-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Veterans

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Showing posts with label Veterans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veterans. Show all posts


Memorial Day #VeteranSalute #ShoutOut

Tom McDonald Memorial Day 2021


Veteran Salute for giving it up to the past and present Armed Service Members who make this country great! 




St Louis Veterans Hazmat Employment

MOhemp Hazmat Division is seeking US Veterans from the St Louis region who currently have Hazmat Certifications and Training.

If you would like to be considered for the employment opportunities and get on the ground floor of this future Employee owned Green Remediation Hazmat division this opportunity is for you.

Contact Scotty at MOhemp Energy Email with your name, contact information, and current hazmat certifications.  At this time MOhemp Hazmat is only accepting Military Veterans with Hazmat Training.

MOhemp Hazmat Employment Show-Me Heroes Wanted
MOhemp Hazmat Veteran Employment Opportunity

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone. Build a Green StLouis Green Building Tips and Resources via: Scotty- St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Veterans Day 2014 Solar Deal

Scotts Contracting is a Show-Me Heroes Employer!
Scotts Contracting is a Show-Me Heroes Employer!
StLouis Renewable Energy Veteran Day Solar Deal 2014 StLouis
USA Flag Veterans Day 2014

Thank You-Military Brothers and Sisters Veterans Day 2014.  

I'm sharing the prices of these SunPower E Series  Solar Panel Pricing to show you an example of how you can become energy independent at an affordable price.  This price is so low that the $2 per watt incentive from Ameren UE is not needed.


World's Highest Efficiency Ever Attained!

20.4% Efficiency

All Modules Are E-Series


SUNPOWER 435W Modules
25 Years$.64/W

SUNPOWER 435W Laminates
20 Years$.29/W

SUNPOWER 327W Laminates
20 Years$.29/W


SUNPOWER 435W Laminates
20 Years$.18/W
SUNPOWER 327W Laminates
20 Years$.18/W

* Grade-B Modules are brand new. They come with frames, junction boxes, and MC2 connectors. They have been tested and each panel is full power. Estimated lifetime is 30-40 years.

These modules may have small cosmetic blemishes that are practically invisible to the eye, and may include a few discolored cells, and scratches on the frames, glass, and tedlar.

**Grade-C Modules are the same as Grade-B but they have more cosmetic blemishes.

StLouis Renewable Energy-SunPower Solar Panel 435w Laminates $.29 per watt
435w Laminates $.29 per watt
St Louis Renewable Energy Sunpower Solar Panels 18 cents per watt
435w Laminates $.18 per watt

 For those of you who have been following the Ameren UE Solar Rebate Legal Battle over the $2 per watt incentive from Ameren

The prices of these panels make going solar cheap and inexpensive enough that the Solar Rebate from Ameren is just an afterthought (in case they sway and lobby the Missouri Legislators from eliminating the Solar Rebate in Missouri).

Example for 4,000 K system using simple math and a 435 w solar panel

Solar Panels

4,000w divided by 435=9.19 round to 10

  • 435w x $.29=126.15  x 10 = $1,261.50 Grade B
  • 435w x $.18=78.30    x 10 = $783.00 Grade C

Solar Racking

  • 4,000w x $.35= $1,400 Mid
  • 4,000w x $.25= $1,000 Low 

Solar Inverter

  • Large Format Micro Inverters 10 x $152= $1,520
  • Central Inverter                      1 x $1,000= $1,000

Solar Installation

  • 4,000w x $1.00= $4,000
  • 4,000w x $.75= $3,000

Using the above example you can have become energy independent for between $8,181.5-$5783.00.  

Solar System Break Even Point using .09/watt cost of electricity (not including the electric price increases of 5% per year)

  • low 64,256 Months or 5 1/3 years
  • high 90,945 Months or 7 1/2 years
Between the 5th or 7th year your Solar System has paid for itself!
  • Per Manufacturer's Warranty you will have 18 and 25 more years of guaranteed electricity for free from your solar system.

As an Independent Solar Provider in StLouis I can't bring you a better deal on Solar than this.

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference. Build a Green StLouis Green Building Tips and Resources from Scotty-St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


My Number 1 Reason the USA needs more Solar Energy

copied from G+ post comments: The points I will make are the reasons that matter to me and not necessarily the points that other Clean Energy Pros might give as their first reasons on "why to have solar panels on your home".  Starting with my Number 1 Reason the USA needs more renewable energy.

Reducing and Eliminating Wars over Oil--In a recent blog post I'm sick and tired of my Brothers and Sisters being hurt or killed for OIL  I touched on the Army Soldiers positive attitude and how the Medical Professionals treatment is enabling the Soldier to have as normal of life as possible after a road side bomb caused both his arms and legs to be amputated.  Both the Army Soldier and Medical Team deserve props!

Everyone knows; but, few will admit- the Republican Warmongers (in addition to #HillaryClinton (added 7/2/16)) with their Republican Lies started the fights in the Middle East over  under the guise of searching for Weapons of Mass Destruction.   These wars over oil have and are costing $millions$ of dollars-billed to we the taxpayers.  

--Maybe the Military can put a price tag on payouts to dead soldiers families but I can't put a price tag on the value that the loss of life brings from loosing a family member.  Money will not and cannot replace the loss of a loved one.

--What really chaps my ass is the new law where the Republican led Congress-Government, who put these soldiers in harms way is now abandoning the injured soldiers by cutting their Postwar Benefits.  They may have helped the Soldier mentioned above but how many are they abandoning (IMO they helped this Soldier as an experiment of sorts when you read between the lines sure they want to help him-but the greedy medical companies are doing it for future profits.)  

They throw the Soldiers into battle then fail to help them when they get home.  The Soldiers have emotional scars as well as physical scars.  Many of the Soldiers who come home can't find work and when you can't find work or a job a person tends to dwell on the situation and its hopelessness.  This is what I feel is the main reason behind all the Military Suicides.  I can lend a little credibility to this fact from observing my own actions-when I'm working I don't have time to dwell on life's problems-I have to pay attention to what I'm working on.  Then somehow my mind subconsciously figures out, mends, solves, or comes up with a solution and way of dealing with the problem or issue.

This subject is one of the hardest subjects for me to write or talk about.  I care.  I care what happens to my Brothers and Sisters of America.  I want whats best for us all and I'll say it again:

I'm sick and tired of my brothers and sisters

 being hurt and killed for OIL. To all the Soldiers

 that were injured and died in Wars Over Oil I'm

 truly sorry that our Government efforts led by

Republican Lies by Republican WarMongers

put you in this situation.

How many  just preached we need to go to war against #Russia over their issues with  in .  Does this sound familiar to anyone?  

For everyone who says I'm a peace sympathizer or whatever. I joined the US Army Long ago to fight in what I thought was going to be a showdown with Iran during the Iran-Contra Affair.  
Yeah I was young and dumb and thought the USA was always right.  

end part 1.

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference. Build a Green StLouis Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog

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