-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Summer Cooling Tips

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Showing posts with label Summer Cooling Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summer Cooling Tips. Show all posts


St Louis Ameren Coal Fired Electricity Plant Users

Energy Efficient Homes use Less Coal Fired Electricity and Reduce Carbon Emissions -if every home in America reduces their energy use by the average in this program, projected energy usage would drop by more than 26,000 GWh per year-equal to the emissions from three 500-MW coal-fired power plants. The Preceding Quote was from: Alliance to Save Energy

Energy Efficiency Makes Huge Difference

Energy efficiency and home energy management have been developing trends in the last year or two in the relationship between consumers and their utilities. Now comes word of a new study detailing how effective this relationship has the potential to be at driving down home energy costs as well as reducing carbon emissions.

The study, according to the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), found that energy reduction behaviors based on data generated from information-based energy efficiency programs reportedly could generate billions in savings for Americans and reduce CO2 emissions by more than 8.9 million metric tons per year on a nationwide level.

Programs from 11 utilities across the country were analyzed in the study, encompassing more than 750,000 households nationwide. It was found, on a national basis, that these information based programs had driven household savings ranging from an average of 1-3 percent per year – mostly through small behavior changes.
The data analyzed includes more than 22 million meter reads gathered over periods of a minimum of twelve months from each of the deployments. The data analyzed came from the home energy reporting program of Opower, an energy management company each of the utilities were working with.

EDF believes that, if every home in America reduces their energy use by the average in this program, projected energy usage would drop by more than 26,000 GWh per year. The previously mentioned carbon emissions savings related to this power reduction is equal to the emissions from three 500-MW coal-fired power plants.


If you are interested in ways to save $money$ on your Cooling Bills this summer Scotty suggests to weatherize your home and the $Money$ you save will come back to you by decreased Summertime Cooling Bills.  Rule of Thumb: For every $1.00 spend on weatherization, will return $2.00 in savings on your Electric Bills.  Use the email address below for additional $Money$ saving cooling tips.

*Scott's Contracting*

Green Me UP-Scotty
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If for some reason I'm not wisked away in the upcoming Rapture on May 21st 2011.  I'll be available for your Green Building Needs in St Louis.  email: scottscontracting@gmail.com about your project.

With Cooling season is approaching- Proper Insulation Levels in your Attic coupled with Ventilation will save you $ on your Summer Time Cooling Bills.

Certified Insulation Installer for: Batt Type, Spray Foam, Loose Fill-

Green and Eco Friendly options are always available.

US Department of Energy and the Green Building Initiative quote that by having:
  "Proper Attic Insulation will save 40% on 
your Summer Time Cooling Costs".
  • Example:  5 months of Cooling Bills= $750 - 40%= $450
  • Savings of $300 
  • When added to winter time savings your Insulation will pay for itself in under 2 years for a standard size home.
There are additional benefits to adding insulation to your home.  If you would like to know more feel free to email: scottscontracting@gmail.com for additional information and to schedule a Green Site Evaluation.


Roof System-Generates Clean Photovoltaic Energy

If you are considering a new roof, you should consider a white roof and a solar system on that roof at the same time. A cool roof reduces building cooling requirements by lowering the temperature of the roof and the building underneath. This means cooling equipment savings and in many cases the ability to run less air conditioning or purchase smaller air conditioning units.

You may even increase the life of your roof. By lowering the roof temperature, roofing products may last longer due to less thermal stress over time. Our non-penetrating design means less opportunity for leaks from your new roof.

While it makes great economic sense, a cool roof also makes an important statement about your commitment to reducing your building’s impact on the environment.  One clear environment benefit comes as cool roofs reduce the “heat island” effect in cities, lowering average outside air temperatures. Lower the outside air temperature and you need even less cooling. In fact, U.S. Energy Secretary, Steven Chu said that “whitening the world’s roofs and roads would have the same effect on global warming as removing all the world’s cars for 11 years.”

Find Photos and Additional Information on Cool Roofing Systems at: Scott's Contracting Web Site


Summer Cooling Tips

Maintain: Schedule annual preseason maintenance checkups with a licensed contractor to ensure your system is operating efficiently. Check the air filter monthly and replace it as needed. Finally, use a caulk gun to seal leaks around windows, doors, and ducts that cause drafts and make your heating and cooling system work overtime.

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Take Advantage of Shade

Reduce the load on your air-conditioner by shading east-, south-, and west-facing windows. Outside, extend roof eaves or add a trellis or awning to shade windows. Add tinted window film to lessen the effects of radiant heat and UV light while maintaining views.

Turn Up Your Thermostat

The recommended temperature setting for comfort and energy savings in an air-conditioned room is 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Resist the urge to drop the temperature for a quick cool, which taxes your cooling unit.

Insulate Your Attic

If an attic inspection reveals insulation scattered halfheartedly among the floor trusses, head to your local home improvement center to get more. If you use your attic for storage, don't remove all those boxes; simply insulate between the joints. In terms of reduced energy costs, the payback time for a few hundred dollar's worth of insulation can typically be measured in months, not years.

Put Windows to Work

Close your house tightly during the heat of the day. Don't just close windows; lock them to create an airtight seal that eliminates cool-air leaks. If outdoor temperatures are cool at night, cross-ventilate rooms by opening windows. Close them again in the morning to seal in the cool air. Also, close curtains or lower shades during the day.

Reduce Ambient Heat Culprits

Your cooling apparatus will work less -- and use less energy -- if you cut back on interior elements generating heat. Ninety-five percent of the energy an incandescent light bulb uses goes to heating the bulb; install compact fluorescent bulbs instead. Shutting down unused electronics also reduces heat (and your electricity costs). Use your dryer in the early morning or late evening, or use a clothesline instead.

Install a Whole-House Fan

It uses a fraction of the electricity of a full-blown air-conditioning system. It's best suited for areas with hot summer days coupled with cool nights, such as the Pacific Northwest. All night, the fan pulls in outside air to cool the house. Many whole-house fans can be programmed to shut off during the warmest hours of the day.

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Scott's Contracting is available by appointment for Free Estimates with your Home Repairs and Up Grades. email:scottscontracting@gmail.com http://www.stlouisrenewableenergy.com

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