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Showing posts with label Energy Efficiency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Energy Efficiency. Show all posts


Home Fire Repair and Remodel

The following photos are images from the job site, highlighting areas that the prior weatherization crews missed -when they were insulating this building.  

The missing insulation in critical areas causes greater energy needs - adding to the carbon footprint of this home.

The missing insulation in critical areas causes greater energy needs - adding to the carbon footprint of this home.

The Hemp Insulation Solutions to Thermal Bridging
Industrial Hemp Insulation stops thermal bridging!
Industrial Hemp Insulation stops thermal bridging!

Fire repair, gut rehab- property was one of the most insulated buildings I've worked on in StLouis (that wasn't mine). The prior so called "energy experts" who installed all the insulation, missed insulting the spots most needed.
In this home's lower floor is where a garage and storage rooms are located. There are two giant heat traps one of which extends thru the home to the roof area- the chimney & The other heat sink is the metal post and beam system that supports the second floor;floor.
Heat and cold transfer thru denser materials faster and more efficiently that a porous substance.
All the second floor boards are supported by this heat sink. This allows the heat and cold a way into the building thru conduction- thermal conductivity.
The homes chimney is also located in the coldest part of the home and thermally conducts all the absorbed heat & cold into the second floor.
To stop the thermal conductivity- building owner should insulate both of these areas and stop the heat or cold from ever reaching the heat sinks. By wrapping the chimney & metal it will never get cold or hot eliminating thermal conductivity.

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.


Simple Comparison of Clothes to a Buildings Envelope

R 16 Unfaced Wall Insulation as used in Benton Rehab Project
R 16 Unfaced Wall Insulation as used in Benton Rehab Project

If you are reading this I’m going to assume that you aren’t a googlebot or bingbot and wear clothes in your daily activities.  You are an actual human being who wears clothes.  
Besides the obvious fact we wear clothes to cover our nakedness.  
We humans wear clothes for protection, protection for our bodies from the heat, from the cold, from rain and snow- from the Elements.  
We protect ourselves with clothes against the Climate and Elements we live in.

Just as you wear clothes to protect yourself from the elements the various parts of a properly constructed energy efficient building are there to protect it from the elements while keeping the inhabitants comfortable.

While it may sound complex in Nature; it’s really rather simple in content when talking about a Building.

The simple comparison in how warm and dry an Insulated Windbreaker is to a Simple T-Shirt.   
The Windbreaker stops the Cold Air from reaching your skin and the Insulation is the stuff that keeps the cold from creeping close to your body.  
  1. While a T Shirt lets in both Air and Cold thus failing to keep you warm and dry. (This is the Framing of your Building. )
  2. A Sweatshirt will help seal out a little cold but not for long. (This is the Insulation in your Building. )
  3. But when a Windbreaker is put on over the Sweatshirt and T-Shirt it is such relief to be warm- almost anything is tolerable when in a Cold Windy Environment. (This is the Air Barrier in your Building.)
  4. Caps or Hats (The roof of your Building)
  5. Shoes and boots (The Foundation / Basement of your Building)
Examples 1 thru 5 when applied to a Building is your Building's Envelope or Outer Shell.
The buildings we live and work in need protection too. Just as you will add layers against the cold to stay warm in today’s extreme climate. Your Building needs the same protection against the Elements of Heat and Cold.

The best protection against the Elements cold and heat from entering your building is: Insulation.

Insulation is your Number One Source for keeping your building’s energy consumption as low as possible while staying comfortable.

 Insulation keeps the Heat and Cold from creeping in your Building.  

While building Insulation comes in many forms it basically performs the basic action that I mentioned above when talking about wearing a sweatshirt.  

Insulation is there to keep out the heat and cold that make life uncomfortable(to include the uncomfortable feeling you get when you pay your local monthly Gas and Electric utility bills- for the over priced services they provide your building.)

Example of Air Barrier used in Benton Rehab ProjectJust as the Windbreaker stops the Wind from interfering with your body.  The Air Barrier does the same for your Home or Office.  Normal construction techniques have various Air Barriers. All of which are designed to eliminate and reduce the cold or warm air from entering and leaving your Building.  This is the second most crucial step in protecting a building against the Elements of heat and cold.

Bare Wall Stud Framing with No layers of Protection from the Elements
Bare Wall Stud Framing with No layers of Protection from the Elements
So what is the T-shirt used in this examples place in a building.  The T Shirt in this example is the Buildings Walls and Roof.  See the bare wall in this photo above of the Benton Rehab Project.

 While the crew and I were rehabbing this building in St Louis.  This is the framing without layers of Insulation or Air Barrier.  It’s obvious that these walls will not keep out any heat or cold.  Just as a t-shirt performs.
The Air Barrier and Insulation coupled with a few other areas of your building is your Building's Envelope.
reposted Scotty, Scotts Contracting St Louis Renewable Energy 4/2/13

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.


Would you pay for a Negawatt in St Louis, MO?

Negawatt-Paid by Performance

I'm from Missouri and I understand and partially live by the states slogan-Show Me.  I am so confident that I can save you money on your utility bills.  I will base the money I earn from the energy upgrade improvements I install in your home or business in StLouis will be based off of the savings of your future energy bills.  Thats right you can pay me 'after-the-fact' on the proven performance for the work I do.  If what I say doesn't work or the energy upgrades fail to deliver then you pay nothing for my labor.

How do I know Scotty's suggested Energy Efficient upgrades and Clean Energy Solar Systems will work to save me $Money$ you ask?

To put my actions and energy efficient suggestions to the test I will soon be offering a Paid by Performance option based on the Negawatt reduction in your utility bills.

My Definition of a Negawatt is: the energy that was previously need but is not needed for your building now.  Wiki's definition of negawatt is:
Negawatt power is a theoretical unit of power representing an amount of energy (measured in watts) saved.
I'm calling for the naysayers and skeptics of energy efficiency and solar to accept my challenge.  I can and will save you money and will base this on the negawatts you will not be buying from Ameren UE!

  • Because I know that: Adding Insulation and Air Sealing the drafts in your home will save energy.
  • Energy Efficient appliances use less energy than older appliances.
  • Most of the HVAC systems in our homes do not have adequate air vents which causes them to operate inefficiently and create cold and hot spots in the home.
  • In regard to Solar: StLouis receives an average of 4.567 hours of useable sunlight everyday  (for my 2 family building 27 solar panels provides the clean energy needed to cut the entire buildings energy bills by 75%)
Why would I go out on a limb and possibly lose money?  For me its not completely about the $$$.  I breathe the air in St Louis and since Ameren UE burns dirty coal which causes: Cancer, Asthma, Breathing problems, reduced life expectancy, etc from the CO2 emissions.  {I am hedging my bets on my future health and the high costs of health care today.}  So any energy efficient upgrades and clean energy solar systems installed for your Building in the StLouis area that eliminate the burning of Fossil Fuels- will help my health in the end and everyone else in stlouis would also receive cleaner air to breathe as the added benefit.

While I'm working out the details feel free to schedule a time that we can discuss how you can participate in the program drop me a line.

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference. Build a Green StLouis Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


StLouis Property Owner Public Meeting Notice-Set The PACE StLouis

Low Cost Financing for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Upgrades now Available to City of StLouis Residential and Commercial Building Owners.

  • Who: StLouis Propety Owners
  • What: Public Meeting Financing for Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Financing Resources
  • Where: SLDC- 1520 Market St, StLouis MO
  • When: July 17, 2013
StLouis Renewable Energy supports-Set the PACE St.Louis

The City's Set the PACE St. Louis program is a great opportunity. If building owners use this financing tool, it will promote energy efficiency, save money, help the environment and create jobsMayor Francis G. Slay

  • Streamlined qualification process
  • Low, fixed payments
  • Over 150,000 eligible products
  • Positive cash flow through energy savings
  • Balance transfers to new property owner upon sale
  • Interest is tax deductible*
    *Consult your tax attorney or accountant

Eligible Projects

Public Meeting for
Property Owners
July 17th, 2013 at 6:00 pm - 
St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC)
1520 Market Street, St Louis MO (google map)

View Larger Map

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotts Contracting- St Louis Home Improvement Projects and Energy Reducing Needs Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


1st Floor Weatherization-Benton Project

3 Main Energy Efficiency Measures Taken on the Benton Project

  1. R22 Insulation installed in 2x6 Wall Framing Members
  1. Vapor and Air Filtration Barrier
  1. Additional HVAC Cold Air Return Duct

Scotts Contracting Installs R22 Insulation

R22 Batt Type Insulation-Friction Fit-
Johns Mansfield No Itch Insulation

Photo is the Water and Vapor Barrier used to seal the wall frame-Scotts Contracting,St Louis Renewable Energy
Water and Air Barrier
The Above Photo is the Water and Vapor Barrier used to seal the wall frame.  This material is recycled Billboard Sign Material.  The true R-Value of the Material is not known.  We do know that the material is Ten Times stronger and thicker than normal vapor barriers on the Market today. 

I added an additional HVAC 'Return' Air Duct to help
the Efficiency of the Electric Furnace

Scotts Contracting-St Louis Renewable Energy
before Modern Day Insulation they used Hair, Newspaper,
and other Miscellaneous Materials

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotty for any Home Improvement Projects or Energy Reducing Needs and Scotty, Scotts Contracting will respond ASAP. Company Web Address: http://www.stlouisrenewableenergy.com


I took the Energy Star Pledge Have You?

Scott's Contracting Energy Star Pledge to 

Improve the Energy Efficiency of 

America's Buildings by 10% or More!

Scotts Contracting Energy Star Pledge

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotty for any Home Improvement Projects or Energy Reducing Needs and Scotty, Scotts Contracting will respond ASAP. Company Web Address: http://www.stlouisrenewableenergy.com


St Louis Ameren Coal Fired Electricity Plant Users

Energy Efficient Homes use Less Coal Fired Electricity and Reduce Carbon Emissions -if every home in America reduces their energy use by the average in this program, projected energy usage would drop by more than 26,000 GWh per year-equal to the emissions from three 500-MW coal-fired power plants. The Preceding Quote was from: Alliance to Save Energy

Energy Efficiency Makes Huge Difference

Energy efficiency and home energy management have been developing trends in the last year or two in the relationship between consumers and their utilities. Now comes word of a new study detailing how effective this relationship has the potential to be at driving down home energy costs as well as reducing carbon emissions.

The study, according to the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), found that energy reduction behaviors based on data generated from information-based energy efficiency programs reportedly could generate billions in savings for Americans and reduce CO2 emissions by more than 8.9 million metric tons per year on a nationwide level.

Programs from 11 utilities across the country were analyzed in the study, encompassing more than 750,000 households nationwide. It was found, on a national basis, that these information based programs had driven household savings ranging from an average of 1-3 percent per year – mostly through small behavior changes.
The data analyzed includes more than 22 million meter reads gathered over periods of a minimum of twelve months from each of the deployments. The data analyzed came from the home energy reporting program of Opower, an energy management company each of the utilities were working with.

EDF believes that, if every home in America reduces their energy use by the average in this program, projected energy usage would drop by more than 26,000 GWh per year. The previously mentioned carbon emissions savings related to this power reduction is equal to the emissions from three 500-MW coal-fired power plants.


If you are interested in ways to save $money$ on your Cooling Bills this summer Scotty suggests to weatherize your home and the $Money$ you save will come back to you by decreased Summertime Cooling Bills.  Rule of Thumb: For every $1.00 spend on weatherization, will return $2.00 in savings on your Electric Bills.  Use the email address below for additional $Money$ saving cooling tips.

*Scott's Contracting*

Green Me UP-Scotty
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Nega Watts- Energy Efficiency News

  •  birth of the negawatt – a tradable resource now gaining prominence in the industry
  • energy efficiency resource portfolio standards with targets to reduce electricity demand over time
  • standards will take a 6% bite out of retail electricity sales nationwide by 2020
Estimating the imact of US energy efficiency programmes

May 5, 2011 Risk . net

 Increased interest in energy efficiency and demand response programmes in the US power markets has led to the birth of the negawatt – a tradable resource now gaining prominence in the industry. But estimating the impact of these programmes is not easy, as Elisa Wood discovers

Many US states are now mandating deep cuts in power use through energy efficiency programmes. However, for suppliers and utilities, working out the impact these programmes will have on their business models is proving extremely difficult.

Twenty-six US states, which account for 65% of the country’s electricity demand, now have energy efficiency resource portfolio standards with targets to reduce electricity demand over time. If achieved, the standards will take a 6% bite out of retail electricity sales nationwide by 2020, according to the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE).

Because these, and other efficiency and demand reduction programmes, effectively increase supply, they have given birth to a new virtual resource – the negawatt – energy saved via energy efficiency measures. The negawatt is fast becoming a recognised tradable resource that can be used to bid in some of the US regional wholesale power markets head to head against power resources. The first to accept such bids was ISO New England in its forward capacity market. These negawatts have contributed to significant flattening of demand for capacity in New England.

Negawatts have not, however, created power markets that are any less complicated when it comes to navigating risk and reward, according to Daniel Allegretti, vice-president for energy policy with Maryland-based Constellation Energy, which operates in both wholesale and retail electric markets. In fact, they have added yet another wrinkle.

“As we’re seeing more demand response coming in flattening things out, we are also seeing more intermittent supply [such as wind and solar] come in. So I don’t think the markets are becoming less volatile from a trading perspective,” he says. “To understand it, to predict and see where to take a position, is becoming increasingly challenging,” he adds. “I wouldn’t say there is a magical algorithm.”

Indeed, it is ultimately the “grey matter” that must determine a supplier’s market position by taking in the many data points that influence demand, such as weather, rule changes, energy imports, regional transmission organisation information and new utility programmes, he says.

All these variables make trying to calculate the impact of energy efficiency and demand response extremely tricky. “The prevailing conventional wisdom is that energy efficiency will put downward pressure on demand and prices. I don’t think anyone argues with that. The $64,000 question is, of what magnitude,” says Martin Kushler, senior fellow at the ACEEE.

Overall demand appears set to rise despite energy efficiency programmes, due to a growing use of air conditioners and electronic devices. However, the rise is forecast at just 1% per year, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Retail electricity rates also appear to be levelling and may even fall, according to the EIA’s Short-Term Energy Outlook, published in March 2011. Household electricity prices showed no growth from 2009 and 2010, hovering around an average 11.58 cents/kWh, not an unexpected event during a period of slow economic activity and low natural gas prices. The same forecast shows electricity prices rising by 1% in 2011 and 0.5% in 2012.

But over the long term, prices may actually fall. An early release of EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook 2011 projects that real average delivered electricity prices will drop to as low as 8.9 cents/kWh in 2016.
Scotty writes: I'll believe a decrease in Electricity Rates when It happens.  From all I read about Ameren UE's agenda- they will not be lowering the Electricity Rates for St Louis anytime soon.


Examples of Energy Efficiency Upgrades Saving $ and Energy-

Capital Region businesses save big bucks with energy efficiency upgrades
Apr 7, 2011WNYT
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) announced today that 219 Capital Region businesses are reducing energy costs by nearly $4.5 million annually as a result of the energy efficiency upgrades and sustainable building projects supported by NYSERDA during 2010.

According to a press release from NYSERDA, the energy savings—more than 48 million kilowatt hours—is equivalent to the amount of electricity consumed by nearly 7,000 single-family homes annually and will be realized by these companies every year for years to come.

“NYSERDA commends these leaders in the Capital Region business community for their commitment to more environmentally sustainable business practices,” said President and CEO of NYSERDA Francis J. Murray Jr. in a statement. “And we encourage other companies to apply for the incentives available in 2011 for energy efficiency improvements for existing buildings and new building projects.”

NYSERDA provided $6.5 million in incentives to businesses to make energy efficiency projects more affordable, enhance competitiveness and cut costs for businesses. These incentives are available to every sector of the economy, including retail, manufacturing, hospitality, health care, agricultural, commercial and others.

Examples of Capital Region businesses that have benefited from participating in NYSERDA programs in 2010 include:

• Adirondack Beverage Corp. in Scotia replaced old, inefficient lighting with newer high performance fixtures and replaced incandescent exit signs with LED fixtures. The project reduced annual energy costs by $116,000 and decreased electricity consumption by more than 1.1 million kilowatt hours.

• Freihofer’s Cake Plant, a division of Bimbo Bakeries USA, in Albany replaced old, inefficient lighting with newer high performance fixtures and installed occupancy sensors in applicable areas. The project will reduce annual energy costs by nearly $47,000 and decrease electricity consumption by more than 1.8 million kilowatt hours.

• Garelick Farms in Rensselaer upgraded existing lighting with more energy-efficient fixtures. The project will help reduce annual energy costs by nearly $42,000 and decrease electricity consumption by nearly 350,000 kilowatt hours.

• Stewart’s Shops in Saratoga Springs replaced old, inefficient lighting with newer high performance fixtures and installed occupancy sensors in its 300,000 square-foot warehouse. The project will help reduce annual energy costs by $77,000 and decrease electricity consumption by more than 740,000 kilowatt hours. Stewart’s is achieving additional energy savings by retrofitting freezer cases with “zero energy” cooler doors and LED lighting at stores in Saratoga Springs, Ballston Spa, Gansevoort, Voorheesville and Wynantskill.

cross posted courtesy of the Carbon Capture Report- Courtesy of Green Me UP-Scotty


LED Retrofits-Examples of Companies Saving $ Money $

Red Robin Slices Energy Costs with LED Retrofits

Mar 30, 2011 GreenBiz
Three years ago, lighting manufacturer Eco-story supplied corporate Red Robin restaurants with 10,000 LED lamps, enabling the company to save $600,000 in electricity costs a year.

This past February, the Ansara Restaurant Group Inc., a Red Robin franchisee, worked with Eco-story to install 3,500 LED lamps in its 22 restaurants and now expects to save more than $117,000 a year, said Eco-story co-founder Bill Stauffer.

The project is an example of how companies of all sizes can save energy costs with lighting retrofits -- an idea that's dawning on more Americans every year. The concept has caught on in the residential sector as well, as a study released today by EcoAlign on the adoption of energy efficient lighting shows.

Increasing efficiency and reducing utility bills with greener lighting is something small businesses and consumers as well as large companies can do, said EcoAlign CEO Jamie Wimberly, expanding on findings of his firm's latest EcoPinion study. And in a retail space, regardless of size, "the whole experience is about lighting," Wimberly said.

Stauffer, whose firm's target market is retail stores, restaurants and hotels, would agree.

Typically, a casual dining restaurant spends $5,000 to $6,000 a month on electricity for lighting. "What we've tried to convince small businesses is (to) think about what they spend a year on electricity for lighting, and if they could cut that by 90 percent, think about what a competitive advantage that could give," Stauffer said. "Small businesses shouldn't think there's nothing they can do."

The return on investment for lighting retrofits can be swift.

Stauffer said his company strives for payback periods of less than a year. The projected ROI for Ansara, a family-owned based in Farmington Hills, Mich., is 10 months, he said. The majority of Ansara's Red Robins will receive rebates from their utility companies, and the rebates for more than half the stores receiving them will cover 50 percent of lamp and installation costs, Stauffer added.

The LED par 20, par 30 and par 38 lamps installed in Ansara's restaurants -- and in some instances for exterior applications -- are expected to save more than 1 million kilowatt hours of electricity a year, Eco-story estimates. "We worked closely with Ansara to ensure they had a customized product that fit their need for high quality light and also offered energy savings," Stauffer said.

Founded in Portland, Maine, in 2007, Eco-story's clients include Timberland. In 2009, the outdoor footwear and apparel retailer chose Eco-story for a customized retrofit of track lighting in 50 stores. Within 10 months of the installation, Timberland had saved $100,000 in electricity costs, according to Eco-story. Timberland CEO Jeff Swartz talked about his company's sustainability strategies at GreenBiz Group's recent State of Green Business Forum in Washington, D.C.


Energy Efficiency Creates Jobs in the UK

UK to US: Green energy makes jobs

Apr 1, 2011 Charlotte Observer

As the United Kingdom slashes public spending to tackle its largest post-war deficit, new Prime Minister David Cameron set a heady goal: To lead the island nation's greenest government ever.

The Brits believe lowering their greenhouse gas emissions, investing in energy efficiency and partnering government with private industry is a way to grow the economy. The UK energy and climate change minister, Gregory Barker, talked about the possibilities Thursday in Charlotte with representatives of British and local firms headed toward the same goal.

There's a lot of work to do across the pond, Barker said.

The British record of energy efficiency is "rubbish," he said, making it cheaper to heat homes in icy Norway than in Britain. The UK has embarked on a campaign to retrofit 14 million homes, an effort estimated to create 250,000 jobs. It plans to invest the equivalent of $5 billion in a new green-energy investment bank and will offer innovative financing for renewable heating sources.

"Green will touch every sector," said Bill Rumble of the Mark Group, a British firm that specializes in making buildings more energy efficient. Millions of jobs for energy-efficiency technicians could be created, he predicted.

The long-term UK plan, Barker said, has bipartisan political support. "This is such a vital agenda," he said. "It really is important that we work together."

There's no such unanimity in the United States. President Barack Obama's administration has failed to win congressional support for limits on greenhouse gases, seen by energy advocates as a vital first step. Republican leaders are demanding more domestic drilling for oil and gas, while the Japanese crisis may shake support for new nuclear plants.

But that hasn't stopped businesses here, U.S. executives said.

NASCAR, with its 70 million fan base, has a green campaign underway that ranges from recycling to solar power. US Airways, which has its largest hub in Charlotte, has reduced its per-passenger use of fuel by 45 percent in the past 20 years. The owners of Indian Trail-based Radiator Specialty Co., which makes petroleum-based cleaners, degreasers and lubricants, last year formed a company to make biodegradable products.

"Over the last five years, I have seen a tremendous shift" toward green products by businesses, said Heather Killgallon of RSC Bio Solutions, the new company. "They want something tangible, not just because it feels good."


Energy Lessons from Dubai

Dubai Chamber saves Dh5.5m in power costs

Mar. 25, 2011 -- DUBAI -- The Arab World's first green building, the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry building, has successfully saved about Dh5.5 million in electricity costs within a period of 10 years. This has been achieved through conservation measures in their head office alone and aims to inspire others to follow the path to a sustainable future this Earth Hour and beyond.

"Earth Hour itself does not really save Dubai Chamber anything as we turn off our lighting and air-conditioning each evening anyway, and have done so for over a decade. This one simple practice has saved us thousands of dirhams in costs each year and reduced our carbon emissions significantly," said Annalies Hodge, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager of Dubai Chamber of Commerce. Air-conditioners and lighting together take up about 80 per cent of electricity consumption, so residents and businesses are advised to reduce their usage whenever possible.

"By simply turning up the temperature by 1 degree C, from say 22 degree C to 23 degree C, they can save up to nine per cent on their electricity bill. Regarding lighting, energy efficient Light Emitting Diodes or LEDs of Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs) can reduce energy consumption by around 80 per cent and last much longer, too," she said.

In terms of water, simple tricks like putting a brick in the toilet tank can reduce the flush by a few litres and help save thousands of litres of water each day. Additionally, waste can be reduced by recycling and reusing items. Dubai Chamber is one of the landmarks in the UAE that will take part in the worldwide event and join the rest of the globe in an ongoing battle against climate change. It is known as the first LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Existing Building in the Arab World and the fourth outside of North America. Its green building programms helped reduce water and energy consumption by approximately 77 per cent and 47 per cent respectively between 1998 and 2008 and that led to significant carbon emission reductions and savings of around Dh7.1 million

"Just like the previous years, this year's Earth Hour will raise more awareness about climate change and encourage people to make small changes in their lives so they can live in a more sustainable manner throughout the year. The Chamber is targeting the business community as it encourages its members to participate in Earth Hour and adopt measures to conserve energy throughout the year as part of their responsible practices and make our communities a better place to live and work in," said Annelies.

farhana@khaleejtimes.com Mar 24, 2011 Khaleej Times

Farhana Chowdhury (McClatchy-Tribune Regional News delivered by Newstex)

Newstex ID: KRTB-0471-102006006


New Reports Chart Path-Net Zero-Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings

high levels of energy efficiency are the first, largest and most important step on the way to net-zero

New Reports Chart Path to Zero-Net-Energy Commercial Buildings
Press Release Washington, D.C. (February 23, 2011)

– Two new reports from the Zero Energy Commercial Buildings Consortium (CBC) on achieving net-zero-energy use in commercial buildings say “high levels of energy efficiency are the first, largest and most important step on the way to net-zero.”

Leading national organizations such as the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA), American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE), American Institute of Architects (AIA), the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES), the Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions (ASERTTI), the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and many other commercial building stakeholders worked together over the last year to develop the reports, which highlight the need for new approaches in technology research and deployment, holistic building design and financing as critical elements to further advance energy efficiency in the commercial buildings sector.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) commissioned the reports from the CBC, an industry consortium led by the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO), the Alliance to Save Energy (Alliance) and other leading national organizations to identify barriers and make recommendations to industry stakeholders for achieving net-zero-energy commercial buildings over the next two to three decades.

There are many definitions of net-zero-energy buildings, but typically they are highly energy efficient buildings that use no more energy than they can produce on site on an annual basis.

The Next Generation Technologies: Barriers and Industry Recommendations for Commercial Buildings and the Analysis of Cost and; Non-Cost Barriers and Policy Solutions for Commercial Buildings focus on innovative technologies and practices and market-oriented strategies, respectively. (Free copies of the full reports can be downloaded from the CBC website.)

The CBC reports are quite timely, following closely on President Obama’s February 3 announcement about the new Better Buildings Initiative, which is aimed at improving energy efficiency in commercial buildings by 20 percent over the next 10 years by stimulating private investment in building energy efficiency, generating new jobs in construction and facilities operation and saving commercial building owners and tenants nearly $40 billion yearly on utility bills.

“While many details remain to be settled, the Better Buildings Initiative is a very exciting development for the commercial buildings sector, and the CBC fully supports its goals and looks forward to working with CBC members and industry stakeholders to contribute to these efforts,” according to NASEO Executive Director David Terry. “The President’s initiative targets many of the same barriers examined by CBC members over the last year, which are summarized in the two major reports just released by the CBC.”

David Hewitt, lead author of one of the CBC reports and executive director of the New Buildings Institute, noted that “National initiatives such as the BBI can build on and complement important new initiatives by states and utilities, such as California’s Zero Net Energy Action Plan. The job ahead is big enough that everyone’s efforts are needed, and they need to be coordinated – that’s exactly why we created the CBC.”

Additional recommendations in the two reports include:

Create and sustain market demand for energy efficiency retrofits and new construction through innovative approaches to financing and valuation of energy efficiency improvements. 

• Emphasize voluntary programs, such as President Obama’s Better Buildings Challenge, to catalyze change in corporate culture through strong leadership and commitment to energy efficiency. 

• Enhance and extend building energy codes and standards to cover all energy end uses, emphasize building and systems commissioning and long-term performance.

• Promote wide-scale use of integrated design and whole-building approaches to achieve more aggressive and dramatic energy reductions. 

• Refine modeling and decision-making tools to fully support new financing, codes, design and benchmarking approaches. 

• Develop and build consensus around national workforce standards and increase training efforts for the professional and technical workforce on energy-efficient building design, auditing, retrofitting, commissioning and operations.

“The long-term road to net-zero begins with what we can do today,” notes Alliance Senior Vice President Jeff Harris. “This includes broad application of today’s best energy efficiency technology and sustained energy management practices in the existing stock of commercial buildings. We also need to design new commercial buildings to be ‘net-zero-ready,’ so that it’s easier to continually improve their energy performance as new and even better technologies are introduced over the next 30-50 years – the expected lifetime of today’s new buildings.

Article from: News You Can Use for February 24, 2011

Scotts Contracting can assist you in making your Building a Net-Zero - Energy Efficient Property.  Click Here to email for additional Information


Energy Efficient Home Statistics for Missouri Residences

If you are considering building a 'New Energy Efficient Home' in Missouri I have some statistics-cost saving analysis that I guarantee will please your Bank Account.
A New Home Built using the International Energy Conservation Code- IECC. provides a cost effective payback on Energy Efficiency, with the average pay back time of 3 ½ years (3.5) Not bad for an initial investment of $818.72. The Missouri Pay Back-'ROI' is even faster! BCAP used a baseline for energy efficiency consisting of:
  1. Efficient Lighting and Windows,
  2. a Higher Grade of Insulation and
  3. HVAC Duct Sealing and Testing
The Missouri Statistics are:
  • $875.28 Initial Investment Returns
  • $459.00 per year with a
  • Payback under 2 years (1.91 years)
  • $459 x 20 years = $9,180.00
x 25 years = $11,475.00
x 30 years = $13,770.00
  • These Figures are based on: $267,451 for a 2,400-square foot home and a 4.14 percent mortgage interest rate
For the Future St Louis Area New Home Builders I have additional cost Saving Measures that will give you additional areas to save money without sacrificing your Comfort Levels. Email: scottscontracting@gmail.com to find out how.  With Savings like this consider adding a Renewable Energy System designed especially for your Future Property and you could possibly Eliminate ALL the Utility Bills for your Home by Generating your Own Clean Energy!

Scotts Contracting works with local building material suppliers in the St Louis Area.
Note: The Statistics used in this post were provided by: 1-http://bcap-ocean.org/incremental-cost-analysis and 2-http://www.altenergymag.com/news/2010/11/18/new-homes-can-be-energy-efficient-and-affordable-reveals-study-by-building-codes-assistance-project/18310

Scott's Contracting



ensure energy efficiency build using a high-performance strategy

Energy Equation

Do your houses leak energy like this one? One way to ensure energy efficiency is to build using a high-performance strategy. These five minimum requirements can maximize returns for you and your buyers.

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Energy Equation

Do your houses leak energy like this one? One way to ensure energy efficiency is to build using a high-performance strategy. These five minimum requirements can maximize returns for you and your buyers.

Energy Equation
Do your houses leak energy like this one? One way to ensure energy efficiency is to build using a high-performance strategy. These five minimum requirements can maximize returns for you and your buyers.

Screenwriter William Goldman once said that in Hollywood, "nobody knows nothing." What he meant, of course, was that no one knows for sure how to make a successful movie or even predict if one will be a financial hit.

The same, it could be said, goes for building energy-efficient homes. Varying certification requirements, unclear definitions of green building, and competing scientific theories can, and do, lead to confusion and frustration among builders. No one seems to know just the right combination of features that will hit the sweet spot of energy efficiency and profitability.

In that spirit, we offer five basics of energy-efficient design and construction that make sense to follow no matter what type of house you're building. And techniques that lower utility bills—sealing air leaks, using high-performance windows, and right-sizing HVAC systems—shouldn't be ignored in any economic climate.

Complicating the picture, builders need to look at each home in the context of its local market, price point, and the availability of products and systems. "It's always best to design for your local climate," says Ed Binkley, the principal of Ed Binkley Design in Oviedo, Fla. "This is the least expensive" way to go, he adds.

The size of the home is another key variable, says Ann V. Edminster. "I'm a provocateur, so I ask how small a house do you want to build," says the principal and owner of Design AVEnues, a green building consulting firm in Pacifica, Calif. Edminster always recommends simple styles and more consolidated roof lines. Complexity, she says, "adds to the potential for mistakes in insulating, air sealing, and flashing."

Even builders who follow the basics must often make difficult trade-offs. Specifying solar panels for energy independence may seem like a good idea, but if the budget is tight, the high premium for an array might be better spent on upgraded insulation, good air sealing, or a high-efficiency air conditioner. Tough choices, but no one said this would be easy.

The following five recommendations are the bare minimum, even with a tight budget. If more money is available, don't forget other important features such as low-energy lighting, water conservation, and good indoor air quality.

Roof Roof

The roof is not only the first line of defense against the elements; it is absolutely critical to the energy performance of the home. "Most of your energy loss occurs through the roof," says Binkley. One of the most routine construction methods is a vented roof with a sealed and insulated attic space. The devil, as always, is in the details—in this case creating a good seal between the conditioned space and the attic. Depending on the climate, insulating just below the roof deck—with blown-in foam, for example—might be an easier and higher-performing method, though it may also be more expensive to execute. "We go back and forth on the issue [of a vented attic versus a non-vented]," says Chad Ludeman, president of Philadelphia-based green builder Postgreen, which specializes in eco-friendly homes. Other options include using rigid foam board or radiant barrier sheathing on the exterior of the roof deck, which consultants (and the Energy Department) say cuts down on heat gain in the attic. The bottom line is that you need to pay particular attention to the roof and attic if you want your homes to be comfortable as well as energy efficient.

Walls of Fame

Walls may be the next most important factor in a home's energy efficiency. Though most builders use 4-inch studs spaced 16 inches on center, builders of energy-efficient homes in colder climates have upgraded to 6-inch studs spaced at 24 inches. This creates a deeper wall cavity that leaves more room for insulation and raises the total R-value of the wall system. The key in any climate, however, is to completely seal the wall cavity. Though any kind of insulation will work as long as its installed properly, some builders prefer sprayed-in insulation, such as foam or cellulose, despite their higher cost.
Postgreen is so serious about its walls that it often builds two layers instead of one, a technique that seems like overkill but results in a high-performance shell. "We build two 2x4 walls with a 2-inch space between the two," Ludeman says. "It allows us to get the insulation we want and allows us to get rid of the thermal bridging."
On the exterior, the company uses an OSB-based sheathing system with a built-in protective overlay, topped by a continuous exterior layer of R-10 rigid foam board. Downsizing HVAC system requirements pays for the added materials. This "could just possibly be the most affordable wall assembly that achieves maximum R-value and minimum thermal bridging," the builder writes on its blog, 100KHouse

Seal of Approval

In the eyes of some experts, blocking air movement is the most important energy move builders can make.

"Air movement is a big issue for us," says C.R. Herro, national vice president of environmental affairs at Scottsdale, Ariz.–based Meritage Homes, which claims to be the only top 10 builder that offers 100 percent Energy Star–qualified homes. Air leakage, especially random air movement through building cavities, can account for 30 percent or more of a home's heating and cooling costs, according to the DOE.
The first line of defense is to use caulk to seal cracks, gaps, and joints, especially at the connections and elements that penetrate the building envelope. Couple that with an air barrier that has been taped at the seams—which improves the performance by 20 percent—and you have a pretty air-tight, inexpensive building envelope. But the efficiency of this barrier is heavily dependent on how well the shell is sealed and the wrap is installed and taped.

The same performance may be achieved with more reliability by using one of the whole-home air sealing and insulation systems that manufacturers such as Owens Corning or Knauf have introduced recently. Another, even more effective approach—which also happens to be the priciest—is to use spray foam insulation. This approach may be three times more expensive than other methods, but green building consultants say it leaves little to chance. Plus, with an R-value approaching 6 per inch, your walls will be well insulated.

Insulation Nation

Every builder has a preference when it comes to insulation. Most swear by inexpensive batt insulation, but others say the product performs well only when it's properly installed. "I never recommend batt," Edminster says. "It's almost impossible to do a good job installing batt insulation. It's a good idea in theory, but in practice it's a nightmare to do well and certainly not fast."

At the other extreme, foam insulates very well by completely sealing wall cavities. But it is often highly impractical in production housing because of its cost. For that reason, some builders have resorted to a hybrid system that includes batt insulation, good air sealing, and, as a back up (and to stop thermal bridging), rigid foam board on the home exterior.
Whatever insulation you choose, Edminster says, "it should touch on all six sides (full contact) of the wall cavity." Also, the DOE says it's important to exceed local building codes that probably only include minimum requirements that likely will not result in a truly energy-efficient and high-performance home.

Windows on the World

Today nearly every builder selects insulated, low-E, Energy Star windows. But it is important to think about fenestration in a broader context, too. Window placement is just as important as window performance. Unfortunately, that may be dictated by how subdivisions are planned. Even so, exposing windows to direct sunlight is unacceptable, Binkley cautions. Thoughtful placement can do more to cut down on heat gain than a low-E coating. And make sure that windows that do have some exposure to the sun also have appropriate overhangs or protection devices such as trees or exterior shades. Postgreen prefers fiberglass windows for their durability and good looks, and the company avoids certain types of styles. "We use casement windows because they give you a tighter seal [when they are closed], and we avoid using double-hungs or products with a lot of framing," Ludeman explains. "The casement gives you more insulated glass and less framing that can cause thermal bridging." Yes, casement windows do cost more, he says, but to balance it out, the company also uses a combination of operable and fixed glass openings—about 30 percent to 40 percent—that cuts costs significantly.

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