-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Negawatt

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Showing posts with label Negawatt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Negawatt. Show all posts


Would you pay for a Negawatt in St Louis, MO?

Negawatt-Paid by Performance

I'm from Missouri and I understand and partially live by the states slogan-Show Me.  I am so confident that I can save you money on your utility bills.  I will base the money I earn from the energy upgrade improvements I install in your home or business in StLouis will be based off of the savings of your future energy bills.  Thats right you can pay me 'after-the-fact' on the proven performance for the work I do.  If what I say doesn't work or the energy upgrades fail to deliver then you pay nothing for my labor.

How do I know Scotty's suggested Energy Efficient upgrades and Clean Energy Solar Systems will work to save me $Money$ you ask?

To put my actions and energy efficient suggestions to the test I will soon be offering a Paid by Performance option based on the Negawatt reduction in your utility bills.

My Definition of a Negawatt is: the energy that was previously need but is not needed for your building now.  Wiki's definition of negawatt is:
Negawatt power is a theoretical unit of power representing an amount of energy (measured in watts) saved.
I'm calling for the naysayers and skeptics of energy efficiency and solar to accept my challenge.  I can and will save you money and will base this on the negawatts you will not be buying from Ameren UE!

  • Because I know that: Adding Insulation and Air Sealing the drafts in your home will save energy.
  • Energy Efficient appliances use less energy than older appliances.
  • Most of the HVAC systems in our homes do not have adequate air vents which causes them to operate inefficiently and create cold and hot spots in the home.
  • In regard to Solar: StLouis receives an average of 4.567 hours of useable sunlight everyday  (for my 2 family building 27 solar panels provides the clean energy needed to cut the entire buildings energy bills by 75%)
Why would I go out on a limb and possibly lose money?  For me its not completely about the $$$.  I breathe the air in St Louis and since Ameren UE burns dirty coal which causes: Cancer, Asthma, Breathing problems, reduced life expectancy, etc from the CO2 emissions.  {I am hedging my bets on my future health and the high costs of health care today.}  So any energy efficient upgrades and clean energy solar systems installed for your Building in the StLouis area that eliminate the burning of Fossil Fuels- will help my health in the end and everyone else in stlouis would also receive cleaner air to breathe as the added benefit.

While I'm working out the details feel free to schedule a time that we can discuss how you can participate in the program drop me a line.

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference. Build a Green StLouis Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog

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