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Showing posts with label Follow the Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Follow the Money. Show all posts


They don't want people to be healthy-against the ACA

In a previous blog about My Take-ACA with Doc and Nurse comments I touched on a Doctors and Nurses comments about Obama Care.  Today I'm going to dig in and offer my opinion as to why I feel the Republicans and the Tea Party are so vehemently against the ACA.

For me the realization came when I realized the ACA encourages a Healthy Lifestyle -"the ACA encourages a Healthy Lifestyle and is part of the preventive actions quote"   

Wow thats great until you realize that 90% or more of what the Republican Party does is NOT Health Conscious.

Here is just three examples of why I feel the GOP is NOT in favor of a healthy population. 

  • The GOP would rather poison us with Dirty Air from burning Dirty Coal and creating CO2 emissions that cause Cancer, Asthma, Respiratory Issues, etc.  

Of course they don't want people to be healthy and are against the ACA.

  • The GOP would rather poison us from Dirty Water from Fracking the Earth.  

Of Course they don't want people to be healthy and are against the ACA.

  • The food we eat is now being modified with GMO products that we are finding are not a healthy choice.  

Of course they don't want people to be healthy and are against the ACA.

Politicians in Washington are so worried about their Political Futures, Elections, and Re-Elections they sell out to the highest bidder and vote according to the wishes of their Sponsors becoming the Puppet Men.

Its so obvious that the GOP are just puppets of (the real power in Washington) Big Oil, Big Pharma, and Big Business.  Of Course, they don't want to disrupt the unhealthy lifestyles that we humans currently live (which bankroll the Billions that Big Business makes off the backs of the People).

Why else would the likes of the Dirty Oil / Big Business Koch Bros care about if people were healthy or not?  When its against the Almighty Dollar that they earn and worship- anything good for you is Bad for them.

It all goes back to The Shutdown was All our Fault-Voters are Responsible.  We've elected these clowns into office and let them create the Big Business friendly culture in Washington that exempts big business from paying taxes, big business moving jobs overseas, big business changing the banking laws, big business causing the housing crash, big business influencing the Stock Market....the list goes on and on and it all points back to the influence of BIG BUSINESS in Washington.

To learn more about how Big Business Influences Elections and Dirty Money in Politics.  I look up the elected leaders and those who are campaigning to become our Elected Leaders with these websites:

Open Secrets
  • Our Mission: Inform, Empower & Advocate
    • The Center for Responsive Politics is the nation's premier research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. Nonpartisan, independent and nonprofit, the organization aims to create a more educated voter, an involved citizenry and a more transparent and responsive government.

Dirty Energy Money

  • Challenging Dirty Energy's Dominance of our Democracy
    • Dirty Energy Money is an interactive tool that tracks the flow of oil, gas and coal industry contributions to the US Congress.  (Follow the $$$)

Follow the Money

  • Investigate Money in State Politics
    • Money in state politics plays a pivotal role in shaping public policy in individual states and across the nation.  We track political donations in all 50 states.  Take a Look

Simple Solution for a Complex Problem Research Your Elected Official-Scotty

Diapers and Politicians Should Be Changed Often Both for the Same Reason
Diapers and Politicians Should Be Changed Often
Both for the Same Reason

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Russel Brands Revolutionary Ideas Gain Speed

BBC Interview-Actor Russell Brand talks about how change is needed in the Political Structure and points out how the current system is corrupt and does not represent the people anymore.  Simple facts of how the Will of the Corporations influence in the Politics and what is stopping the needed progress to ensure all the Freedoms that are being robbed from the people.

Here are some of the places I go to find information on money in politics and who is supporting who:  http://www.opensecrets.org/ and http://www.followthemoney.org/

I encourage everyone to look at the donors of the Politician you plan to vote for.  You too will have the a-hah moment and then realize why our political system is in a total dysfunction.

When corporations give millions to a politicians slush fund and buy the votes of our politicians.

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotts Contracting- St Louis Home Improvement Projects and Energy Reducing Needs Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Dirty Money-Our Missouri Government Leaders

Another Letter to: Rep. Russ Carnahan, Sen. Kit Bond, Sen. McCaskill,

Dear Mr. Carnahan, Mr. Bond, and Ms. McCaskill-

I encourage 'Leading by Example'.  When I read that my Elected Leaders have a combined Political Contributions of $455,759.00-From the Oil and Coal Industry.  I  feel my Government Representatives are being influenced by the Oil and Coal Corporations. 

I encourage you to vote for meaningful legislation that will move our Great State and assist in the Nation's move towards Energy Independence. If more of our Electricity was supplied by Renewable Energy- We would require less Coal and Oil. 

Its obvious to even the Lay-Person that Global Warming is REAL with Oil and Coal being the biggest culprits.  In staying with our States Theme: 'Show Me'.  I believe we have the perfect opportunity to 'Show' the Union how we are directing our Great State towards Energy Independence.

I am just one small voice and share my views with my combined 4,000 average monthly readers via my web sites.  When it comes time for RE-Election in the Future.  Renewable Energy Production and Weatherization will be 'Hot-Bed' Issues.  I would like to report to my Readers that Our Current Leaders have voted for Renewable Energy Production and Weatherization.  Rather than reporting how our Current Leaders are voting for Big Oil and Big Coal.

I would also like to offer Guest Post Opportunities for you to share your Views on Renewable Energy Production and Weatherization. 

Thank you for your time.  My best to you and yours.

Build Green,


Congress' inability to pass meaningful energy legislation is simply unacceptable.  I am convinced that if we're going to end our addiction to fossil fuels, Congress must end its addiction to fossil fuel campaign finance.  Please assure me that you will no longer accept campaign contributions from the oil, coal, and gas industries. "You Three have collected:$455,759.00 from the Oil and Coal Organizations"
Scott's Contracting


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