-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Clean Energy

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Showing posts with label Clean Energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clean Energy. Show all posts


promising technology which converts the energy of biomass

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.

Due to the threat of climate change, the need to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases and with increasing oil prices there is need for increasing the use of biomass in energy production.

Pelleting is a promising technology which converts the energy of biomass into a more useful form through densification in order to ease handling, storage and transport.

This paper presents some aspects on the types of biomass that care used worlwide for the production of pellets and the current status of pellets production in Romania.

Also, there are presented some of the methods used for the measuring of pellets durability and the influence of some factors (such as: particle size, forming temperature, moisture content, bulk density) on the durability of pellets obtained from different types of biomass, since durability is considered a measure of pellet quality.

A REVIEW ON THE DURABILITY OF BIOMASS PELLETS (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/304996695_A_REVIEW_ON_THE_DURABILITY_OF_BIOMASS_PELLETS [accessed Sep 25, 2017].


Midwest Solar News - via REWorld

With so much solar activity taking place on both sides of our nation, what’s happening in the heartland is going almost unnoticed. But it shouldn’t. Solar is beginning to grow like a prairie fire across the Midwest.

In a wide area stretching from Missouri to Ohio, the heavily-traveled Interstate 70 corridor, solar is beginning to catch on in a big way.  Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio now have a combined total of nearly 400 MW of installed solar capacity — enough to power about 80,000 homes. But here’s the real eye-opening statistic: solar in these states is expected to grow by nearly 50 percent this year, with roughly 180 MW of new projects coming online.    

Let’s look at Missouri as a case study. Showing strong growth over the previous year, Missouri nearly tripled its amount of installed solar capacity in 2014, according to the recently-released U.S. Solar Market Insight 2014 Year in Review. What’s more, Missouri also had more than half, 55 percent, of its new electrical capacity last year come from solar energy.

In 2014, Missouri added 73 megawatts (MW) of solar electric capacity, bringing its total to 111 MW. That’s enough clean, affordable energy to power more than 12,000 homes. The report went on to point out that Missouri’s biggest solar gains came in commercial installations, but residential and utility-scale installations increased, too. Of the new capacity added, 37 MW were commercial, 20 MW were residential and 16 MW were utility scale. Together, these installations represented a $187 million investment across Missouri — a 63 percent increase over the previous year.

Today, Missouri also ranks #2 in the nation in the number of professional sports facilities with installed solar systems.  Among Major League Baseball teams, both the Royals and Cardinals have gone solar, while the Rams and Chiefs are among NFL teams to do so.

To put the state’s solar growth in some context, the 111 MW of solar PV installed today in Missouri is nearly as much as the entire country had installed by 2004. And frankly, the state is just scratching the surface of its enormous potential.

The same, of course, can be said for Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Today, there are more than 500 solar companies at work throughout the 4-state area, employing nearly 10,000 people, and bringing $339 million worth of new projects online last year. 

This steady growth across the heartland of America has helped the U.S. solar industry to grow to 174,000 workers nationwide — more than tech giants Apple, Google, Facebook and Twitter combined — while pumping nearly $18 billion a year into our economy. This remarkable growth is due, in no small part, to smart and effective public policies, such as the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), Net Energy Metering (NEM) and Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS). By any measurement, these policies are paying huge dividends for both our economy and environment.

http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/u/rhone-resch Author Rhone Resch Renewable Energy World see article here


Solar Deals-Make Solar Affordable Now

If you have ever thought a clean energy solar system was out of your league and price range. Check out the Solar Products from one of my solar suppliers that proves this isn't true any longer- message 8/28/14  - 

Solar and Wind  Deals- Solar is Affordable NOW

 Scotty Adds: 

  • Bulk pricing discounts for container loads of solar panels.  (get your StLouis neighbors to join and reduce your solar costs for labor, permitting, and materials-can equal up to 30% savings of the total costs

  • Pay attention to the location as shipping will factor in on the final costs for your clean energy project.

  • Here in St Louis I've noticed quite a few of the solar panels installed around the city are the little 250w panels.  

  • Before you take the advice of someone peddling older model solar panels-compare the "output to cost" of a higher wattage panel or even a Large Format 72 cell panel with over 300w of power.  

  • Since roof space is limited on many buildings it only makes sense to install the highest wattage of panel that you can afford giving you more bang for your buck-with less hardware, labor, and materials to buy. 

My First Solar Car!
My First Solar Car! :)

ALL the following equipment is NEW, never used UNLESS otherwise noted.

  • 125 kw of Trina 280w poly panels sitting in Honolulu Hawaii, MAKE OFFER! 
  • AEI 333 kw 480 volt 3 phase inverter, MAKE OFFER! 
  • 1 Megawatt of Beida-Solar 230w panels, sitting in California....MAKE OFFER! 
  • Qty. 5000, LED 'Par 38' lights, 12 watts each 650 lumens ("60 watt equivalent") soft white, UL listed, ...MAKE OFFER! 
  • 150 Sunpower 327w, T5 panels, pre-owned (but only installed for 9 months)...MAKE OFFER on entire lot! 
  • ET Solar 285w poly panels, 74 cents a watt for entire lot of 200 kw. 
  • Lightway Solar 285w poly panels, NON-UL for EXPORT ONLY, 56 cents a watt! East coast. 
  • Used Kyocera 120 watt panels, 37 cents a watt, minimum 4 pallets order (100 panels). Sitting in California. 
  • 750 kw of Grape Solar 235w panels, available on TERMS of NET 2 YEARS!! Call for details! 
  • 1.7 Megawatts of TRINA Solar 245w poly panels, 67 cents a watt for all, or minimum 40' container loads. Sitting in California. 
  • Qty. 299, TRINA SMART (Tigo on board) 250w poly panels with built-in panel-level monitoring system, 97 cents/w OR BEST OFFER for ALL!! Works with almost any inverter! Ask for details. 
  • Solartec 250w mono panels, truckload sitting in Texas, 69 cents a watt. ALSO have 300w poly & 310w mono for similar pricing, depending on qty. 
  • GCL 245w panels, 67 cents a watt pallet qty. Sitting in PA. 
  • Trina Solar 285w & 290w poly panels, 76 cents a watt pallets, 74 cents/w for 100 kw+ qty. 
  • Topoint 225w poly panels, 57 cents a watt pallets! 
  • Top Solar 180w mono panels, 76 panels left, 57 cents a watt. 
  • Qty. 50, Prostar AGM 12Volt 200AH maintenance-free deep-cycle batteries for off-grid power, $280 each or best offer takes all! 
  • Qty. 5000, LED 'Par 38' light bulbs, 12 watts each 650 lumens ("60 watt equivalent") soft white, UL listed, ...MAKE OFFER! 
  • 50 kw WIND TURBINES, grid-tie 60 hz 3-phase, factory list = $50k each....sell both for $69k or $35k each! NEW, Full warranty. Towers not included. Sitting in California. 
Here in St Louis I've noticed quite a few of the solar panels installed around the city are the little 250w panels.  

Before you take the advice of someone peddling older model solar panels-compare the "output to cost" of a higher wattage panel or even a Large Format 72 cell panel with over 300w of power.  

Since roof space is limited on many buildings it only makes sense to install the highest wattage of panel that you can afford giving you more bang for your buck with less hardware to buy. 

Watch Out for those slick talking salesman that put profits before value.

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference. Build a Green StLouis Green Building Tips and Resources from Scotty-St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Would you pay for a Negawatt in St Louis, MO?

Negawatt-Paid by Performance

I'm from Missouri and I understand and partially live by the states slogan-Show Me.  I am so confident that I can save you money on your utility bills.  I will base the money I earn from the energy upgrade improvements I install in your home or business in StLouis will be based off of the savings of your future energy bills.  Thats right you can pay me 'after-the-fact' on the proven performance for the work I do.  If what I say doesn't work or the energy upgrades fail to deliver then you pay nothing for my labor.

How do I know Scotty's suggested Energy Efficient upgrades and Clean Energy Solar Systems will work to save me $Money$ you ask?

To put my actions and energy efficient suggestions to the test I will soon be offering a Paid by Performance option based on the Negawatt reduction in your utility bills.

My Definition of a Negawatt is: the energy that was previously need but is not needed for your building now.  Wiki's definition of negawatt is:
Negawatt power is a theoretical unit of power representing an amount of energy (measured in watts) saved.
I'm calling for the naysayers and skeptics of energy efficiency and solar to accept my challenge.  I can and will save you money and will base this on the negawatts you will not be buying from Ameren UE!

  • Because I know that: Adding Insulation and Air Sealing the drafts in your home will save energy.
  • Energy Efficient appliances use less energy than older appliances.
  • Most of the HVAC systems in our homes do not have adequate air vents which causes them to operate inefficiently and create cold and hot spots in the home.
  • In regard to Solar: StLouis receives an average of 4.567 hours of useable sunlight everyday  (for my 2 family building 27 solar panels provides the clean energy needed to cut the entire buildings energy bills by 75%)
Why would I go out on a limb and possibly lose money?  For me its not completely about the $$$.  I breathe the air in St Louis and since Ameren UE burns dirty coal which causes: Cancer, Asthma, Breathing problems, reduced life expectancy, etc from the CO2 emissions.  {I am hedging my bets on my future health and the high costs of health care today.}  So any energy efficient upgrades and clean energy solar systems installed for your Building in the StLouis area that eliminate the burning of Fossil Fuels- will help my health in the end and everyone else in stlouis would also receive cleaner air to breathe as the added benefit.

While I'm working out the details feel free to schedule a time that we can discuss how you can participate in the program drop me a line.

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference. Build a Green StLouis Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Yes Old Dog New Tricks-DirtyEnergyDuke and Solar

Another Dirty Coal Company jumping on Clean Energy from Solar Bandwagon 'proof' that Solar Energy has been adopted as the preferred energy source of the Future.

2 Universities in DC Make Deal to Buy Solar Power (abcnewshidden in the text of the document: 'Duke Energy Renewables'

"Whats this I asked?" 

I know Duke Energy is known for #DirtyCoal... 

a quick google search on Dirty Duke Energy led me to a page that downplays the Dirty Coal aspects of Dirty Duke Energy Company and preaches clean energy aspects.  They even downright admit clean energy is best for all.

 Coal Company jumping on Clean Energy from Solar Bandwagon 

'proof' that Solar Energy has been adopted as the 

preferred energy source of the Future. Scotty

What I found most interesting is: "This Dirty Coal company has jumped on the #Solar bandwagon-which means that even dirtydukeenergy has realized the importance of clean energy production from non-polluting sources." Further proof that #SolarEnergy has been adopted as the preferred energy source of the Future.
Even here in #StLouis the local #DirtyCoal company #Ameren is building a big solar energy plant. Once again proof that #cleanenergy from solar is both profitable for the owner and is the Future!
  • Do you realize that the same #BigBusiness #dirtycoal  companies that are fighting and supporting negative ad campaigns with #dirtyenergymoney against #CleanEnergy  are then investing $$$ #Money   ' IN ' #solarenergy  .  This should show you what is going on behind closed doors (in the Energy Industry) in regard to the future of energy and where it will come from.  
  • Solar is the Future.  Dirty Energy realizes it and soon you will too. 

Build Green,

Dirty Coal jumping on Solar Bandwagon for profits from clean energy production
Solar-Good Enough for Dirty Coal Company good enough for me!

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference. Build a Green StLouis Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Proof Positive Clean Energy Solar PV Works

It is a 7 kWh system consisting of 32 panels and two inverters, On a very good day we will produce 52 kWh. Average is 42 kWh. We normally produce more electricity then we can use.

"This is directly copied from a fellow Google Plus Friend" I'm sharing it with my readers of the blog to show that it is possible to have great things that are run by solar power."

Last year we added a Nissan Leaf and now drive around town for FREE.  Saving over $3000 in gasoline a year. And no longer subservient to middle east oil prices.

One of the biggest energy reduction was installing a variable speed pool pump. Reducing usage form 12,000 watts to 1,200 watts a day.

Addition reduction was changing to LED light bulbs through the house and garage.

Here's the Google Plus Conversation in full:


Great things are happening because of solar power and the clean energy it produces. Are you considering adding a solar system to your place? I can help and will provide the most cost effective system that is on the market today. Scotty

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotts Contracting- St Louis Home Improvement Projects and Energy Reducing Needs Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


This review is from: Green Power Homes - Quick And Easy Guide to Wind, Solar and Geothermal Energy (Kindle Edition)

5.0 out of 5 stars Affordable, Informative, Money Saving Solutions-March 13, 2013
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Green Power Homes - Quick And Easy Guide to Wind, Solar and Geothermal Energy (Kindle Edition)
Mr Dollinger has put together an easy to read and understand information on ways that you can go green from your own clean energy system. This e-book will give you a greater understanding of: Wind, Solar, and Geo Thermal. If you are thinking about Going Green and Creating Electricity- this affordably priced e-book will give you the tools and understanding you need to generate your own electricity for home or business. Yes you can create your own Electricity!

Update March 17, 2013
Check out stats on Amazon :

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotts Contracting- St Louis Home Improvement Projects and Energy Reducing Needs Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog

Free Green and Sustainable EBOOK Today Only

If you have ever wanted to learn about Solar, Wind, GEO Thermal, and other clean energy producing systems now is your chance with this free EBOOK offering

Green Power Homes - Quick And Easy Guide to Wind, Solar and Geothermal Energy-Kindle Edition- By: William Dollinger Get the Free EBOOK today only at http://www.amazon.com/Green-Power-Homes-ebook/dp/B003D7LV2I

5.0 out of 5 stars Affordable, Informative, Money Saving Solutions-March 13, 2013
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Green Power Homes - Quick And Easy Guide to Wind, Solar and Geothermal Energy (Kindle Edition)
Mr Dollinger has put together an easy to read and understand information on ways that you can go green from your own clean energy system. This e-book will give you a greater understanding of: Wind, Solar, and Geo Thermal. If you are thinking about Going Green and Creating Electricity- this affordably priced e-book will give you the tools and understanding you need to generate your own electricity for home or business. Yes you can create your own Electricity!

Update Mar 17, 2013
Check out stats on Amazon :

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotts Contracting- St Louis Home Improvement Projects and Energy Reducing Needs Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


StLouis Made In America Solar Systems Now Available

Scotts Contracting Authorized SolarWorld Distributor
Authorized Installation and Sales
Scotts Contracting, St Louis Renewable Energy 

Made in the USA

What does it really mean to be made in America?

For SolarWorld, being made in America means more than simply assembling foreign components in the USA, which does little to benefit the economy. By carrying out the entire value chain in the USA , we are creating American manufacturing jobs not only at our factories but at our suppliers’ factories as well.

American components and materials

  • Raw silicon
  • Tempered glass
  • Aluminum module frames
  • Back sheets and embedding
  • Other direct and indirect materials

American manufacturing

Why made in America is important to our customers

  • Highest quality products
  • Reliable delivery schedules
  • Local warranty and product support
  • Real energy independence vs importing
  • Meets and exceeds Buy America requirements
  • Avoids environmental costs of overseas shipping
  • Money spent stimulates the US economy and creates US jobs
  • Processes meet stringent US labor and environmental policies
SolarWorld is investing over $500 million to expand US-based manufacturing, which generates hundreds of millions of dollars each year for American workers, goods and services.

Scotts Contracting, St Louis Renewable Energy offers the Following Services for Home and Business 

Specializing in Green, Eco Friendly and Sustainable Building Projects with Energy Reducing Resources for Home Improvement Projects and Energy Conservation 
for the St Louis Region


Find and Contact Scotts Contracting at these Social Network Sites

American Made Solar Equipment

 Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotts Contracting- St Louis Home Improvement Projects and Energy Reducing Needs Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog
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Poll: How can I help you save money on your Winter Time Heating Bills?

Click Here to take the Poll: How can I help you save money on your Winter Time Heating Bills? you will be redirected to the Sister Site at Word Press

Example: By adding the suggested Inches of Insulation you will save 10-30% amount on the Energy needed to heat your Home = Lower Heating Bills and Greater Comfort Levels for you and your family

I took the Energy Pledge-Have YOU?

Take the Pledge to reduce Energy Consumption and Encourage Everyone Else to do their Part
  • Here are my Top 10 reasons for Green and Sustainable forms of Energy Independence and Reducing Energy by Weatherization
  1. Wars Over Oil
  2. Pollution
  3. Clean Air
  4. Clean Water
  5. Reducing Cancer Causing Agents caused by Pollution
  6. Saving Money on Energy and Electric Costs
  7. Safety of the USA
  8. Clean Energy Creates Jobs For America
  9. Reduce the Leverage of Big Oil Companies on our Politicians
  10. Sustainable Resources for Energy Efficient Buildings
If I can assist you in anyway in lowering your Energy use in your Home or Business shoot me an email at the follow link below, Scotty

image: LEARN MORE AT energystar.gov
BScott, Scotts Contracting S, thank you for making a difference with ENERGY STAR!
Here is what you committed to change and the special offers available to help you make that change:
Pledged Items
  • Turn off your lights when not needed
  • Change your system's air filter regularly
  • Seal leaks and repair disconnections in your duct system
  • Set or program your thermostat while asleep or away
  • Purchase and properly use a programmable thermostat
  • Add more insulation to your attic to block out heat and cold
  • Seal your home's envelope to stop air leaks and drafts by using caulk, spray foam, and weather stripping
Rebate/Special Offers
Now that you've taken this important step, here are some tools that can help you get started:
  • Home Energy Yardstick – Compare your household's energy use to others across the country. Get your score now, and then come back in 12 months to see how you've improved.
  • ENERGY STAR @ Home Tool – Take a room-by-room tour of ENERGY STAR @ home and learn what you can do to save energy, save money and help protect our environment in your own home.
  • Programmable Thermostat Video – This video teaches you to properly use your programmable thermostat.
  • At Home with ENERGY STAR Video – In this video, a home improvement expert takes you through a real home to learn energy-saving tips.
When you have completed your actions, show us how you made a change with ENERGY STAR by sharing a written or video story.
Don't forget to spread the word to others and discover even more rewards!
ENERGY STAR is a program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices. For more information, visit www.energystar.gov.

©2011 ENERGY STAR®. All Rights Reserved.

If I can assist you in anyway in lowering your Energy use in your Home or Business shoot me an email at the follow link below, Scotty

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