-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Safe Room Features

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Showing posts with label Safe Room Features. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Safe Room Features. Show all posts


Wrought Iron Security Fence StLouis Design Build Upcycle Project

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Wrought Iron Security Fence StLouis Design Build Upcycle Project

6 Feet Tall Black Iron - Wrought Iron Fence Installation Photo 
Overhead View Diagram Gate A and B 

Welding Services Wrought Iron Safety Security Fence Project Scotts Contracting

Welding Services Wrought Iron Safety Security Fence Project Scotts Contracting

Welding Services Wrought Iron Safety Security Fence Project Scotts Contracting

Welding Serveries Wrought Iron Safety Security Fence Project Scotts Contracting

Welding Serveries Wrought Iron Safety Security Fence Project Scotts Contracting

Welding Wrought Iron Safety Security Gate Scotts Contracting
Welding Wrought Iron Safety Security Gate Scotts Contracting

additional project photos are viewable on Pinterest


Emergency Backup - OffGrid Power Supply - Battery Bank

The 1st Alternative Backup Power System That Keeps You Safe In Your Home or Business

Alternative Backup Power System  http://bit.ly/SolarGenBackup
Alternative Backup Power System That Keeps You Safe In Your Home

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Brick Building Earthquake Warning

Update 10-15-2017 New Madrid Fault Activity

Should the people of St.Louis be concerned? 2017 Solar Eclipse follows the line of the North American Rift and since the New Madrid Fault line is located in this general area. Yes, I feel it is proactive to be aware of the situation at the minimum.

Solar Eclipse and the North American Rift will it affect the New Madrid Fault?

I hope, have prayed, and will do a little more praying in the days to come that the Madrid Fault does not move from its current location. The Brick and Masonry buildings around town that were built during the World Fair held in St.Louis years and years ago were not constructed with steel reinforcement when the brick buildings were built.

StLouis Worlds Fair Brick Building History Lesson: There were many clues for determining the age of the building. When St Louis hosted the Worlds Fair.  The city planners realized that housing was going to be needed for everyone and started building many of the brick homes that are still being utilized all over the city today....Either way when you have the type of brick as the ones in this building you have a building using bricks that were made in the Late 1800s or early 1900s. 

This means that any lateral or sideways movement could allow for the collapse of many of the brick buildings around town. The Buildings were not constructed using modern day building practices and did not have metal support or bracing in the mortar that holds the bricks in place. 

Masonry / Brick Buildings without steel reinforcement are made for compression strengthWhen steel reinforcement is added it will support lateral or sideways strength see image Masonry Constructed Safe Room Design.

Masory Construction Lateral or Sideways Support is provided by the Steel Reinforcment
Masory Lateral or Sideways Support is provided by the Steel Reinforcment
Here is what could happen to the Buildings in StLouis in an Earth Quake:
Brick Wall Collapse Images and Repair St Louis Masonry Buildings
Brick Wall Collapse Images and Repair St Louis Masonry Buildings
  1. When the ground moves the buildings will also move: up, down, sideways, back and forth. 
  2. The movement will cause the mortar or glue that holds the old bricks together to come loose. 
  3. This could cause the walls of a masonry brick building to come tumbling down as in the image above. 
  4. For your own safety: Vacate or Leave the Premise or Move away from exterior walls and vacate the top floor of the building if an Earthquake does happen in St.Louis.
St.Louis Brick Building collapse images used in infographic were copied from ONSL.org http://onsl.org/

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StL Most Requested Safe Room Features

Safe Room Features

What Features are in your Safe Room?  

Has been brought up in my dealing with clients while talking about a safe room for personal safety from extreme events.

Here's some of the things that I found most commonly mentioned:
Toilet, Water, Fridge, Kitchen, Built-ins, First Aid Station, Phone, CB, Internet, Tools, Weapons, Books, Computer, Radio, Power Supply, Food Pantry, Lights...
Luckily with today's advancements in the Building Industry you can have all these in your Safe Room.  I'll share a few of my thoughts and build notes on how to incorporate any and all of the above features mentioned above starting with my favorites the Solar Energy Power Supply and Water.

Water is the Must Have in Every Safe Room

                 Most any plumber can route a line into your safe room but what if the local water utilities supply can't meet the needs and you have NO Water better have a backup plan of:  Water Collection, Water Storage, Water Re-Use-all common elements for supplying clean water to a safe room.

Solar Energy Power Supply with Battery Bank for Emergency Scenarios

Safe Room Features-NewPower Emergency Battery Bank System
NewPower Emergency Battery Bank System

                   Since we are in the Safe Room from some extreme event and there may or maynot be a roof on your home.  The Stand Alone Solar Panels mounted in your backyard will prove a wise investment for supplying the power needed for functional living.

Safe Room Ground Mounted Stand Alone Solar Array System
Stand Alone Solar Array not attached to Home

                    If there is still a roof on your home and the Solar Panels mounted there will just be adding to the needed power of the Safe Room.  Keeping the batteries at Full operating power! 

                    Another option is a generator that is tied into your battery that also works in conjunction with your solar panels such as this NewPower System that incorporates a Generac generators-

  • 8000 Watt stand-by generator
  • Runs on LP or NG
  • Designed for quiet operation
  • Recharges batteries in Power Center when required
  • Automatic self-test weekly

All of the above functions are handled seemlessly at the Power Center

Safe Room NewPower System Power Center Control Point
Safe Room NewPower System Power Center Control Point

Here is additional information in the form of a google document on the NewPower System for Emergency Power Failures

We will be covering Waste Management in the next addition to Safe Room Features.  Part of the Safe Room Blog Posts 1 and 2.

Here's some suggestions via Twitter

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