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Solar & Oil Industry News

Prop 23- Oil and Solar Join in the Fight for Solar and Renewable Energy. Twitter and Facebook Links
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Posted on July 1, 2010 -Oil Declares War on Solar. How You (and Twitter) Can Help Defeat Prop 23 for Free. Yes, free.

I'm writing this post quickly, so forgive my cross outs and typos. For those of you who want to say "Up yours!" to two polluting oil refinery companies experience the power of social media in action and would like to finally learn how to use Twitter, here's your chance. It's for a good solar cause, plus, it's dirt cheap free!

First, some background: California's Proposition 23 ballot initiative is officially called the "The California Jobs Initiative." Hee-hee. LMFAO! A more appropriate name is the "We Hate Solar Initiative." Others are calling Prop 23 the Dirty Jobs Proposition.

Allow me to cut through the Prop 23 bull explain:

  • Proposition 23 is primarily funded by two who-gives-a crap-about-California air quality when when-we-live in Texas-based oil refining companies: Valero and Tesoro . Please remember their names and tell your children that these companies are the scary monsters under the bed.
  • Prop 23 kills suspends the California law that requires the State to reduce its dirty CO2 emissions by 30% by 2020.
  • If passed, Prop 23 also states that this clean energy law can't go back into effect until Hell freezes over the California unemployment rate returns to 5.5% for 4 straight quarters. Only then can we go back to caring about the environment and breathing.
  • Proposition 23 will also increase oil profits at the expense of solar jobs prevent any California agency from imposing any CO2 emission fees that were going to go into effect. And now you know why these oil company yahoos are spending millions to get this proposition passed the basics.

How You can use Twitter to Say Bite me! No to Prop 23:

Step 1. Join Twitter. It's easy. Just do it or have someone in your office do it. You know you have to kicking and screaming some day want to anyway. If you or your solar company have a Twitter account already, please don't blame me congratulations.

Step 2. If you're not following anyone and brand new to Twitter, go to http://tweepml.org/the-top-100-solar-power-sites-2/. With one click, you'll be following almost 100 solar Twitter leaders and advocates. Don't worry about them following you for now. Just watch their tweets once a day and do what they do. (Yes, I'm on this list.)

Step 3: The only way to learn social media is to actually use it. Duh! Honest. So, this grass-roots solar experience is going to give you practice while giving the virtual middle finger to campaigning against Prop 23. All you have to do is:

  • Take 2 minutes every workday and Tweet this:
  • Just heard Prop 23 is a #solar job killer & backed by big #oil. Plz RT daily til November. This is my 1st RT.
  • Every day you Tweet the above, increase the digit higher. This will benchmark you and help you to finally use and explore Twitter and see its power to spread useful messages.
  • This costs you nothing but a little time. Feel free to also donate cash to the cause, but do this now.

There are a lot of benefits here, but there will also be great personal satisfaction in saying "Nah-nah, you Big Oil, solar job killing SOBs! defeating this anti-solar power bill without the television ad dollars of Big Oil.

Thanks, and as always, UnThink Solar.

Tor Valenza aka "Solar Fred" advises solar companies on marketing, communications, and public relations. Contact him through Unthink Solar or follow him on Twitter @SolarFred.

Photo: Flickr/ quinn.anya

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