-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Ameren UE

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Showing posts with label Ameren UE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ameren UE. Show all posts


seeking smart meter lawsuit saint louis missouri

Wanted Smart Meter Class Action Lawsuit Representation In Saint Louis, Missouri. 

The Saint Louis Smart Meter via Ameren UE has caused the normal electric bill to skyrocket with Eight Thousand Dollars due to back payments over the Electric Company didn't read the meter due to covid. 

The Normal Utility Bill before the smart meter was one-half to two-thirds less than the amount of electric usage we are using now.  We have the prior electric bills to prove this. There is no way our electric usage increased by the amount shown in the new electric bills. 

Open Secrets Tracking Money In Politics Energy Company Donations to Missouri Politicians
Just like many people during covid, we have been in a money crunch with loss of work and cut many things out of our lives to lessen our monthly utility bills.  Even though we lessened the electric usage the bills have gone up and up; especially after the smart meter was installed. 

One of my first stops after learning about Smart Meters and Utility Bill Increases was Money In Politics using Open Secrets.  It was there I learned about how much money was given to my local politicians from the Utility Company. 

In the Prior 2 years the Utility Companies have dolled out almost Two Million Six Hundred Thousand Dollars to the StLouis Politicians. 

While searching for Smart Meter information and seeing all the negative things people were sharing online and on Facebook. I then searched for Class Action Lawsuit in Missouri over Smart Meters and found this and the Facebook Group 

At first glance I saw $202,854.00  was given to them directly.  Then I saw Lobbyist Spent $1,600,000 in 2022 and $2,190,000 in 2021.  yes that is Millions of Dollars spent by Lobbyist to encourage the Politicians to create laws and regulations that will benefit their companies.  All three of those amounts add up to: $2,595,708.00

Is this why our electric payments have increased? And there is another increase that is being sought by the utility company? 

These Donations are not just one Sided.  The Utility Company is hedging their bets and gives freely to both political parties Democrat and Republican. The next image is money given to Missouri Senators.

Open Secrets Graph of Money Given to StLouis Politicians over the years by the Electric Company
Here is a graph that tracks money in politics with amounts given to House of Representatives.  Once again the Utility Company gives freely to both parties, Republic and Democrats alike.

Ameren UE money given to House of Representatives Dem and Rep

If anyone reading this blog post about StLouis Smart Meter Sky Rocketing Electric Bill Dollar Amounts please send me an email, contract me on twitter, Facebook, or use the contact form on this blog.

Four States Against Smart Meters - Liberty Utilities Group.
Four States Against Smart Meters - Liberty Utilities Group

If there is anything else I should be aware of with the Saint Louis Smart Meters please get in touch. 

This is not the 1st time I have written about Ameren UE. I have been sharing their shenannigans many times here is a link: Ameren UE   Ameren UE Greed  

you can listen to the above tweets at this weblink: Twitter Thread to Voiceover It didn't come out very well I AM going to contact the developer and ask for suggestions. Feel free to read just this collection of tweets at: Twitter Thread Reader App

Below is a facebook post in re.  

Are the Electricity Rates to High where you live? This maybe the Reason:

Economist and former Commissioner of the Public Utility Commission of Ohio (“PUCO”) Paul Centolella explains further:A utility’s economic interests are not aligned with encouraging efficient demand participation in wholesale power markets. Most utility business models are based on earning a return on rate base, capital invested to meet consumer demand. Reducing customer demand often is in direct competition with opportunities for the utility to invest and increase future profitability. Moreover, demand reductions that reduce sales also may erode near term profits. In some jurisdictions, when sales to its own customers decline, the utility may not be able to retain any savings in fuel costs and / or profits from any off-system sales.

Source Cout Papers: 178 Centolella, Ex. A at 22. https://earthjustice.org/sites/default/files/files/2020-10-20_voltus_complaint.pdf

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information is needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone. 


AmerenUE Misguided Solar Programs

Read between the lines about the new Solar programs from our Dirty Coal Electric Company‬ Ameren UE.

Remember a few years back when they said solar was not a good deal for the customers? They also coerced Missouri Legislation to ignore the vote by the people and the amount of clean energy percentage lowered?

Now the Dirty Coal Electric Company wants to install Solar on your building and charge you for the electricity generated by the solar panels.

Scotts Contracting
Ameren Missouri is considering two voluntary programs that would ask customers to pay more or provide property to support more solar power.

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.


COP21 StLouis Climate March at the Arch

Here are my 10 biggest takeaways from the #OursToLose Climate March at the Arch in StLouis. In which I was proud participant in last Sunday at the Arch.

The gathering of like minded individuals was an eye opening experience for me to say the least.
#OursToLose Climate March at the Arch in StLouis gathering at the StLouis City Hall
#OursToLose Climate March at the Arch in StLouis

I learned in the brief correspondence while talking to the other participants that:

  1. There were as many older generations ages- 50 plus, as younger generations of less than 30 years old- that care about the health of our Planet and Pollution that is causing world wide climate change from the business as usual approach of the Big Business Polluting Machines 
  2. The participants were interested and knowledgeable to the importance of Energy Conservation as well as generating True Clean Energy
    Scotty at the Climate March #OursToLose StLouis Participants
  3. Climate March #OursToLose StLouis Participants are not happy with the local activities of the Dirty Coal Machine Ameren UE.  
    News Four interviewing #OursToLose StLouis Program organizer
  4. Some of the local Solar Installation Companies in StLouis are not adequately trained in the proper ways of installing Solar Racking on challenging roofs
    Arch Ground Image participants at the Climate March supporting #COP21
  5. Pointing our finger at other countries such as China who is a big polluter, does not help at the Local Level.  I firmly believe that society as a whole needs to: Chop Wood and Carry Water- mankind must not point to another country without taking care of business at home
    Don't be Fooled by the Dirty Coal Plant Misleading Dirty Coal Image Labadie Power Plant
  6. It was great to see a #BlackLivesMatter supporter at the march!  Climate Change affects everyone regardless of Race, Creed, or Community Status- we are all in this together
    #BlackLivesMatter supporter at the march!  Climate Change affects everyone regardless of Race, Creed, or Community Status
  7. People that live around the Labadie Dirty Coal Plant are worried about their Personal and Families Health from the Pollution via the noted 4th Dirtiest Coal Plant in the Entire USA.
    Labadie Dirty Coal Plant 4th Dirtiest Coal Plant in the Entire USA
  8. The boundary line between my activities and what I'm doing needs to be broken in relation to networking with other clean energy and energy conservation promoters and businesses in the St Louis region.  We are all in this together and their is plenty of work and buildings in the StLouis region for everyone.  I personally need to extend the Olive Branch to others in the region to lend my support for their activities as well as letting them know of what I am working on.  I believe in action over inaction and start by listing the information from 2 of the companies working in the area right here that were also proud participants at the #COP21 #OursToLose StLouis Climate March.  Please check out their websites and to give them a call: Aaron Michel Energy Resources Group, inc and Brian Ettling Climate Change Communicator 
    Just like a giant fishbowl with rising tides climate change affects everyone
  9. You will meet some of the nicest people at Social Gatherings and as it was pointed out you can even find love and meet the person of your dreams! 
    Love was in the Air COP21 Climate March at the Arch StLouis MO
  10. I believe to put up or shut up.  And to prove this I will be offering rock bottom prices on any energy conservation activities I will be doing for my StLouis neighbors.  I am going to cut the prices of any and all activities for the remainder of the 2015.  I'm sure this will make the bookkeeper cringe but I will offer a 50% labor discount on any and all green building projects that I bid on for the remainder of the year.

We can build a green St Louis- Join Me in making the world and our region a better place for all.

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone. Build a Green StLouis Green Building Tips and Resources via: Scotty- St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Missouri Energy Code News

Missouri (October 2015) 

Missouri buildings are responsible for about half of the state’s energy use, according to 2012 data from EIA. However, the characteristics of building energy consumption have changed significantly over the past couple of decades: where once residential consumption was dominated by space heating and cooling, better envelope and equipment components have shrunk weather-related energy demands.

Meanwhile, the energy consumption of appliances, electronics, and lighting have increased relative to overall usage. Missouri has no mandatory or voluntary statewide code for private residential or commercial buildings. Instead, energy codes are adopted and enforced at the county or municipal level.

Jurisdictions representing about 50% of the state’s population have adopted codes equivalent to either the 2009 or 2012 IECC. The 2015 energy plan recommends enacting a statewide code applicable to Class 1 and 2 counties for both residential and commercial new construction.

Class 1 and 2 counties together represent four million people - about 67% of the state’s population. This means that the changes recommended in this plan would increase mandated energy efficiency in buildings for at least a million Missourians.

The energy plan also recommends allowing Class 3 and 4 countries...http://energycodesocean.org/news/2015/october/29/comprehensive-state-energy-plans-brief-comparison

Other Energy News

Missouri teams score 5th, 8th in national energy competition


Missouri recently had two teams compete in the collegiate U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathalon where collegiate teams design, build and operate solar-powered houses that are cost-effective and attractive.

The event was held in Irvine, Calif., from Oct. 8-18.

Missouri S&T placed 5th in the competition and the colleges of Drury and Crowder teamed up to place 8th.

The winner of the competition is the team that best blends affordability, consumer appeal and design excellence with optimal energy production and maximum efficiency.

The Missouri Department of Economic Development – Division of Energy provided financial assistance to the schools to be used for the competition.

Read the news release here. To learn about each college's projects, please visit this site: http://www.solardecathlon.gov/2015/competition-teams.html.

Photo Info: The photo above is of the Nest Home built by the Missouri S&T team.

Interested in learning more about Missouri’s efforts to enhance clean energy initiatives? Connect with theMissouri Division of Energy, which provides information and guidance to individuals, businesses, and communities on the use of renewable resources. Visitenergy.mo.gov today!


Double Checking Google Analytics

I use Stat Counter to Double Check Google Analytics Reports for accuracy
I use Stat Counter to Double Check Google Analytics Reports for accuracy
Since google isn't sharing enough analytics data.  I've starting using Stat Counter again to double check google analytics reports and website traffic.

Added 11/30/2015

  • Stat Counter you made my day with the Stats from Today!  
  • I would have never seen that the biggest CO2 Polluter in StLouis: Ameren UE who gets their #DirtyCoal from #PeabodyEnergy was reading the blog about my latest #COP21 #OursToLose that I proudly participated in a blogged about to show my support.  
  • Thanks again for everything you do!  Scotty http://blog.stlouisrenewableenergy.com/2015/11/cop21-stlouis-climate-march-at-arch.html
COP21 has the attention of the Biggest Dirty Coal Company in StLouis
#DirtyCoal #PeabodyEnergy and #AmerenUE is listing to #COP21 Green Blog Posts

Screenshot Image of StatCounter Website Analytics green blog post: http://blog.stlouisrenewableenergy.com/2015/11/cop21-stlouis-climate-march-at-arch.html

I also get detailed reports that are easy to read.  Such as this list of most viewed posts from the past week or so.

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This blog post was not sponsored by Stat Counter and is part of the ongoing SEO experiments and tribulations- Scotty


Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone. Build a Green StLouis Green Building Tips and Resources via: Scotty- St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


Solar Yes Its Gaining Momentum

Summer Solstice Solar Information
It’s the summer solstice on Sunday! The day where we get more sunshine than any other.
At Environment America, our favorite thing about the sun is that it has the capacity to power our entire planet every minute that it shines – and there are a lot of minutes of sunshine this weekend!
Here are seven more reasons why we think solar is awesome! (Be sure to tweet your favorite!) 

1.Solar is pollution-free! We can reduce air, water, and climate altering carbon pollution by capturing the power of the sun.

2. It promotes healthy neighborhoods! Solar helps reduce the impacts of harmful air contamination by fossil fuels: especially among young children and the elderly.

3. It promotes vibrant communities! Community solar provides a way for people to join together to access the benefits of the sun.

4. Solar can save you money! Because solar is local and has no fuel costs, it can help lower costs for all electric customers – whether you have solar or not.

5. It works everywhere! Even cloudier regions of the US are great for current solar technology. For example: New Jersey has more solar than sunny New Mexico.

6. It helps local economies! Solar is currently the fastest growing industry in the nation. It creates good jobs in our community that cannot be outsourced.

7. People love it! Solar is America's top choice in virtually every poll. With the nation so divided on many issues, it's nice to see something that most of us agree on.

The time of solar is here and it’s getting easier to #PutSolarOnIt  by the day. Be sure to spread to word about why you love getting energy from the sun!

Happy Summer Solstice!

The above is especially true in StLouis-Remember when Ameren needed an additional Million Bucks to haul coal from the Western States to Missouri and they raised our Electric Rates.

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone. Build a Green StLouis Green Building Tips and Resources via: Scotty- St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog

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