-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: West Lake Landfill

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Showing posts with label West Lake Landfill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label West Lake Landfill. Show all posts


The Dangers of Nuclear Bombs

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TYT Interview-StLouis-A Nuclear Waste-Underground Fire-Greedy Corporation

LIVE From St. Louis: A Nuclear Waste Site, an Underground Fire, & Greedy Corporation.

What Can Go Wrong? #WestLakeLandfill

Here is a little background on why @BillGates maybe dragging his feet on the cleanup effort.

It looks to me like complete madness and explains so much about the Inner Dealings of the Nuclear Industry and points directly to why all the nuclear waste has been left around in different places around the country where it is causing health issues around the St Louis Region and other places- Paducah, Love Canal, Indian Point, Westlake Landfill, Coldwater Creek, Fukushima, Hartford...

Uranium to Plutonium is the grand scheme...

Published on Mar 15, 2016 stlouisrenewableenergy.blogspot.com - Bill Gates’ Nuclear Pipe Dream convert Depleted U to Pu

Just Moms STL | St. Louis Rad Waste Legacy, West Lake Landfill

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#PhytoReMeetMeInStLouis #DidYouGetTheMemo ???

DATE: July 4, 2016
To Whom It May Concern:
This memo shall serve as a Declaration RE: #TheSituation #AboutTheWater of #Missouri and #HowToPhytoremediateTheWater.
There is already a lot of information on the subject of #Phytoremediation. Please find out more and consider approval of pilot programs to study the efficacy, especially in SuperFund sites that are #NotSuper.
In the meanwhile, the children and families of the areas affected need to be evacuated immediately if not sooner and relocated with the same support given to other American climate refugees in the wake of environmental disasters.
You can participate in raising awareness from wherever you are by filming a fifteen second clip singing along with the virtual flashmob to raise awareness for this important issue and sharing memes under the hashtag #WestlakeLandfill #PhytoREMeetMeInStLouis #MOSupport & #MOSolidarity #ForTheChildren of #WestlakeLandfillCrisis
CHORUS & FlashDance for virtual #HempEnvironmentalForum: (to the tune of a Judy Garland parody protected by parody laws https://youtu.be/4JARDvdrAxk)
Meet Me In Saint Louis - Louis
Meet Me At The Fair
Don’t Tell Me The Water’s Cleaner Anywhere Than There!
We Will Dance The #HoochieCoochie You Will Be My #TootsieWootsie
If You Will Meet Me In Saint Louis - Louis
ReTweet Me RE: The Forum!
Meet Me in SaintLouis - FOOEY! Meet You At The Forum
Don’t Tell Me The Water’s Clean Because You Held A Quorom!
We Will Dance The #Hoochie #Coochie I Will Be Your #Tootsie #Wootsie
But You Won’t See Me In Saint Louis FOOEY
Tweet #PhytoREMeetMe at The Forum!
[PLEASE NOTE: We realize this is no laughing matter to the people currently suffering around the globe from living in or near toxic superfund sites, however we are willing to pledge to #FlashDance with the Stars to raise awareness to this serious and immediate relocation issue. #FlashDance shall refer to sixty seconds of spontaneous and ecstatic dancing for a cause that you care deeply about.]
FlashDance references:
*HoochieCoochie sophisticated moves (aka Belly dancing style) for reference: https://youtu.be/dUSZhHpjbUQ
*HoochieCoochie moves for beginners (aka hula style) for reference:
#PhytoReMeetMeInStLouis Action Solution for Westlake Landfill
#PhytoReMeetMeInStLouis Action Solution for Westlake Landfill

Westlake Landfill Community Weblinks
Last update: 9/4/2016 12:16 AM
Westlake Landfill Web Links the stories from the locals
  • State senator says inaction on environmental 'crisis' more offensive than her language
    Chappelle-Nadal stepping up effort on behalf of Bridgeton area residents.
  • Spot On & Observant breakdown of Bridgeton Community meeting with EPA. https://www.facebook.com/groups/630852290258112/permalink/1251775361499132/
  • I was the only candidate for Lt. Governor to attend the West Lake candidate forum and was moved by the testimonials we heard. This WWII era waste from the Manhattan Project cannot be swept under the rug any longer. Thank you to the Moms group for building the coalition to finally get this addressed so that public health is not sacrificed to private profit. I look forward to working with you in the months ahead.
    Please like and share my FB page below with others who feel the same and please vote for candidates that will join the right side of this fight. https://www.facebook.com/RussforMissouri/
  • Just Moms STL held the second forum last night and we had an amazing turnout. We would like to say thank you to all the candidates from both the first and second forum that took the time to come out and personally address this issue or send a video. We heard every candidate indicate they support the efforts and platform of Just Moms STL.
    For the last four years, we have worked so hard to educate leaders of the community, and elected officials across the board, both Republican and Democrats. We had a great candidate turnout between both forums and we are very proud of that.
    It is a good feeling to hear these candidates profess their commitments to the landfill issues. When Dawn and I first started this movement most people looked at us like we had two heads.
    We have built a strong coalition of GREAT people that are dedicated to doing everything in their power to save and protect this extremely abused community!
    So much goes on behind the scenes to organize these events including our monthly community meeting. We want to say a special thanks to CA Glis,Meagan Beckermann, Christen Commuso and Robbin Ellison Dailey! We couldn't do any of this without these amazing ladies! These moms move mountains to make sure things go smoothly for Dawn and myself to be able to do the things we do. They are definitely our rock!! Next time you see them, or maybe here on facebook let them know how thankful this community is to have them!!
    We also would like to say a special thanks to Missouri Coalition for the Environment,Ed Smith& interns, Lois Marie Gibbs & Center for Health, Environment & Justice Laura Eliza Barrett & interns International Brotherhood of Teamsters Matteo Colombi, Gale Thackrey Franciscan Sisters of Mary for their helping hands, love, prayers and support for the Just Moms STL group.
    Thank you to all of the community members that attend the meetings, watch the livestream, make phone calls, email and tweet about this issue.
    If you haven't ever been to a community meeting, I hope you will join us on September 15th at the John Calvin Presbyterian Church of Bridgeton at 6:30pm. Bring a friend, or family member. Make a commitment to share this information with others everyday. We need ALL OF YOU!!!! https://www.facebook.com/karen.nickel.52?fref=nf
  • West Lake Candidate Forum Part II - August 31, 2016 https://www.facebook.com/cody.starwalker/videos/1229312380432472/
  • “Despite Republic’s last-minute attempt to keep the state from sampling all the relevant groundwater wells at the landfill, the special master has approved our request to proceed with testing as planned," said an emailed statement from the attorney general's office. "Republic is clearly worried about what the tests will reveal, and the public deserves to know why.” https://www.facebook.com/dawn.chapman.182?fref=nf

    State wins approval to test groundwater near radioactive waste at West Lake Landfill
    A special master has allowed the state to proceed with groundwater testing at wells in the portion of the West Lake…
    NEWS.STLPUBLICRADIO.ORG|BY ELI CHEN http://news.stlpublicradio.org/post/state-wins-approval-test-groundwater-near-radioactive-waste-west-lake-landfill#stream/0
  • This will be an opportunity to hear from those candidates that couldn't make our last forum. Even if you attended the first one you should plan to be at this one to as you will be hearing from additional candidates. We have invited all candidates running for office to this 2nd candidate meeting. As of today, we have already confirmed participation from the following:

    Attorney General Chris Koster for Governor
    Russ Carnahan - (running for Lieutenant Governor)
    Secretary of State--Jason Kander (running for U.S. Senator)
    Curtis Faulkner-(running for STL County Council 4th District)
    Alderwoman Amy Poelker Poelker-(running for STL County Council 2nd District)
    State Rep Bill Otto -(U.S. Representative - District 2)
    Steven Bailey-(running for U.S. Representative - District 1)
    Byron DeLear-(running for State Rep District 70)

    This is a very important issue for the entire state of Missouri and we need to know where these candidates stand and if they will publicly support our platform if elected. While it is very important for them to participate in this event, it is also very important that all of you that are concerned and following this issue attend this meeting too. We have to show them we are an army of constituents ready to hold elected officials accountable for doing everything in their power to help protect and save our community.https://www.facebook.com/events/193989174351265/
Westlake Landfill Facebook Public Group Page
This group has been formed by concerned residents to inform and keep the public updated about the radioactive waste in the West Lake Landfill in Bridgeton, Mo

EPA Missouri Westlake Landfill News and Updates
  • https://www.epa.gov/mo/west-lake-landfill-news-and-updates

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.


Bill Gates’ Nuclear Pipe Dream convert Depleted U to Pu

If you're like me and read faster than watching a video here are the Transcripts for the interview.  It looks to me like complete madness and explains so much about the Inner Dealings of the Nuclear Industry and points directly to why all the nuclear waste has been left around in different places around the country where it is causing health issues around the St Louis Region and other places 

Paducah, Love Canal, Indian Point, Westlake Landfill, Coldwater Creek, Fukushima, Hartford...

Uranium to Plutonium is the grand scheme...

Published on Mar 15, 2016
(EnviroNews DC Bureau) — Editor’s Note: The following news piece represents the second in a 15-part mini-series titled, Nuclear Power in Our World Today, featuring nuclear authority, engineer and whistleblower Arnie Gundersen. The EnviroNews USA special encompasses a wide span of topics, ranging from Manhattan-era madness to the continuously-unfolding crisis on the ground at Fukushima Daiichi in eastern Japan.

READ/VIEW the full report and transcript on EnviroNews here: http://environews.tv/031416-paducah-b...


Map LandfillFire Dangerously Close Illegally Burried Radioactive Waste

Area Map of Landfill Fire Dangerously Close to Illegally Burried Radioactive Waste

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone. Build a Green StLouis Green Building Tips and Resources via: Scotty- St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog



Download the Shelter In Place StLouis County Stay in Place rather than Evacuation Plan 

St. Louis County EVACUATION INSTRUCTIONS when Bridgeton landfill fire reaches URANIUM and THORIUM Nuclear Waste.

Newly Added Global and StLouis Post Dispatch News Stories

St. Louis County EVACUATION INSTRUCTIONS when Bridgeton landfill fire reaches URANIUM and THORIUM Nuclear Waste.
emergency plan provides very basic options for people to either evacuate the city or stay sheltered

According to the emergency plan, if the fire reaches the nuclear waste site, “there is a potential for radioactive fallout to be released in the smoke plume and spread throughout the region. This event will most likely occur with little or no warning,” the plan notes, listing the municipalities directly affected as Bridgeton, Hazelwood, Maryland Heights, the Village of Champ and the City of St. Charles.”
County Executive Steve Stenger has promised that the emergency plan is “not an indication of any imminent danger,” but with a fire just 1000 feet away from a nuclear waste site, the danger does seem imminent for many of the city’s residents.
It is [the] county government’s responsibility to protect the health, safety and well-being of all St. Louis County residents. None of this is meant to be alarmist, but you have to be prepared,” Stenger said in a statement.

However, this week Koster told the Associated Press that the fire is even closer to the contamination zone than the city officials have even estimated because the radiation extends beyond the walls of the site.

The emergency plan provides very basic options for people to either evacuate the city or stay sheltered in their houses. Aside from saying that nuclear contamination can spread through the area in plumes of smoke, there was little mention in the report about what they actually expect to happen. 

Also alarming, is the fact that while there is an evacuation plan, there has been no plan proposed to actually stop this, or clean the mess up. It seems that the local government and the EPA are just hoping for the best as the fire continues to spread.

John Vibes is an author, researcher and investigative journalist

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/st-louis-preparing-nuclear-disaster-landfill-fire-nears-radioactive-waste-site/#thQp2sI1UYMFG51j.99

Download the Shelter In Place StLouis County Stay in Place rather than Evacuation Plan St. Louis County EVACUATION INSTRUCTIONS when Bridgeton landfill fire reaches URANIUM and THORIUM Nuclear Waste.
St. Louis County EVACUATION INSTRUCTIONS when Bridgeton landfill fire reaches URANIUM and THORIUM Nuclear Waste. emergency plan provides very basic options for people to either evacuate the city or stay sheltered
St. Louis County EVACUATION INSTRUCTIONS when Bridgeton landfill fire reaches URANIUM and THORIUM Nuclear Waste.
emergency plan provides very basic options for people to either evacuate the city or stay sheltered

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone. Build a Green StLouis Green Building Tips and Resources via: Scotty- St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Maria Chappelle-Nadal-MOLEG 2015 Veto Session: 14th District Citizen Inequities

#Ferguson #BridgetonLandfill #UnaccreditedSchools #WestlakeLandfill #NuclearWaste #Uranium #Methane #ColdWaterCreek

Ms Maria Chappelle-Nadal attempts to shed light and the real-life danger of the

Bridgeton Landfill burning nuclear waste underground Uranium site that has been killing people with cancer, causing baby's to be born without eyes, and other atrocities that are being ignored by the EPA, Governor Nixon,  St Louis County Officials, and others.

Is this the same Mallinckrodt that Missouri Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal spoke of in the video?

  • Mallinckrodt PLC -NYSE: MNK - Sep 18 7:39 PM EDT $82.05Price decrease2.90 (3.41%) 

  • SECRET doc shows War Dept. contract w/ Mallinckrodt for radioactive waste in STL! DOE needs to CLEAN UP THEIR MESS! see the Document here:

What I learned is that there are 100 of these sites located in the StLouis Area.-
with 40,000 plus tons of Uranium buried during the Manhattan Project and under control of Republic Services.

So there has to be a reason that Republic Services has been allowed to sweep this under the rug and keep the public in the dark.  I bet $Money$ is behind this and
Client Profile: Summary, 2015 Lobbyists 
'99'00'01'02'03'04'05'06'07'08'09'10'11'12'13'14'15$0$60K$120K$180K$240K$300KTotalAnnual Lobbying byRepublic Services
  • I find it very revealing in 2014 Republic Sercives upped their donations to Politicians 50,000 (I call that shush money). 

Digging a little deeper into Republic Services

Issues, 2014

IssueSpecific IssuesNo. of Reports*
Energy & Nuclear Power13
Hazardous and Solid Waste11
2014: Total number of lobbyists: 4Total number of revolvers: 4 (100.0%) Revolving Door Profile Revolving Door profile   Revolving Door Profile Former Congressman
Lobbying Firm HiredAmountSubsidiary (Lobbied For)Lobbyist
Blank Rome LLP$240,000Republic ServicesDavis, Ashley ERevolving Door Profile
Greenberg, HanaRevolving Door Profile
Mcdaniel, MalloyRevolving Door Profile
Peranich, StephenRevolving Door Profile

I did not know this about #STLouis "1945--1970 by Martino ...


Oct 12, 2013 - Examination of the Manhattan-Rochester Coalition and the St. Louis aerosol studies, reveal their connections to each other, and to a much larger military project ...

Additional Information via Google Search

Jul 2, 2012 - On January 3, 1947, the Manhattan Project condemned 21.7 acres of land just north of Lambert Airport in north St. Louis to serve as a disposal ...

West Lake Landfill

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
West Lake Landfill
Superfund site

The West Lake Landfill in July, 2014
CountySt. Louis County
West Lake Landfill is located in Missouri
West Lake Landfill
Superfund sites
West Lake Landfill is an unlined landfill and Superfund site located inBridgeton, Missouri.[1][2][3] In 1973, leached barium sulfate residue originating from the Manhattan Project, was combined with topsoil (to dilute the contaminated material) and illegally dumped at the West Lake site. Due to the high concentration of radioactive material, West Lake was proposed to be a Superfund site on October 28, 1989 and underwent an environmental review process before becoming officially listed as a Superfund site on August, 30 1990.

Aerial Outline of West Lake Landfill
The landfill is divided into multiple sectors, within which are two highly-radioactive operable units (OU), OU-1 and OU-2, which both contain the same combination of highly radioactive material. Although barium sulfate cake residue is the only compound recorded to have been dumped in 1973, soil samples indicate the presence of many more radioactive materials, including Uranium andThorium, along with their decayed compounds. OU-1 covers 940 cubic yards (720 m3) on the surface (based on soil depth of 6 inches or 150 millimetres) and 24,000 cubic yards (18,000 m3) subsurface, while OU-2 covers 8,700 cubic yards (6,700 m3) on the surface and 109,000 cubic yards (83,000 m3) subsurface.
Recently, a large amount of attention has been brought to the West Lake landfill due to a subsurface smoldering fire located only 1,000 feet (300 m) away from OU-1. If the fire were to reach this area of radioactive waste, radon would be released into the air, resulting in high levels of radiation for surrounding areas.

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