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Showing posts with label StLouis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label StLouis. Show all posts


Off Grid in the City

Blog Series Off-Grid StLouis Style

This blog post will highlight how it all works together for getting Off-Grid StLouis Style without scrimping on the Must Haves of Hot Water, Heat, and Electricity.
Highlighted in a few prior blog posts- burning wood can produce Hot Water From Your Wood Stove for Blazing Hot Showers (which works off the Stove Pipe of the Wood Burning Stove or fireplace). As well as how to Turn a wood stove into a fuel source for creating a propane type fuel source that will operate gasoline engines such as a generator (Gasifier). 

Must Have 1] Hot Water

    This hot water heating system produces hot water that will stay warm up to 48 hours!
    • Article Link:  Three years ago, we were sitting in our cabins wondering how we could satisfy our addictions for hot baths and showers, without paying ridiculous prices for disappearing reserves of fossil fuels. Putting our talents together (one of us is a mechanical wizard and the other a Ph.D. chemist), we devised a homestead alternate energy system — based on the use of otherwise-wasted stovepipe heat — that's allowed us to take those hot baths. We call our system the Blazing Showers Stovepipe Hot Water Heater. See Build Tips here: https://stlouisrenewableenergy.blogspot.com/2010/02/hot-water-from-your-woodstove.html

    Must Have 2] Heat Wood Stove 

    Must Have 3] Electricity
    • Options
      • Connected to the Grid
      • Photovoltaic Solar System

      • Gas or Gasifier Generator
        • Energy Source: Biomass - Firewood Donated by the neighbor tree trimmers and upcycled from job sites.  

    How to build a "Wood Gasifier" from propane tanks, to power a "Tiny House"!

    How to build a "Wood Gasifier" from propane tanks, to power a "Tiny House"!

    This is how to build your own Wood Gas producing wood stove that can be used to run a vehicle or generator, this works for replacing propane in most standard propane appliances. This simple unit was made from three small propane tanks and scrap material.

    We have also upgraded to 12volt LED wiring and lighting setup in a few spots of the home!  A complete LED lighting system would reduce Electricity needs by 50%.  

    In upcoming blog posts, I will share how this process and system all work together and allows the Homeowner to live 

    Off-Grid StLouis Style!

    Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.


    2018 New Products Show new construction products StLouis professionals

    ATTEND THE SHOW: Join us for the 

    Annual 2018 New Products Show 

    and support your local representatives! We'll provide a free lunch, AIA-CES (LU), and the latest new construction products from St. Louis professionals.

    Click REGISTER NOW to register and get a $0 guest ticket to attend for FREE.  Bring the whole office!


    • 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM CDT on Thursday, April 26, 2018
    • The Heights Community Center
    • 8001 Dale Avenue
    • Richmond Heights, MO 63117

    Your registration includes:  Please register so that we have an accurate count for food
    • Lunch: Hot Burrito Bar from Qdoba
    • Continuing Education Units: 1.0 AIA-CES units (LU)
    • Attendance Prizes
    QUESTIONS? Call Myron Ury 314.995.5717 or Gina Ravens 314.402.1818; or email both at productshow@stlouiscsi.org. For online purchase issues contact webmaster@stlouiscsi.org.


    1. Sherwin Williams (member)
    2. Lamboo Technologies
    3. Masonry Institute of Saint Louis
    4. BASF: Watson Bowman Acme
    5. Ravensberg (member)
    6. Mayes Maune McWard (member)
    7. Henry
    8. Adfast
    9. Hager (member)
    10. CR Laurence
    11. Roofing Sales Associates (member)
    12. Velux (member)
    13. Pella Window and Door (member)
    14. Universe Corporation
    15. AGC Glass **SHOW SPONSOR**
    16. Hilti (member)
    17. Luna & Associates (member)
    18. ClarkDietrich Building Systems (member)
    19. Tnemec (member)
    20. Terrazzo & Marble Supply (member)
    21. Negwer Materials (member)
    22. Negwer Materials (member)
    23. DL Neuner (member)
    24. Lami Wood Products
    25. PPG Paints (member)
    26. Inpro (member)
    27. Manchester Hackett (member)
    29. Golterman & Sabo (member)
    30. Hufcor (member) **SHOW SPONSOR**
    31. Allegion (member)
    32. R-S Products (member)
    33. Assa Abloy (member)
    34. Enloe Enterprises (member)
    35. MAPEI


    $100.00 New Products Show Sponsor
    $0.00 Complementary admission includes burrito bar and 1 hour AIA CEU credit

    Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information is needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.


    Happy Mothers Day

    To all the Moms on Mothers day.  I am working to create a pollution free World with: Solar and Sustainable Buildings, so your kids can live a healthy life!

    We can build a Green StLouis!

    Build a Green StLouis Scotty


    WhiteHouse and StLouis spur Immigrant Entrepreneurs


    WASHINGTON – Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet, head of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and member of President Obama’s Cabinet, and St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay, will sign an agreement to have the local SBA office in St. Louis work with the City to engage in cooperative efforts to boost outreach on entrepreneurship training and counseling and small business development in St. Louis neighborhoods, with particular emphasis on immigrant and refugee communities. The Obama Administration recently released the New Americans Report, a strategic, government-wide effort on integrating these communities and the SBA is working with the city and the St. Louis Mosaic Project to promote this effort.

    Following the signing ceremony, the Administrator will host a roundtable focused on immigrant entrepreneurship and inclusion with The Mosaic Project and the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership.

    In the afternoon, Administrator Contreras-Sweet will host a community conversation at Harris Stowe State University, focused on opportunities and obstacles in entrepreneurship, with students and school organizations. She will highlight the President’s My Brother’s Keeper initiative and the SBA’s work on this effort.

    Later, she will visit two small businesses that have benefitted from SBA’s Microloan program and also give a local recognition to 2015 National SBA Microlender of the Year, justine PETERSEN, LLC. The organization will be recognized in Washington, D.C. at a White House ceremony the following Friday, May 8.

    In the evening, she will deliver keynote remarks at the Greater St. Louis Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s Adelante Awards Dinner.

    WHAT:  Media Availability

    WHO: SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet

    WHEN: Tuesday, April 7, 2015

    WHERE: 10:00 AM Signing Ceremony with Mayor Slay
    World Trade Center-St. Louis
    7733 Forsyth Blvd. 22nd floor
    St. Louis, MO 63105

    10:15 AM Roundtable
    World Trade Center-St. Louis
    7733 Forsyth Blvd. 22nd floor
    St. Louis, MO 63105

    1:15 PM Small Business Visit and National Award Presentation
    Miss M’s Candy Boutique & Boutique Calla Lily
    6193-95 Delmar Blvd.
    St. Louis, MO 63112

    2:30 PM My Brother’s Keeper Community Conversation
    Harris Stowe State University
    Board of Regents Room
    3026 Laclede Ave.
    St. Louis, MO 63103

    7:00 PM Keynote Remarks
    Adelante Awards Dinner
    The Doubletree by Hilton
    1973 Craigshire Road
    Maryland Heights, MO 63146

    HOW:  Media can RSVP and request interviews via Miguel Ayala – Miguel.ayala@sba.gov 202-450-0148.
    # # #


    No32 StLouisMO -20,104,41

    Best run USA citys map via WalletHub

    <iframe src="//d2e70e9yced57e.cloudfront.net/wallethub/embed/10901/geochart-bestrun.html" width="556" height="347" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    <div style="width:556px;font-size:12px;color:#888;">Source: <a href="http://wallethub.com/edu/best-worst-run-cities-in-america/10901/">WalletHub</a></div>


    Inequality Alive and Well circa BAD2014

    Treatment of Ferguson and St.Louis Residents is a perfect example of 

    Inequality alive and well circa 2014.

    Webster Dictionary Defines Inequality as:

     "an unfair situation in which some people have more rights or better opportunities than other people"

    Blog Action Day Inequality The treatment of my fellow St.Louisans is the perfect example of Inequality Scotty
    The treatment of my fellow St.Louisans is the perfect example of Inequality Scotty  
    #BAD2014, #blogactionday, #Education, #Ferguson, #Inequality 

    Even CBS news broadcasted and touched on the inequalities the Residents of Ferguson have been forced to endure.

    Published on Oct 13, 2014

    Vladimir Duthiers looks at what's changed -- and what hasn't -- since the fatal police shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. last July.

               I feel after living a few years in the civilly deprived and racially divided  North City region of StLouis.

                  I have a basic understanding of what has lead up to the ongoing conflict between the Ferguson Residents and the Ferguson County Police Department.

                  The overall cause of the attitudes of my St.Louis Neighbors is basically a feeling of being 

    alienated by society that controls a system which is rigged against the little man.  

        Just like a Gambler knows:

    "The House always holds the winning hand...

         The disenfranchised youth feel the Deck is always stacked against them.  And its the

     ...Ferguson Court House who holds the Winning hand."    

    • distrust of police that has fueled protests in Ferguson, Mo., consider this: In 2013, the municipal court in Ferguson — a city of 21,135 people — issued 32,975 arrest warrants for nonviolent offenses

    • The ArchCity Defenders report argues that this resentment is justified. Last year, Ferguson collected $2.6 million in court fines and fees...second-biggest source of income of the $20 million it collected.  

    • NYT-The unrest served to highlight longstanding complaints by a predominantly black community that they were being harassed by the police. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/09/us/ferguson-council-looks-to-improve-community-relations-with-police.html
                 It is abundantly clear, the Ferguson Court System levies out: harsh penalties and fines for non-violent offenses which starts the perpetual revolving jail-door of interaction and incarceration within the court system and its jails.

    St.Louis PD Adds Fuel to the fire

            The killings of unarmed black kids has continued to spread in the St.Louis Region- the latest incident happened in the Shaw Neighborhood when an unarmed black youth- Myers was shot numerous times by an moonlighting St.Louis Police Officer.

                    One thing I've observed while living in regions of St.Louis in various socalled hoods by the locals is the number of unemployed people trying just to get by in todays society.

    "47 percent of the metro area’s African-American men between ages 16 and 24 are unemployed." Washington Post

                   If I can point my finger at the one issue that is causing the high unemployment  rate among minorities: the lack of education has to rank pretty high on my list for the number one area needed for improvement.  

                  The above statement comes from my experience-performing construction work in the hood.  I've noticed that many times the people that will stop by a construction job site and inquire about "Work"-are unable to read a tape measure.  (Which is a must have skill needed to work on 90% of the construction jobs I perform for my St.Louis Neighbors.)

                    I don't exactly remember when I learned how to read a ruler.  But I do know I learned it in School.  

         "If the St.Louis regional area cannot even teach the next generation these basic education principles-then we are to blame and utterly responsible for failing to provide and give the youth a fighting chance to make it in the World."

               I believe it was Ray Lewis, Baltimore Ravens Linebacker and future Pro Bowl Inductee who coined the phrase:
    "We must Fix this House"

    The house the people of St.Louis should put on the top of the list to Fix is the School House.

               Its painfully obvious the Foundation of the Schoolhouse is cracked  and unless repairs are made. The St.Louis region could come tumbling down-just like what happens to the abandoned and neglected homes that are scattered around the city!

                Education is like the Mortar in the Rock Foundation of a St.Louis Brick Home.  When its missing like in the first photo 
    Photo of missing Mortar-Stone Foundation

    or when discord is allowed to grow like this tree root second and third photos
    Tree Growing in Brick Wall

    Getting to the Root of the Problem

    You are in immediate danger of your entire home collapsing onto itself just like this home in North City
    Photo Courtesy of Vanishing STL http://vanishingstl.blogspot.com
    Photo Courtesy of Vanishing STL 

    Just like a Rock Foundation in a home can be repaired.  So can too the failing education system in St.Louis.  I envision a 3 step process to repair the St.Louis failing education system. 
    Step 1: Repair Mortar in Education System
    Step 1
                      Just like I replaced the Mortar in the above picture is representative of how educational resources  can fill in the voids lacking in the current failing education system. 
    Step 2: Apply Water Proofing-Skills that Education Represent
     Step 2
                      The waterproofing on this Stone Foundation Repair represents the skills that education gives to the youth of St.Louis.  (Waterproofing slows and eliminates leaks and water damage.) The same principles that a quality education will give the youth.  Stopping and Eliminating the Leaks that an under-educated life will bring.
    Step 3: Show Your Foundations New Strengths to the World!

    Step 3
              Just as the foundation repair project in the above brick home will continue to support the St.Louis Brick Building for the next 200 years.  

    Is exactly what a quality education will give to the Youth of St.Louis- 

    Providing them a fighting chance that all the youth deserve and are desperately needed for a fully functioning society...this will also provide the younger generations the tools needed to live in harmony with todays society.  

         An Education is the Foundation that a Successful Life is Built upon.
    October 2014, Scotty   

    Russell Brand in the interview below in the Oct 13, 2014 Interview on David Letterman has a unique way of bringing his message to the viewers.  Mr Brand touches on the #Inequality of the poor vs wealthy and the revolving door of our Political system and the ties of Wall Street vs Mainstream America-

    • skip to the 6:28 spot to listen to this part of the interview- 
    • the first 6 minutes are spent discussing how he overcame his addictions to alcohol and drugs.

    The End Part 1 on Inequality in America

    Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference.

    Interesting TidBits on the Ferguson Region

    • Black alone - 13,753 (64.9%)
    • White alone - 6,494 (30.6%)
    • Two or more races - 437 (2.1%)
    • Asian alone - 263 (1.2%)
    • Hispanic - 156 (0.7%)
    • American Indian alone - 34 (0.2%)
    • Other race alone - 45 (0.2%)
    • Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone - 23 (0.1%)
    Ferguson races chart

    Web Links from Wiki Links on Inequality

    In healthcare:
    In economics:
    In the social sciences:

    Also From Webster:
     noun \ËŒi-ni-ˈkwä-lÉ™-tÄ“\


    Future Climate Temp USA Map

    FORECASTED StLouis Summer Temps Year 2100

    Do You plan on Living in StLouis Region in 2100?  If you do, prepare to be 9.84 degrees warmer in the Summer months.  

    The average temperature is projected to rise from the current average summer temp of 86.85 degrees to 96.69 degrees.  

    Climate Change will cause the Average Temp of close to 100 degrees every Summer Day for StLouis in 2100

    This means that it will be like living in Pharr, Texas 1,100 plus miles away close to the USA Mexico Border  that has an average temp of 96.69 degrees.

    Whats this mean for Missourians?  Have you ever visited Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona?  Remember the scenery of the High Plains Desert? 

    High Plains Desert Scenery by scotty-Will this be the new look of Missouri in 2100 after climate change causes Ave Summer temperature to rise 9.84 degrees?
    Will this be the new look of Missouri in 2100 after climate change causes Ave Summer temperature to rise 9.84 degrees?

    Whats this mean for the Missouri Farmers and Ranchers?  Per lessons I learned from the " Rotational Grazing " Practices in locations like Arizona that average 15 acres to raise a beef animal, (compared to the Missouri average of 5 acres needed to raise a beef animal).  The cost of beef will increase even more  since Missouri Ranchers and Farmers will not be able to raise as many cattle per acre.  

    Still think climate change doesn't or won't affect the State of Missouri?  What will you eat in the Future when nothing will grow on our Farmlands? 

    #MissouriAgriculture   #Missouri   #StLouis  ï»¿

    via Climate Central who has supplied the Climate Map and computer program that allows anyone to type their USA address receives a forecasted temperature with comparison. http://www.climatecentral.org/wgts/CityFutureTemps/CityFutureTemps-600x583.txt


    Join Me 5th Annual StLouis Garlic Fest

    This is the fifth annual event which celebrates the Garlic harvest locally and everywhere !

    St Louis Garlic Fest

    Come Celebrate the Harvest 

    Sat Jun 21 Carondelet Park,

    3900 Holly Hills Drive 9am-7pm

    StLouis Garlic Fest-Come Celebrate the Harvest Sat Jun 21 Carondelet Park, 3900 Holly Hills Drive 9am-7pm
    StLouis Garlic Fest-Come Celebrate the Harvest Sat Jun 21 Carondelet Park, 3900 Holly Hills Drive 9am-7pm


    9:00 am~ Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Blessing by Hraelsvelg Odinsson and Announcements (Main Gazebo)
    10:00 am~ 11:30 Classic rock sounds of SKY-CHAINED (Main Gazebo)
    10:00- 11:00 The history of garlic, commercial garlic storage and how to sell garlic to CSA’s and restaurants w/Garlic Mark (Workshop area 1 front left of boathouse)
    10:00- 5:00 DIY Kids Craft area will be up and running all day. ( In the boathouse)
    11:00-12:00 The Kratky Method to hydroponic growing by Hraelsvelg Odinsson (Workshop area1)
    12:00- 1:00 Cooking with Garlic and Chef Jen (Left side of Boathouse)
    1:00 – 2:00 Brian Greenway (Main Gazebo)
    1:00 Kids relay games (workshop area 2 front right of the boathouse)
    1:00- 2:00 Recovered Heirloom garlic / Mark (Workshop area 1 front left of boathouse)
    2:00-2:30 Heritage Chickens for the homestead w/Diane
    3:00- 4:00 Cooking with Garlic and Chef Jen (Left side of Boathouse)
    3:30- 5:00 Raw Earth (Main Gazebo)
    4:00- 4:30 Self-defense for all ages, courtesy of Black Dragon Kung Fu, Prof. Ike Bear and Jason Apollo (workshop area 2 front right of the boathouse)
    5:30 Garlic Eating contest, raffle drawing, must be present to win. (Main Gazebo)
    6:00- 7:00 encore performance Sky-Chained (Main Gazebo)
    7:00- 10:00~ Drumming by the lake, bring your drums, tambourines, hula hoops and let’s celebrate another great Garlic Fest! (Lake side)
    Throughout the day enjoy the mind melting sounds of Jeff Schaffer

    *All workshops are subject to change or adding of more at any time. This list was updated on June 11th*

     This years festival will be held again in Carondelet Park. 

    CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE FOR FUTURE INFO AND THE VENDORS FORM AT http://www.gatewaygarlic.com/ and Like us on Facebook athttps://www.facebook.com/Gatewaygarlicfest

    Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference. Build a Green StLouis Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog

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