On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Michael Miller, Robin Carnahan for Senate <info@robincarnahan.com> wrote:
Dear Scotts Contracting,
This Wednesday, October 6, is the last day to register to vote in Missouri.
If you aren't registered, if you've moved, or if you know someone else who needs to register, you only have a few days to do it.
We've made it as easy as possible to register - you can fill the form out online and print it all from your desk (right now, even).
Register to vote today!
Decisions about who will represent us in our government are made by those who show up. You already know how much is riding on this election. So take a minute and make sure you and your friends are counted. Forward this on to three friends and ask them to do the same.
Register to vote so you have a voice on November 2nd.
Thank you for all your hard work,
Michael Miller
New Media Organizing Director, Robin Carnahan for Senate
P.S. Take 30 Seconds and help raise money for Robin by voting for her in Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar's online candidate contest!
Paid for and authorized by Robin Carnahan for Senate
Scott's Contracting