Open Letter to Gov. Nixon to Protect Renewable Energy in Missouri
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Dear Governor Nixon:
I am grateful for your strong support of energy efficiency and renewable energy in your tenure as Governor thus far. Today, I ask you to continue your support of renewable energy in Missouri and the creation of in-state clean energy jobs by vetoing SCR1.
SCR1 aims to remove the “sold to Missouri” requirement from the 2008 voter-enacted Renewable Electricity Standard (RES). If this resolution were to pass into law, Missouri would lose the nine thousand clean-energy jobs and the billions of dollars in economic development, state taxes, and worker payrolls the MO RES was expected to create.
Please veto SCR1 and ensure that renewable energy is being created locally and sold directly to Missouri consumers. The development of in-state renewable energy sources will have a profound economic impact on communities across the state, whether they produce renewable energy, manufacture components, or supply the labor or materials to develop these projects.
Thank you for your dedication to renewable energy in Missouri. Please take this opportunity to continue your support of renewable energy in Missouri by vetoing SCR1.
SCR1 aims to remove the “sold to Missouri” requirement from the 2008 voter-enacted Renewable Electricity Standard (RES). If this resolution were to pass into law, Missouri would lose the nine thousand clean-energy jobs and the billions of dollars in economic development, state taxes, and worker payrolls the MO RES was expected to create.
Please veto SCR1 and ensure that renewable energy is being created locally and sold directly to Missouri consumers. The development of in-state renewable energy sources will have a profound economic impact on communities across the state, whether they produce renewable energy, manufacture components, or supply the labor or materials to develop these projects.
Thank you for your dedication to renewable energy in Missouri. Please take this opportunity to continue your support of renewable energy in Missouri by vetoing SCR1.