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Showing posts with label Ameren UE Renewable Energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ameren UE Renewable Energy. Show all posts


seeking smart meter lawsuit saint louis missouri

Wanted Smart Meter Class Action Lawsuit Representation In Saint Louis, Missouri. 

The Saint Louis Smart Meter via Ameren UE has caused the normal electric bill to skyrocket with Eight Thousand Dollars due to back payments over the Electric Company didn't read the meter due to covid. 

The Normal Utility Bill before the smart meter was one-half to two-thirds less than the amount of electric usage we are using now.  We have the prior electric bills to prove this. There is no way our electric usage increased by the amount shown in the new electric bills. 

Open Secrets Tracking Money In Politics Energy Company Donations to Missouri Politicians
Just like many people during covid, we have been in a money crunch with loss of work and cut many things out of our lives to lessen our monthly utility bills.  Even though we lessened the electric usage the bills have gone up and up; especially after the smart meter was installed. 

One of my first stops after learning about Smart Meters and Utility Bill Increases was Money In Politics using Open Secrets.  It was there I learned about how much money was given to my local politicians from the Utility Company. 

In the Prior 2 years the Utility Companies have dolled out almost Two Million Six Hundred Thousand Dollars to the StLouis Politicians. 

While searching for Smart Meter information and seeing all the negative things people were sharing online and on Facebook. I then searched for Class Action Lawsuit in Missouri over Smart Meters and found this and the Facebook Group 

At first glance I saw $202,854.00  was given to them directly.  Then I saw Lobbyist Spent $1,600,000 in 2022 and $2,190,000 in 2021.  yes that is Millions of Dollars spent by Lobbyist to encourage the Politicians to create laws and regulations that will benefit their companies.  All three of those amounts add up to: $2,595,708.00

Is this why our electric payments have increased? And there is another increase that is being sought by the utility company? 

These Donations are not just one Sided.  The Utility Company is hedging their bets and gives freely to both political parties Democrat and Republican. The next image is money given to Missouri Senators.

Open Secrets Graph of Money Given to StLouis Politicians over the years by the Electric Company
Here is a graph that tracks money in politics with amounts given to House of Representatives.  Once again the Utility Company gives freely to both parties, Republic and Democrats alike.

Ameren UE money given to House of Representatives Dem and Rep

If anyone reading this blog post about StLouis Smart Meter Sky Rocketing Electric Bill Dollar Amounts please send me an email, contract me on twitter, Facebook, or use the contact form on this blog.

Four States Against Smart Meters - Liberty Utilities Group.
Four States Against Smart Meters - Liberty Utilities Group

If there is anything else I should be aware of with the Saint Louis Smart Meters please get in touch. 

This is not the 1st time I have written about Ameren UE. I have been sharing their shenannigans many times here is a link: Ameren UE   Ameren UE Greed  

you can listen to the above tweets at this weblink: Twitter Thread to Voiceover It didn't come out very well I AM going to contact the developer and ask for suggestions. Feel free to read just this collection of tweets at: Twitter Thread Reader App

Below is a facebook post in re.  

Are the Electricity Rates to High where you live? This maybe the Reason:

Economist and former Commissioner of the Public Utility Commission of Ohio (“PUCO”) Paul Centolella explains further:A utility’s economic interests are not aligned with encouraging efficient demand participation in wholesale power markets. Most utility business models are based on earning a return on rate base, capital invested to meet consumer demand. Reducing customer demand often is in direct competition with opportunities for the utility to invest and increase future profitability. Moreover, demand reductions that reduce sales also may erode near term profits. In some jurisdictions, when sales to its own customers decline, the utility may not be able to retain any savings in fuel costs and / or profits from any off-system sales.

Source Cout Papers: 178 Centolella, Ex. A at 22. https://earthjustice.org/sites/default/files/files/2020-10-20_voltus_complaint.pdf

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information is needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone. 


AmerenUE Misguided Solar Programs

Read between the lines about the new Solar programs from our Dirty Coal Electric Company‬ Ameren UE.

Remember a few years back when they said solar was not a good deal for the customers? They also coerced Missouri Legislation to ignore the vote by the people and the amount of clean energy percentage lowered?

Now the Dirty Coal Electric Company wants to install Solar on your building and charge you for the electricity generated by the solar panels.

Scotts Contracting
Ameren Missouri is considering two voluntary programs that would ask customers to pay more or provide property to support more solar power.

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.


Tele Convo Details Solar Rebate RENEW MO

I just had an informative telephone conversation with RENEW MO Director Mr M Walter (Corrected and Updated Information 11/12/2014 Scotty).  We discussed a few things about the State of Affairs specifically AmerenUE suspending the Solar Rebate option for customers in the St.Louis Region.
I'm going to share some of our conversation that was not included in his email (see corrected post below):
  • Corrected and updated information via Mark-Renew Missouri 11/12/14 (strikethrough comments were/are partially incorrect)
    • Even though Ameren UE has suspended (illegally) the Solar Rebate that is paid to customers who install a clean energy system.  He suggests: "still apply for the Solar Rebate".  
    • His reasoning is: "We the Voters voted this program into existence" which was then challenged by the Lobbying Efforts by the Electric Companies statewide.
    • Just because this program is in limbo is by no reason for not applying since the Legislation is being challenged.  If RENEW MO is successful in their ongoing Court Battle:
    Anyone who has applied and installed a Clean Energy System could benefit retroactively from the Net Metering Request

    Thanks for the blog post the other day.  Has it gotten much attention?  In the future, Renew Missouri and I personally would love to be involved in your blog in whatever capacity we can.  If you wouldn't mind, we would appreciate it if you'd run any of our conversations by us before you post them on your blog.  There are a couple of things that aren't accurate on the blog post that I'd like to try and get straight.

    First, there are a few lawsuits going on in Missouri, and Renew Missouri is only involved in one of them.  
    1. In September, we wrapped up a case against Empire Electric in the Supreme Court.  We're still waiting to hear back on the verdict, but if we win then people in Empire Territory only will likely have their rebates reinstated.  We're encouraging solar installers to prepare rebate forms for their customers in Empire Territory only so that should we hear a positive verdict, we can create a rush of solar rebates for customers.

    The other big case in Missouri right now is Solar LLC (representing several solar companies in the state) and Missouri Coalition for the Environment vs. the Missouri PSC attempting to reinstate rebates for all of the Investor Owned Utilities.  Should they win the case, it is likely that rebates will get reinstated for all customers in IOU territory.  It is possible that if people were wrongfully denied solar rebates (i.e. they applied for solar rebates during the time that the IOUs decided they weren't paying) that they can then get retroactive payment through a separate lawsuit, but since Renew Missouri is not a party to this law suit in any way, we aren't advising our supporters to do anything like that.  I'm sorry if I wasn't very clear in our conversation and I accept total responsibility for any murkiness there.
Mark Walter
Renew Missouri
Deputy Director
(573) 590-2255

End- Corrected Information
  • Which is a great thing!  Especially since Ameren is a Co-Owner in any clean energy system that is hooked to the grid.  Thats right: if your system is hooked to their power supply via your electric meter-
    They partly own your system because they can then count this net metering towards the Renewable Energy Target set by the Voters of Missouri.  (The energy created by your clean energy system that you do not have to pay for or buy from the electric company gets credited to Ameren.)  You reap the savings and Ameren gets the credit and then skirts their duty on paying for the Solar Rebate established by Missouri Voters.
I personally have no desire to help a company that poisons the world with Dirty Coal Pollution.  

So I've been working behind the scenes on a way to bring the Residents of St.Louis a clean energy solar system that is affordable and will enable you to completely eliminate Ameren from the mix.

My Goal: 

  1. Provide St.Louis Residents with an option to have a clean energy system that is affordable without the Solar Rebate from Ameren
  2. I've set up an accounts with a Solar Finance company's who is helping everyday Americans become self sufficient by generating their own clean energy electricity without having to burn Dirty Coal. 
Drop me a line, Send an Email, or fill in the contact form and I will help you become energy independent and free you from the Electric Companies grip on your finances and health.

"It was great chatting with you this afternoon.  I think it's pretty clear that we're both in the same place on the issues facing the solar industry today.  I'm glad you have found a good product to offer your customers to help them get over the big front end investment.  I'm sure that will make a big difference as you work harder on sales.

Like I was saying, we've been putting together a campaign with solar installers around the state to reach out to their previous customers and hopefully get some referral business for them while educating the homeowners on their solar rights.  As the legislative session gears up again, we'll be trying to build our grassroots supporters so they can call their legislators and let them know what they'd like to see done, and this will be an important step in that direction.

Let me know what you think or if you have any input on anything else.  It will be great to chat with you as we move forward this year.  And as always, if there's anything we can do to help you out, let us know.

All the best,

Mark Walter
Renew Missouri
Deputy Director
(573) 590-2255"

Background on Renewable Energy Standards via RENEW MO

  • In 2007 and 2008, Renew Missouri spearheaded the Missouri Clean Energy initiative via the statewide ballot process. The initiative, which was called Proposition C, passed with 66% of the vote makes Missouri the 27th state to have a renewable electricity standard (RES), and only the 3rd to pass it by ballot initiative. 
    • Prop C requires investor-owned utilities to get 15% of their electricity from clean energy sources by 2021, 2% of which must come from solar.
    • Through 2030, Prop C is expected a carbon reduction equivalent to permanently removing 2 million cars from the road by 2021.
    • Prop C includes a solar rebate program that will make it cheaper for most Missourians to install a solar system on their home or business.
    • Over the next 20 years, Prop C is predicted to save Missourians $331 million on their electric bills and is expected to stimulate in-state generation of renewable energy sources resulting in thousands of new “green-collar” jobs.

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StLouis Your Future Electric Bills-Missouri Madness:Round 2

The Missouri General Assembly is currently considering legislation that would allow Missouri's monopoly utilities to place an expensive new surcharge on their customers' electric bills. This new surcharge would bypass the traditional ratemaking process that has served Missouri consumers well and weaken Public Service Commission oversight.  Vote the proposed new utility surcharge the worst idea in Missouri here.
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Dear Scotts,
We advanced to Round 2 of Missouri Madness! Missouri has voted the proposed new utility surcharge one of the worst bills in the Missouri legislature. Make sure that this legislation makes it to the next round. Vote here today.
The Missouri General Assembly is currently considering legislation that would allow Missouri's monopoly utilities to place an expensive new surcharge on their customers' electric bills. This new surcharge would bypass the traditional ratemaking process that has served Missouri consumers well and weaken Public Service Commission oversight.  Vote the proposed new utility surcharge the worst idea in Missouri here.
Let's make sure that our Missouri legislature gets the message: the new utility surcharge is bad for Missouri consumers. Vote today and forward this message on to a friend and ask them to do the same.
The FERAF Team
Fair Energy Rate Action Fund  PO Box 1153  Jefferson City, MO 65102
Paid for by the Fair Energy Rate Action Fund.


Renewable Energy-Energy Conservation and MO Legislative Update-

We need more petition signers for the RES Complaint!

In case you missed it, our state's renewable energy standard is being ignored by the utilities. We filed a complaint last month, asking the government to make them comply and we'd like your voice in there with us. So far, we've got 500 out of our goal of 3,000 signers. Please help us create the renewable energy we voted for by signing our petition.

Legislative Update

Seven weeks remain in the 2013 legislative session, and you might be curious what bills we're watching. If you haven't called up your legislator, there's some good bills and some bad ones to talk about now. So here are the proposed efficiency and renewables legislation that we've got our eyes on:

  • HB 44 - Allows hydropower produced in any quantity to be used to satisfy the renewable energy standard
    • Sponsor: Bart Korman, House District 42
    • Last Action: 3/07/2013 - Second read and referred: Senate Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy, and the Environment
    • Why we oppose: Allowing old hydro damns to count toward the RES would gut the RES resulting in no new renewable generation. 
  • SB 398 - Extends the expiration of an income tax deduction for energy efficiency audits and projects to December 31, 2019
    • Sponsor: Jason Holsman, Senate District 7
    • Last Action - 4/4/2013 - Senate hearing scheduled
    • Why we support: This act encourages investment in the best and cheapest source of energy – efficiency.
  • SB 277 - Establishes the Missouri Energy Efficiency Performance Standard
    • Sponsor: Jason Holsman, Senate District 7
    • Last Action - 2/20/2013 - Second Read and Referred S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
    • Why we support: This act would require mandatory energy efficiency measures by electrical corporations, gas corporations, municipals utilities, and rural electrical cooperatives to reach specified energy savings as dictated by the PSC, resulting in MO becoming a leading state in EE. 
  • SB 299 - Establishes the Capital Green Program to provide funding for energy efficiency improvements to certain state buildings
    • Sponsor: Jason Holsman, Senate District 7
    • Last Action - 2/26/2013 - Hearing Conducted Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
    • Why we support: This act would provide funding for energy efficiency improvements including geothermal, wind, and solar energy resources to certain state buildings.
  • SB 368 - Prohibits certain property associations from barring the installation of solar energy systems
    • Sponsor: Jason Holsman, Senate District 7
    • Last Action - 2/28/2013 - Second Read and Referred to Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
    • Why we support: Under this act, the adoption of a bylaw or exercise of any power by the governing entity of an association prohibiting the installation of a solar energy system is expressly prohibited.
  • SB 400 - Modifies provisions relating to the renewable energy standard
    • Sponsor: Jason Holsman, Senate District 7
    • Last Action - 3/13/2013 - Second Read and Referred Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
    • Why we support: This act reinstates the requirement that  renewable energy credits are generated from renewable energy sources and that has been sold as power to Missouri energy consumers.


Renewable Energy Rebates-Ameren UE-Federal Tax Incentive

Ameren UE Renewable Energy Rebate Program

Recently I was asked:
  • "Why does Ameren UE buy back the electricity created by Renewable Energy System on my House?" 
When I directed the question to Ms L.Cosgrove who handles the Local Ameren UE Renewable Energy Department.  She replied:
  •    "AmerenUE provides the MO Solar Rebate in response to Missourian’s passing Proposition C back in November, 2008[ii],[iii]"

In a nutshell it seems to me that Ameren UE will either have to build Renewable Energy Producing Systems or Purchase the Electricity that is made from Residents and Businesses to comply with the Law. 

Which means that Ameren has a Stake in any Renewable Energy Sytem that produces Electricity and is Interconnected utilizing Net Metering to our / their Electircal Grid here in the St Louis Area. 

Good News for all those who would like additional Monetary Incentives for Installing RE (Renewable Energy) Sytems.

The Ameren Rebate and the Federal Tax Incentive can add up to as much as 2/3 of the cost of the RE System. 

[i] Lisa M. Cosgrove | Renewables Specialist  | 1901 Chouteau Avenue, MC 611 | St. Louis, MO 63103
314-554-2649 | fax 314-206-1387 lcosgrove@ameren.com   

[iii] 2008 Initiative Petitions
Approved for Circulation in Missouri

Amendment to Chapter 393 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, Relating to Renewable Energy, version 4, 2008-031


Be it enacted by the people of the state of Missouri:
Chapter 393, RSMo, is amended by repealing sections 393.1020, 393.1025, 393.1030, and 393.1035, and substituting therefor three new sections to be known as sections 393.1020, 393.1025 and 393.1030, to read as follows:
393.1020. Sections 393.1025 to 393.1030 shall be known as the Renewable Energy Standard.
393.1025. As used in sections 393.1020 to 393.1030, the following terms mean:
 1. "Commission", the public service commission;
 2. "Department", the department of natural resources;
 3. “Electric utility”, any electrical corporation as defined by section 386.020;
 4. "Renewable energy resources", electric energy produced from wind, solar thermal sources, photovoltaic cells and panels, dedicated crops grown for energy production, cellulosic agricultural residues, plant residues, methane from landfills or from wastewater treatment, clean and untreated wood such as pallets, hydropower (not including pumped storage) that does not require a new diversion or impoundment of water and that has a nameplate rating of 10 megawatts or less, fuel cells using hydrogen produced by one of the above-named renewable energy sources, and other sources of energy not including nuclear that become available after the effective date of this section and are certified as renewable by rule by the department; and
 5. "Renewable energy credit" or “REC”, a tradable certificate of proof that one megawatt-hour of electricity has been generated from renewable energy sources.
393.1030.1. The commission shall, in consultation with the department, prescribe by rule a portfolio requirement for all electric utilities to generate or purchase electricity generated from renewable energy resources. Such portfolio requirement shall provide that electricity from renewable energy resources shall constitute the following portions of each electric utility’s sales:
(a) No less than two percent for calendar years 2011 through 2013;
(b) No less than five percent for calendar years 2014 through 2017;
(c) No less than ten percent for calendar years 2018 through 2020; and
(d) No less than fifteen percent in each calendar year beginning in 2021. 

At least two percent of each portfolio requirement shall be derived from solar energy. The portfolio requirements shall apply to all power sold to Missouri consumers whether such power is self-generated or purchased from another source in or outside of this state. A utility may comply with the standard in whole or in part by purchasing RECs. Each kilowatt-hour of eligible energy generated in Missouri shall count as 1.25 kilowatt-hours for purposes of compliance.
2. The commission, in consultation with the department and within one year of the effective date of sections 393.1020 to 393.1030, shall select a program for tracking and verifying the trading of renewable energy credits. An unused credit may exist for up to three years from the date of its creation. A credit may be used only once to comply with this act and may not also be used to satisfy any similar non-federal requirement. An electric utility may not use a credit derived from a green pricing program. Certificates from net-metered sources shall initially be owned by the customer-generator.  The... continues on web site 

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