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Showing posts with label St Louis. Show all posts


Low Cost Home Water Problem Solution

What a stroke of luck, neighboring Homeowners worked together and solved the water issue that caused both basements to leak.

In the following Diagram is the layout of the water problem area in the Gangway between House A and House B.
Diagram is the layout of the water problem area in the Gangway between House A and House B

Here is the low cost eco friendly water problem solution diagram that solves the water collecting in the Gangway between the two Buildings.
low cost eco friendly water problem solution diagram that solves the water collecting in the Gangway between the two Buildings

French Drain Exit Point- water naturally travels down the drain to the exit point where it flows deeper into the yard and away from the Home’s Foundation eliminating the water from entering into the basement.

Gangway Water Issue and Solution
Submitted May 3, 2016- Offer Expires May 31, 2016 (based on prices of needed materials)
Scotts Contracting St Louis MO


House A initiated inquiry into eliminating water entering basement.  House A has Stone Foundation.  Inquiry with House B also has water infiltration issues in basement with stone foundation and is not opposed to hooking up drain collection point for both homes.


  1. Eliminate the Water Infiltration into Basement for both Homes
  2. Eco Friendly Options Requested
  3. Repurpose and Upcycle Building Materials where possible
  4. Match Existing Building Aesthetics
  5. Affordable

Existing Problem

Sidewalk directs water towards foundation of House A and B instead of directing water away from home and foundation.  Heavy Rain showers cause water to enter into basements further deteriorating the existing mortar in the Stone Foundations.

Solutions and Options

  • Expensive: Remove and Replace Existing Concrete Sidewalk with new concrete and install drainage system
  • Less Expensive: Recover existing Concrete Sidewalk and install drainage system
  • Least Expensive: Reposition and Recover Existing Concrete Sidewalk and install drainage system.

Safety Issues

  1. Water Leads to Mold- If both homes have had water infiltration into the basement Mold growing on Stone Foundations is not uncommon,,.
  2. Before Digging Call Underground Burial Locator Service [ Dig Rite ]
  3. Scotty chose not to utilize House B Roof Drainage Collection Point- If the lateral drainage line in House B ever was blocked- all the water collected on House B Roof in addition to water collected in French Drain Tile System would allow the water to collect and pool between the houses and water would not be diverted away from basements.


  1. Scotty will donate I leftover French Drain Tile from a previous project to use as the water collection and water diverter drain tile-$.
  2. Portions of the Existing Concrete Walk will need replaced.  These chunks of sidewalk after removal could be incorporated into the French Exit Drain Point in Garden Area.


  1. Expensive

  2. Less Expensive

  1. Least Expensive


Additional Information and Links from Document:

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone. -->


St Louis Condo Upgrades

Scotty was called in to finish a job after another contractor dropped the ball on this St Louis Condo Project.

Project List and a short video of work done
  • 2 - Switch Operated Ceiling Fans with Decorative Medallions
  • 1 - 36 in Pocket Door Kit  Laundry Room
  • 2 - 3 Way Hall Lighted Light Switches [Power In at Light]
  • 2 - Hallway Lights
  • 1 - Laundry Room Switch and Light
  • 1 - Condo Door Intercom
  • 1 - Hardwired Smoke Detector

Scotty to the rescue: Picking up the ball after a shady contractor left the Client with unfinished project. Pocket Door Install in Laundry Room, 3 way lighted light switch hallway install, 2 switch operated ceiling fan installs with Decorative Medallion,  Intercom System, Laundry Room Switch, next on the list for the  St Louis Condo Owner is new kitchen sink and faucet.

  3 Way Switch Power In at Light Diagram
3 Way Switch Power In at Light Diagram

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone. Build a Green StLouis Green Building Tips and Resources via: Scotty- St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog;


Gunman meant to shoot the Girl not the Guy

Additional Details on 

Gun Violence hitting close to Home-
StLouis North Side

When writing articles and posts about #Construction ,#energyefficiency , and #homerepairservice   the words and sentences I use seem to automatically jump from my fingers and onto the screen.  I've found that when I'm writing about this sort of  #GunViolenceTragedy  that hit so close to home I have a very, very difficult time.

#May22    Update with additional details I learned yesterday.  It is very disturbing for me to learn that this Incident involving Guns and Violence started via a#Facebook  post.  Working backwards I'm going to share with you what James told me yesterday, 5/21/13-

**At the time of the Suspects arrest on 5/21/13- the#gunman  told the #StLouisPolice  that: "He didn't mean to shoot the Guy, he meant to shoot the Girl".  The Guy who was shot was an innocent bystander who lived next door to the intended Victim.

**The Violence started over a #Facebook  posting between two girls.

**Gunman swore revenge and said he'd be looking for the Girl and then for two days cruised the area searching for the Girl.

**On the day of the shooting the Gunman drove down the street and opened fire, shooting towards the Girls House and mistakenly was shooting up the Houses that were adjacent to the Girls house.

**Victim is at #BarnesHospital , Bullet is lodged in the spine in the neck area, and Doctors are evaluating surgery that would remove the bullet but may leave Victim paralyzed.

**Additional Info on the Victim:  1) He held two jobs at#BuschStadium  and a Hotel chain.  2) Following James (his father) advice who encouraged him to get into the computer business-He moonlighted for Expedia.com as one of the people who brings people the great deals on Airfare and Hotel Stays.  His second job at the Hotel chain he worked in the computer/scheduling/web services IT department.

Over the weekend my Girl +sharon wendel and I will be having a BBQ for the Victims Family and I'll post any additional info about the incident and the status of the Victim. 


Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotts Contracting- St Louis Home Improvement Projects and Energy Reducing Needs Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Tuckpointing Stage2 Benton Project Warehouse Walls

Tuckpointing- Its not as glamorous as the carpentry aspects of my profession. But it is just as important and since St Louis has so many brick buildings it is a must have skill!

The above photo shows the mortar joints grinded out 1/2in or more deep. This will allow the new mortar pointed into the joints to fully adhere to the brick and give the Masonry Wall another 100+ years of Life!

Read More on the Benton Rehab Stage 2 Construction Project:

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotts Contracting- St Louis Home Improvement Projects and Energy Reducing Needs Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


CAD Bar Designs-Before Photos with CAD Drawing

In this Design-Build Project for Shady Jacks Saloon in Downtown St Louis MO.  The Owner, Shady Jack has 3 Main Goals for this Project: 1-Create User Friendly Area for the Staff-with the addition of racking space for the Latest Non-Alcoholic & Alcoholic Beverage Dispensers; 2-Creating a eye appealing backdrop; 3-As always the renovation must blend in with the current surroundings.

What: Design Build Project-Bar Design
Where: Shady Jacks-1432 North Broadway, St Louis MO, 63102
When: February 2013
Type: Custom Wood Work and Finishing
Materials: True Dimensional 'White Oak -Structural Beams' 

Build Notes: 
  • To control costs we will be using up-cycled lumber from leftover materials from past projects at the Bar.
Additional Note:
  • As a Non-Drinker-I look forward to having a greater selection of non-alcoholic drinks to enjoy when I'm hanging out at the Bar.
  • The previous project-Stage and Extra Seating turned out Great and was a big hit at the last event.  At one time during the event; there were 2 Custom Harley Choppers with Stripper Pole Contestants all utilizing the Stage.  The Custom Wood Stage held up beautifully and created the perfect atmosphere for the event!

Before Photo 1-Shady Jacks Saloon
Existing Bar Photo

Shady Jacks Saloon Existing Bar Photo 1
Existing Bar Photo 2

CAD Bar Design 1-Designed by Scotts Contracting
CAD Design by Scotts Contracting

CAD Designs by Scotts Contracting Shady Jacks Saloon Bar Build
CAD Bar Design Frontal View

Shady Jacks Saloon-CAD Bar Designs by Scotts Contracting
Birds Eye View of CAD Bar Design by Scotts Contracting

Click Here: To schedule a Design Build Project with Scotts Contracting please fill in the Contact Form at: http://www.stlouisrenewableenergy.com/contact.html

Additional Project Photos and Details can be viewed at this link:http://www.stlouisrenewableenergy.com/job-site-photos.html

Build Notes and Client Must haves:

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotts Contracting- St Louis Home Improvement Projects and Energy Reducing Needs Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog

Fwd: StLouis One Week from Today!

Hello Slay for Mayor Volunteers!

We have just one week to go until the the election that will set the course for the next four years, and for generations to follow!

March 5th represents a cross-roads for our city.  With the competent leadership of Mayor Slay, we can continue to move forward on the road toward a safe, sustainable, well educated, economically prosperous St. Louis, in which everybody benefits from a better quality of life. We understand that the alternative would halt our positive momentum, and push us backwards toward division, inefficiency, and a lack of judgement and understanding in City Hall.  It is up to US to impress this upon the voters, and urge them to get out and vote for Mayor Slay!

  • Read and share this endorsement from the St. Louis Post Dispatch, which explains some of the most important reasons that Mayor Slay is by far the better choice on Election Day.
  • Sign up for our Friends and Family Program now!  If we all keep in touch with between 5 and 15 people we know, inform them about this important election, and make sure they vote, it could determine the future of our City.
  • Bring in your phone book, Christmas card list, or church, club or team directory between now and Friday March 1st and send post cards to your friends and family.  We will supply all of the materials. This is one of THE most effective ways for us to reach out to voters.

  • Help out with a mailing! We are working on mailings every afternoon and evening this week. Email me if you can come in for an hour or two to help write post cards, fold, stuff, label and stamp!

  • Join our Volunteer Canvass Crew!! We need volunteers to go door to door and inform voters about this critical election.  Let's get out there and show our support for Mayor Slay! Any time hour or two you can spare to help us knock on doors will contribute GREATLY to our success!!
  • Join our Volunteer Phone Bank!! We need volunteers to help us call voters and spread the word. Let me know if you have an hour or two to man the phones.
  • Tuesday March 5th is ELECTION DAY!! Plan to help us staff the polls. The busiest times are 7-9am, 11am-1pm, and 5-7pm, but anytime on election day will be helpful.  We will also need volunteers to help post signs at polling places Monday night March 4th and very early in the morning on election day, Tuesday March 5th.
As always, feel free to contact me any time with questions or suggestions, and thank you again for all that you do!

Bonnie Boime
Volunteer Coordinator, Slay for Mayor
Office: 314.535.7529(SLAY)
Volunteer Line: 314.643.8657(VOLS)


The Home Stretch-StLouis Mayor Election

Hello Slay for Mayor Volunteers!

We have just 9 days to go in this race that will determine the future of St. Louis.  We are in the home stretch now, and with your help we will cross the finish line with a victory for Mayor Slay and for our city! Click here to read the St. Louis Post Dispatch's ringing endorsement of Mayor Slay and why their editorial board says that "City voters should stick with the Mayor"!  Then forward it to your friends and family!!!

We need YOU to help us spread the message and get out the vote.
  • Join our Volunteer Canvass Crew!! We need volunteers to go door to door and inform voters about this critical election.  Let's get out there and show our support for Mayor Slay! Any time hour or two you can spare to help us knock on doors will contribute GREATLY to our success!!
  • Join our Volunteer Phone Bank!! We need volunteers to help us call voters and spread the word. Let me know if you have an hour or two to man the phones.
  • Help with a mailing! This week we will working on mailings every afternoon from 2-4pm. We need all the help folding, stuffing and stamping we can get! Email me if you'd like to help or if a different time will work better for you. *Bring in your phone book, Christmas card list, or church, club or team directory and send post cards to your friends and family.  We will supply all of the materials.  This is one of THE most effective ways for us to reach out to voters.
  • Tuesday March 5th is ELECTION DAY!! Plan to help us staff the polls. The busiest times are 7-9am, 11am-1pm, and 5-7pm, but anytime on election day will be helpful.  We will also need volunteers to help post signs at polling places Monday night March 4th and very early in the morning on election day, Tuesday March 5th.
  • Sign up for our Friends and Family Program now!  If we all keep in touch with between 5 and 15 people we know, inform them about this important election, and make sure they vote, it could determine the future of our City.
  • Help us distribute yard signs! We are still getting requests for yard signs! Email me if you can come by the office and pick up a stack along with a map and a list and distribute some.
As always, feel free to contact me any time with questions or suggestions, and thank you again for all that you do!

Bonnie Boime
Volunteer Coordinator, Slay for Mayor
Office: 314.535.7529(SLAY)
Volunteer Line: 314.643.8657(VOLS)

NEW-St Louis Business Directory

ClicksEffect.com, which helps local businesses with their online presence; started a new venture called Explore By Mobile.

Explore By Mobile is a platform that opens local business guides around the world.What's so special about it ? Simple. It's optimized for Mobile device users.

As you know, more and more people are searching with their mobiles, be it a phone or a tablet. Today's business directories are not adapted for mobile devices.

Explore By Mobile is !

Take a look at the site for St.Louis :   stlouis.explorebymobile.com   .
You can sign up for a free listing or a premium listing. The differences
are explained on ExploreByMobile.com .
With a premium plan you can also put out a coupon code out there for the mobile users .
How cool is that ?

Scotts Contracting, St Louis Renewable Energy has a site on the directory at: http://stlouis.explorebymobile.com/category/green-constructors/


StLouis Election Day is Just Around the Corner!

City of St. Louis Sustainability Plan 

Dear Scott,
Thank you so much for your kind offer to help spread Mayor Slay's message on your blog!

Here is a link to the City of St. Louis Sustainability Plan

It is lengthy and detailed, but the table of contents is helpful for quickly finding specific areas of interest.  Let me know if there is information you would like me to extract that is especially relevant for your readers. 

Thanks again!

Bonnie Boime
Volunteer Coordinator, Slay for Mayor
Office: 314.535.7529(SLAY)
Volunteer Line: 314.643.8657(VOLS)

Hello Slay for Mayor Volunteers!

Many thanks to each of you and welcome to our new volunteers! It is hard to believe, but we are just over 2 weeks away from the March 5th Primary!!!  This election is critical to the future of our city, and it is up to us keep St. Louis moving forward by helping to re-elect Mayor Slay!

Click here to watch the St. Louis Public Radio Mayoral Candidate forum that was recorded February 11th, and share it with your friends and family! This clearly demonstrates the choices we have have on election day.  We MUST do what we can now to maintain integrity, competence, and solution based action in the Mayor's Office for the next four years.

Time is running out, so sign up NOW!

  • Help us distribute yard signs! We are getting hundreds of requests for yard signs every week! We need all hands on deck to get them out there. Email me if you can come by the office and pick up a stack along with a map and a list and distribute some this weekend.
  • Join our Volunteer Canvass Crew!! We will have volunteers going door to door informing voters about this critical election, and showing our support for Mayor Slay.  Join us:
~Saturday February 16th 10am-12noon
~Sunday February 17th 12noon-2pm
~Saturday February 23rd 10am-12noon
~Sunday February 24th 12noon-2pm
  • Help with a mailing! We are working on mailings every Friday afternoon from 2-4pm.   We need all the help folding, stuffing and stamping we can get! Email me if you'd like to help or if a different time will work better for you.
  • Sign up for our Friends and Family Program now! This is one of the most effective tools we have to increase voter turn out. If we all keep in touch with between 5 and 15 people we know, inform them about this important election, and make sure they vote, it could determine the future of our City.
We still have some bumper stickers left! Come and get your's while they last!!

Plan to help us Get Out The Vote!
  • Saturday March 2nd-Tuesday March 5th help us go door to door and make phone calls to get voters to the polls.
  • Monday March 4th help put yard signs at polling places.
  • Tuesday March 5th ELECTION DAY!! Plan to help us staff the polls. The busiest times are 7-9am, 11am-1pm, and 5-7pm, but anytime on election day will be helpful.
As always, feel free to contact me any time with questions or suggestions, and thank you again for all that you do!

Bonnie Boime
Volunteer Coordinator, Slay for Mayor
Office: 314.535.7529(SLAY)
Volunteer Line: 314.643.8657(VOLS)

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