-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Repower America

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Showing posts with label Repower America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Repower America. Show all posts


Clean Energy Needs Your Help

The Renewable Energy Push in Congress needs your Help
It seems that many of our chosen Leaders are recieving various incentives to slow the Growth of Renewable Energy Electric Producing Systems. Otherwise they would be acting in our best Interest to: Slow Climate Change, Create Jobs, and Protect the USA- by enacting meaningful legislation for our Clean Energy Future. Do your part in Letting your Local Leaders know how you feel and that you are not in Big Oils Pocket! TellMyPolitician I just posted 2 Articles that show how much Big Oil and Gas have donated to Political Campaigns-I was astounded at the Numbers. Millions of Dollars-http://stlouisrenewableenergy.blogspot.com/2010/07/oil-and-gas-political-contributions.html It has become even more important to contact your Legislative Department. Our only chance against Big Oil and Gas is to Let Your Voice Be Heard!!! Tell your Local Leaders to Support Clean Energy.
Dear Scotty, Scotts Contracting St Louis Renewable Energy, I just want to yell at somebody. We're in the middle of the one of the worst environmental crises in the history of our country. And a minority of Senators in the pocket of fossil fuel interests are blocking any action in the immediate future on a bill that limits carbon pollution and helps solve the climate crisis. Instead, it looks likely that the Senate will vote on a narrow oil spill response bill that only includes minor energy provisions -- and completely fails to address the underlying causes of the climate crisis and fossil fuel catastrophes like the oil spill. Make sure your Senators know that band-aid measures are unacceptable -- and that you're disappointed and not going away. Join Repower America and pledge to call your Senators this Tuesday when they're back in Washington. Tell them that you and millions of Repower America supporters won't give up until our country takes leadership on climate change and clean energy. Click here to pledge that you'll call the Senate on Tuesday, July 27. Once you sign up, we'll email you on Tuesday and give you everything you need to make the call. This disappointing announcement from the Senate follows what could only be described as a shock and awe campaign by corporate polluters. The oil and gas industry spent $213 million lobbying in this Congress alone.* Apparently, that's what it costs to block action on this crucial issue. But stopping debate doesn't just benefit big oil and dirty coal. It also robs Americans of the opportunity to reap the benefits of clean energy, including:
  • Creating millions of new American jobs
  • Ending our addiction to oil and dirty fossil fuels
  • Addressing the threat of climate change
  • Strengthening our national security
We need to change this storyline. This is not the future I want to leave my kids and future generations. Like every parent, I want to provide them a world with better opportunities -- and a healthy, prosperous planet is non-negotiable. Remind our leaders of our priorities, our values and our resolve. Join me today in pledging to call your Senators. Sign up and make the pledge here. Then stay tuned for our Tuesday email with calling instructions. Thanks, Dave Boundy Campaign Manager The Climate Protection Action Fund's Repower America campaign _______ * Center for Responsive Politics, "Oil & Gas Influence & Lobbying," last accessed July, 22 2010. http://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus.php?ind=e01
Contributions or gifts to the Climate Protection Action Fund are not tax deductible.
This email was sent to scottscontracting@gmail.com.
Paid for by the Climate Protection Action Fund
-- Scott's Contracting scottscontracting@gmail.com http://www.stlouisrenewableenergy.blogspot.com http://www.stlouisrenewableenergy.com scotty@stlouisrenewableenergy.com


National Call In Week, Repower America

Dear Blog Reader,

Next week could make or break America's climate and energy future.

Last summer, the House passed a comprehensive clean energy and climate bill that could create millions of clean energy jobs and begin to address the climate crisis. Now, a new Senate version, with significant support from key Senators, could be less than a week away* -- but lobbyists from Big Oil and Coal are already lining up to do whatever they can to gut critical provisions.

We can't let lobbyists and special interests win. America needs clean energy and the jobs it will bring to our economy.

That's why we're launching our biggest calling campaign ever. We're joining forces with a coalition of climate groups to create a perfect storm of grassroots pressure from Tuesday through Thursday of next week. We're holding an event near you where local members can call other supporters around the state and connect them to our Senators. Can you join us?

RSVP to a phone bank for clean energy near you.

Your calls were crucial to shutting down Senator Lisa Murkowski's attack on the Clean Air Act last month.

Now, with the Senate negotiating the contents of this critical new bill, its fate is in our hands too. We need to keep our Senators' phones ringing off the hook -- the more they understand that passing this bill is our top priority, the more they will make it theirs.

To get it done, we're setting the ambitious goal of 20,000 calls from the Climate Protection Action Fund alone next week. And to reach that number, we'll need the help of committed supporters like you to make it happen. Can you help us reach our goal?

Help us flood the Senate with calls. RSVP for a local phone bank next week.

Successful legislation isn't just important here in the U.S. As we saw at the Copenhagen climate conference, countless nations are relying on our action to catalyze global efforts to promote clean energy and reduce carbon pollution.

But for this bill to make a real impact, it's got to include two things:
1) Strong investment in clean energy to create American manufacturing and construction jobs, and
2) A cap on carbon pollution that limits the amount of carbon companies can emit, giving them incentives to reduce emissions while holding violators accountable.

Your calls have made a difference before. And next week, your barrage of phone calls will tell our Senators to stop wasting time, stop caving to big oil and coal, and finally pass a strong clean energy and climate bill -- because we can't afford the consequences of their inaction.

Please RSVP to a phone bank today.


Dave Boundy
Campaign Manager Repower America

* Juliet Eilperin and Steven Mufson, "Reid demands climate bill ASAP," Washington Post - Post Carbon blog, http://views.washingtonpost.com/climate-change/post-carbon/2010/02/reid_demands_climate_bill.html


Operation Free...... Repower America

Dear Buz, We have been organizing gatherings all across Missouri to build up support for clean energy legislation and to encourage our elected officials to become leaders in ending the climate crisis. If you haven't been able to attend one yet, I hope you will join us at Operation Free's event in Saint Louis, Missouri. Operation Free is a coalition of leading Veterans and national security organizations who recognize that climate change is a major threat, and support immediate, bold action. Here are the details: Operation Free VFW Post 3500 1717 South Big Bend Boulevard Saint Louis, MO 63117 Tuesday, October 13th 6:00 PM RSVP today. We need your help to make sure your neighbors and friends know the truth about clean energy. And we need our elected officials to see the strong support for clean energy here in Missouri. Will you join us in Saint Louis? Yes, I'll be there. Sorry, I can't make it, but I still want to get involved with Repower Missouri. I'm looking forward to working with you to bring clean energy to Missouri and across our country. Thanks, Andy LaVigne State Director

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