-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Zero Down Solar Lease

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Showing posts with label Zero Down Solar Lease. Show all posts


StLouis Home Example Solar Lease Benefits


• System Qualifies for Rebate = $XXX
• Solar System Design and Installation Included
• Immediate Savings
• Insurance and System Warranty Included
• No / Minimal Up Front Cost
• Maintenance Included
• Guarantee: Never Pay More For Solar Energy
• Environmental Stewardship, Clean Renewable Energy

   Solar System Information Environmental Impact

System Size 6.615 kW Carbon Offsets 13,000 lbs./Year
Number of Solar Panels 27
Equivalent Miles Not Driven 16,641 Miles/Year Est.

Year 1 Production 8,269 kWh
Lifetime Carbon Offsets 260,000 lbs.
Est. 20 Year Production 157,000 kWh
Lifetime Gas Offset 332,000 gallons

Payment / Savings Calculator Estimated Solar Offset
Standard Lease Prepaid Lease w/ Buyout

Installation Cost...........................$0 with Deposit $0
Lease Prepayment........................$0 Lease with Deposit $1,654
Annual Payment (Years 1‐5).......$662 with Deposit $0
Annual Savings.............................$744 with Deposit $744
Estimated Buyout Price (Year 6)..$2,000 with Deposit $700

Total 10 Year Savings $2,000 with Deposit $6,300

Total 15 Year Savings $4,300 with Deposit $11,900

PREPARED FOR:.............................Your Address St. Louis, MO 63___
Date:....................................................The Day I Went Green
Utility Power:......................................15%

Total- 20 Year Savings:...................... $7,600 with Deposit $18,400

Frequently Asked Question

What if I move? You can simply assign your solar lease to your the homeowner. If you’d prefer however, you are able to buyout the lease and
move the equipment to your new home.

What if the system doesn’t work? We are confident that it will, we track over 50 of our installed systems over the past several years, and
those systems have averaged 6% more annual production than expected production. In the event that the system doesn’t produce as
expected, your lease payment will be reduced so that you will never pay more for solar energy than you would otherwise for utility energy.

Will hail damage the panels? The solar panels are rated for a 1” hailstone flying at 55 MPH perpendicular to the face of the solar panel…the
solar panels are designed to withstand large hail impacts.

What about maintenance? There is minimal/no maintenance required for these solar systems since there are no moving parts. Maintenance
for a Leased System is included in the lease.

Disclaimer: The information contained herein regarding incentive values,
tax credits, and other financial information is subject to change without
notice. XXXXXXXXXXX. does not have accountants or attorneys on
staff and is not authorized to give tax or legal advice. The sole
responsibility to verify all information contained herein lies with the

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotty for more information.


Green and Renewable Peer Discussion Topics

      In discussions with other Peers involved in the Construction Industry about the building and remodeling of homes and business in the St Louis Area.  I keep a mental log of the conversations and what I noticed was a re-occurring theme in something we all did agree on ( and it didn't matter if I was speaking to a Democrat, Republican, Independent- Young or Old).  
     They all agree that:  

  1. Material prices have skyrocketed in the past few years.  
  2. A Building shouldn't be drafty and have air leaks.  
  3. Heat and Cool Buildings Efficiently and Afford-ably.

Material Prices  (using a simple 2x4x10 Wall Framing Stud as an Example)-

  • Supply and Demand is Driving the Material Costs Higher.  World Wide Population growth coupled with what seems like some form of Natural Disaster Somewhere in the World every Month or Two.  It doesn't matter if the home or business was destroyed by the Flood, Hurricane, Tornado, Tsunami, or whatever it was.  The End Results are the Same: Cities and Towns left Completely in Ruins.  And we simply can't get trees to grow as fast as whats needed to rebuild the damage.

Air Leaks and Drafty Homes

  • Whether its your home or office:  Everyone wants to be comfortable.  With the Advent of the different types of Air and Vapor Barriers, Insulation, Advanced Framing Techniques, Windows, and Doors.  (As Required by current building codes) Buildings are now constructed and or remodeled using progressive building techniques that eliminate over 90% of these Air Leaks.

Heat and Cool Buildings Efficiently and Affordably

  • We've came along ways in providing heat for the home over the years.  Long past is the time we spent sitting around the campfire for warmth.  Our warmth in the winter and cold air in the summer; now comes from the switch on the wall. (I enjoy the modern convenience of a climate controlled room.)  And any business owner will state that their employees productivity is greater when the staff isn't too hot or cold.  In times long since past the costs for turning up or town the temp didn't make too big of a bill at the end of the month.  Nowadays it seems that every notch on the dial leads to higher bills at months end.
Its obvious to me that: Green and Sustainable Buildings is the Answer for today's Construction Needs.  I would venture to say that 90% of today's builders and re-modelers (worth their Salt) adhere to Energy Efficient Building Guidelines.

Which always leads me to ask:

"What is wrong with making your own Electricity?"
A new re-occurring theme appeared and they asked these three main questions:  Is it affordable-Aren't they expensive to install? Is Solar Reliable?

Zero $00.00 Down Solar Lease

  • I then start telling them about the: Zero Down Solar Lease, which makes solar affordable on most every budget.  (for every home I have figured- Solar either eliminates or cuts the Electricity Bill in half.) What could be better than a Non-Polluting Solar Electric System that generates its own electricity for less than your current Ameren UE Utility Bill?

Installation Is Covered

  • With the $00.00 Down Solar Lease- Any Permits, Inspections, Installation, and Maintenance is included in the Solar Lease. 
That means that you will not have to come out of pocket for a Dime to install a Solar System at your Home or Business.  Installation and Maintenance is covered in the Solar Lease

20+ Year Guaranty

  • The various Solar Systems I sell, lease, and install all have guaranties for 20+ years.  These warranties come from Field Tested Systems; where the electrical output is so predictable that the "Yearly" electrical outputs are guaranteed as well.  As long as the sun is shining they will produce electricity for your home for many many years into the Future.  And Unlike the rising costs of electricity- an Owner of a Solar system costs decrease as the Solar System pays for itself.

I can't spell it out any clearer.  Solar is Affordable Now. 

It will decrease your High Energy Bills leaving more $Money$ for you and your household.  And it will last 20+ years and still produce electricity in its old age.  What is there not to like about a Free Solar Lease System?  - as always Scotts Contracting provides a Free Estimate for any job.  What have you got to lose?  Use the contact info below to contact Scotty for a "Free Solar Lease Quote".

Build a Green St Louis
Scotts Contracting, St Louis Renewable Energy

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