong support. We've been working with 47 members of the Senate, an equal number of Republicans and Democrats, the same kind of group in the House of Representatives.
  1. And I believe these -- this group will come together during the lame duck to put forward a plan like this. Now, I don't think the plan itself will be implemented during the lame duck, but I think there will be an agreement that we have to do some kind of balanced plan.
  1. If we don't, then I think you will see the markets really take a really adverse look at the country and I think you'll see us lose another downgrade in our credit and I think you'll see interest rates pop up and, before long, you'll see the availability of credit lessen. So I think we could have a real problem if we don't do something and do something relatively quick.
  1. SIMPSON: And you know who will get hurt the worst in that process when interest rates go up and inflation kicks in, the little guy, the one that everybody on their hind legs talks about, "We're doing this for the little guy, the most vulnerable, the unfortunate." Well, Merry Christmas, those guys are going to get eaten when interest rates and inflation kicks in.
  1. ZAKARIA: Gentlemen, stay with us. When we come back, we're going to ask Senator Simpson and Erskine Bowles what they think of President Obama's leadership on this issue, what they think of Mitt Romney and there'll be a few other things as well.
  1. ZAKARIA: And we are back with Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, the authors of the Simpson-Bowles plan for a rare opportunity to have a conversation.
  1. Senator Simpson, I want to ask you -- I want to ask both of you, but I want to ask you what you think of President Obama's embrace of your plan or lack thereof.
  1. And I'm going to start by asking you -- just bear with me because I talked to him in January, mostly about foreign policy, but I did ask him about Simpson-Bowles. And he probably got -- this got him more agitated than at any point in our conversation.
  1. This is what he said. He said, "I've got to tell you most of the people who say it if you ask them, "What's in Simpson-Bowles," they couldn't tell you. First of all, I did embrace Simpson-Bowles. I'm the one who created the commission. If I hadn't pushed it wouldn't have happened because the Congressional sponsors, including a whole bunch of Republicans, walked away."
  1. "The basic premise of Simpson-Bowles was we have to take balanced approach in which we have spending cuts and we have revenue increases. And although I did not agree with every particular thing that was in it, what I did do is take the framework and present a balanced plan of entitlement changes, discretionary cuts, went ready to make a deal."
  1. "I presented this plan three times to Congress. The core of Simpson-Bowles, the idea of a balanced deficit reduction plan, I have consistently argued for, presented to the American people, presented to Congress."
  1. Is that fair?
  1. SIMPSON: Well, he does get a little testy and we all get a little testy, but the president -- I wouldn't have done this if I didn't regard him as our president. I accept that. He's my president, too. And it's ugly stuff out there.
  1. There's a lot of hatred in the world, hatred toward politicians, hatred toward the president, hatred toward Democrats, hatred toward Republicans, but I can tell you this. If he had embraced our plan, he would have been ripped to shreds.
  1. Erskine can tell you a little more. He visited with him personally alone for an hour-and-a-half, but he would have been ripped by the Democrats saying, "Why you rotten -- you're digging into the precious, precious Medicare."
  1. And the Republicans would have rejected -- if he'd embraced the Republicans, en mass, in the House would have rejected it. So, either way he's going to get hammered so he's playing the waiting game.
  1. ZAKARIA: Erskine, a lot of economic experts say, look, the right solution for the United States right now is obvious, which is you need some stimulus now, particularly given the very low interest rates, the very high levels of unemployment in the construction sector.
  1. The government should spend some money repairing and rebuilding the infrastructure, but that would only be viable and particularly something the markets would celebrate if it was tied to a long-term deficit reduction plan like Simpson-Bowles.
  1. Do you buy that basic idea that if your plan were adopted as a ten-year plan, it actually gives the U.S. government some leeway to make some necessary investments now?
  1. BOWLES: Yes, I truly believe that the only thing standing between the U.S. and sustainable growth is having a sensible, responsible, long-term fiscal plan. I believe if the world believed that we were going to put our fiscal house in order that you would see substantial economic growth in the future.
  1. But, again, I got back to what's happening at the end of this year. We have $7 trillion worth of economic events that are going to hit the fan in December.
  1. And if we don't set up to them -- if we don't stand up for them and we don't do the right thing, if Congress doesn't act, it doesn't put this partisanship aside and doesn't make some compromise, you'll have a negative impact on GDP next year of at least 2 percent. That doesn't make any sense.
  1. ZAKARIA: Alan, what do you make of Mitt Romney? Romney's first ads are out and when he says, on day one what is he going to do and he says he's going to approve the Keystone Pipeline, fine. But then he says and, then, we're going to have tax cuts.
  1. This has, of course, been the, you know, kind of a Republican strategy for a while. Do you think -- given what you're describing, I can't imagine you think day one what a Republican president should do is propose tax cuts?
  1. SIMPSON: Well, I wouldn't have voted for him if I'd have been in Congress. How could you vote for a tax cut when you were doing two wars on the cheap? You had two wars you were fighting. You had things that were -- the government -- all the income from the government was only taking care of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security and you do a tax cut.
  1. Every time there was a surplus and the last time was when this fine gentleman was doing it in '96, you can't get there. But you don't have to do a tax cut, get that out of your gourd. You go into the tax expenditures and start knocking that stuff off and that's where you get your revenue.
  1. BOWLES: Fareed, we have the most inefficient, ineffective, globally anti-competitive tax code that man could dream up and what we need to do is broaden the base, simplify the code, use -- get rid of this spending in the tax code and use about 90 percent of the money to reduce income tax rates for everybody and use about 10 percent of the money to reduce this deficit.
  1. You know if you think about the debt today and the interest on the debt, it's kind of -- you know and put it in relationship to something else, we spend about $230, $240 billion a year on interest on the debt today even at these current low rates.
  1. Fareed, that is more than we're spending today at the Department of Commerce, Energy, Education, Homeland Security, Interior, Justice and State combined. And if we don't do anything, if we just, you know, put our heads in the sand and hope things will get better, we'll be spending over a trillion dollars on interest by the year 2020.
  1. That's a trillion dollars we can't spend on this country on education or infrastructure or high valued-added research. And worst of all, it's a trillion dollars we will be spending principally in Asia to educate their kids and to build their infrastructure and to do high value-added research over there so that the next new thing is created there and the jobs of the future are there not here. That's crazy.
  1. ZAKARIA: All right, final question. Erskine, there are rumors in Washington that President Obama has asked you whether you would be interested in being the Secretary of Treasury. Do you have a comment?
  1. BOWLES: He hasn't asked me to be Secretary of Treasury for sure.
  1. ZAKARIA: If he were to ask you, would you accept?
  1. BOWLES: No, I'm living in North Carolina and that's where I want to live. I'm the happiest in my whole life, Fareed.
  1. ZAKARIA: Gentlemen, pleasure to have you.
  1. SIMPSON: I would just say we -- all we do, Erskine and I, is math. We don't do Power Points. We don't know charts. We do math, but we don't do BS or mush so join us.
  1. ZAKARIA: Maybe what we should try and get -- and do is for the first time in the history of the republic, have co-Secretaries of the Treasury, one Republican and one Democrat. SIMPSON: Boy, if we could get our hands on that script.
  1. BOWLES: I don't want a job, thank you.
  1. ZAKARIA: Thank you very much, gentlemen.
  1. SIMPSON: Thank you.
  1. BOWLES: Thank you
  2. .

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