-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Claire McCaskill

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Showing posts with label Claire McCaskill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Claire McCaskill. Show all posts


Share Ideas with Sen Claire McCaskill-May 25-2011

 "Kitchen Table Talk" in St. Louis at the St. Louis Public Library - Buder Branch (4401 Hampton Avenue) from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The purpose of this meeting is to reach out to you, to listen to your thoughts and ideas about federal policies and legislation and to take them back to the Senator.
Dear St Louis Renewable Energy Readers,
My name is Brendan Fahey and I am a staff member for U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill. On Wednesday, May 25, 2011, on behalf of the Senator, I will be hosting a "Kitchen Table Talk" in St. Louis at the St. Louis Public Library - Buder Branch (4401 Hampton Avenue) from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The purpose of this meeting is to reach out to you, to listen to your thoughts and ideas about federal policies and legislation and to take them back to the Senator.
These "Kitchen Table Talks" also serve, in part, to inform you of the services that are available through Senator McCaskill's regional offices. The Senator's staff throughout the state are able to assist you on a range of federal government issues. If you are currently having an issue with a federal agency, I will be happy to discuss that with you and put you in touch with the member of the Senator's staff best suited to help with your issue.
Should you have any questions, please contact me at Brendan_Fahey@mccaskill.senate.gov or by calling (314) 367-1364. I hope you will be able to join me in St. Louis on May 25th.


End Taxpayer Subsidies for Big Oil Companies

You and your fellow Americans have been paying oil companies more than $4 per gallon at the pump this spring. It's outrageous, and it hurts people.
And as if it wasn't bad enough, did you know you're paying oil companies another $4,000,000,000 on top of those sky-high pump prices? It's true.
Today, I helped introduce legislation in the Senate that will take away the $4 billion in subsidies American taxpayers hand to the most profitable corporations in the world -- the big oil companies -- every year, but I need your help to pass it.
Help me pass legislation taking away taxpayer subsidies to oil companies -- click here to sign my petition today.
The top five multi-national oil companies have raked in nearly $1 trillion in profits over the last ten years. They've broken their own records for the most profits several times over.
That kind of money buys a lot of power in Washington, and Big Oil will do everything it can to keep its outrageous taxpayer subsidies.
Unless we shine a light on them.
We need to build citizen support for this legislation to take away oil company subsidies, especially at a time when we're getting gouged at the pump and need every penny we can get to preserve programs and reduce the deficit.
Build citizen support for taking away oil company subsidies. Sign my petition today, and ask your friends and family to sign it, too.
We don't need to be paying oil companies twice. We need to end these subsidies. Thank you for joining with me today.
All the best,

Claire McCaskill
Sign the Petition
Paid for by McCaskill for Missouri 2012

*Scott's Contracting*

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