Scotts Contracting St.Louis Design Build Sustainable Building Contractor-providing diversified quality service at a fair price. For all of your remodeling, repairs, and maintenance needs.
2 Guys, Small Track Loader, Pics shovels, and a little muscle. Roughly 100 ft Long by 4 ft Tall. I now have a greater appreciation for the great pyramid builders; many of these stones weighed more than I do.
Retaining walls serve many purposes and come in a wide variety of materials, shapes, colors, and sizes. This retaining wall was constructed for the addition of 1) Off-Street Parking Area 2) Water Control 3) Side Entrance
Removing the Existing sidewalk and excavating the dirt using a small track loader- the perfect size for working in confined areas such as this.
Roughly 2 ft x 6 ft of Dirt was removed for preparation of the Natural Stone Retaining Wall.
Irregular Shape, Size, and Weight of the Stones Locks them into place
4-6 in Crushed Limestone Rock, Chet-Minus base prepped for the Concrete Sidewalk, Side Entrance, and Parking Area.
A Proper Concrete Base will prevent unnecessary stress cracks in the concrete sidewalk after installation and curing.
Next Slide Show Video will be cover the concrete pour installation
I happened to be in the Neighborhood and stopped by to photo a prior Jobsite that is standing up to the test of time. Natural Retaining Wall Build! >