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Showing posts with label Big Oil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Big Oil. Show all posts


Voters are Responsible for Shutdown~Lesson Learned~BlameGame

Yes I said and do mean that.  The Tea Party and their fellow GOP cronies were elected by the People.  So I point the finger in the blame game back at 'We the People' the Voting Public for electing these clowns into office.

I will admit that when I first learned about the Tea Party. I believed they were making a few valid points.  Though it was not enough for me to contribute $Money$ to support their political endeavors.  Some of the info was at least worth looking into.

Like any informed Voter studying the Issues that are affecting the USA and its Interests.  I want the facts-not the hype from the Media Networks.  I learned long ago when I started studying the effects of Climate Change that it was the Humans Fault. (IPCC-The IPCC report shows the Man Made CO2 is creating warming temperatures Worldwide )

I've written many green blog posts on Climate Change and the Causes and never understood why more efforts to end wars over Oil, Clean Energy Jobs, and protecting America's Greatest asset "We The People" were not adopted and enacted by our Elected Officials.

I had to know why wouldn't any elected official who campaigns on what's best for the American Public and then FAIL to:create and enact laws and regulations to support the endeavor.  To understand and research this topic I luckily found the websites: Open Secrets and Follow the Money.

I had the Ah-hah Moment

I honestly couldn't believe the amount of money Big Business and the Oil Industry was giving to our Elected Officials.  And when I look at the Government Shutdown created by the GOP and the Tea Party Members.  I realized these are the same people who are taking the most money from the Fossil Fuel Industry.

Coincidence or Fact learn for yourself from the people at: Open Secrets and Follow the Money.

I rest my case.

Scotts Contracting, StLouis Renewable Energy

Roy Blunt Missouri Senator is a perfect example of Big Business and Dirty Energy Money in Politics
Roy Blunt Missouri Senator is a perfect example of Big Business and Dirty Energy Money in Politics
Roy Blunt Missouri Senator is a perfect example of Big Business and Dirty Energy Money in Politics

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Res 37 Toxic Air Bill by Sen J.Inhofe

I am writing you today in vehement opposition to the toxic air bill offered by Senator James Inhofe, S.J. Res 37.

The Online Petition I signed via the Environment Defense Action Fund is listed to follow and emailed to Sen R.Blunt and Sen C.McCaskill.

  • My notes to Dirty Oil Roy Blunt are at the bottom of the Post.

This bill would use the obscure Congressional Review Act to block EPA's new emission standards for hazardous mercury and other toxic air pollution from coal- and oil-fired power plants. If enacted, this bill would also forever prohibit the EPA from adopting substantially similar clean air standards in the future.

These standards, which the 1990 Clean Air Act specifically authorizes, have been in the works for more than two decades. They will prevent up to 11,000 premature deaths every year and protect our kids from dangerous exposure to toxic mercury pollution, which can cause brain damage in infants and young children.

They will also save the American economy tens of billions of dollars in avoided health costs while likely leading to the creation of 117,000 jobs installing pollution control technologies between now and 2015.

Last year, more than 800,000 Americans submitted public comments in support of this rule. But now, a few of America's largest corporate utilities have launched an aggressive campaign to block these standards. And Sen. Inhofe's toxic air bill would do just that.

Please stand up for the health and safety of our kids and communities and reject the Inhofe bill.

Please take action today. Help us stop the Inhofe toxic air bill, which would wipe the EPA's life-saving Mercury and Air Toxics Standards off the books and punch a huge hole through our clean air protections.

My Notes:

Mr Blunt in an email I received yesterday from you.  You wrote:
"Job creators in Missouri tell me that overreaching new regulations coming out of the Environmental Protection Agency are one of the biggest obstacles to getting our economy back on track.  Regulations like these threaten to make the cost of electric power skyrocket for most Americans and will sack families and workers with new costs, reducing their disposal income and ultimately threatening their standard of living."  

I'd like to point out the simple fact that-
"All the jobs in the world won't help when Pollution kills the world."  

As you know here in St Louis- Ameren UE (Union Electric) uses Coal for producing our Electricity.  This pollution from Coal Fired Power Plants is a leading cause of Asthma and Cancer.  WebMD just reported last week that St Louis is Number 7 on the list  of leading cities with Asthma Problems.
"The study also points out that recent statistics indicate asthma causes more than 3,300 deaths annually in the U.S. and is a factor in another 7,000."  
It  would seem to me the more healthy people there are working equals more people paying taxes- ie: Income for the US Government.

If you are serious about creating jobs consider this: Energy Efficiency and Renewable "Non Polluting" Energy.

Steve Kidwell, Ameren Missouri Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, said:

"If we went after the potential that we've seen in our own study,  we wouldn't have to build another power plant for 20 years, and we could retire Meramec, and we'd be OK.  But we'd lose  $30 million a year. And we just can't do that. It's that simple."
 (This was a St Louis Post Dispatch Article that talked about making homes energy efficient through weatherization.)

On another note about Energy Efficiency and Nuclear Energy- I'd like to share this info:
"For 1/2 the cost of replacing one nuclear power plant, we can retrofit 1,600,000 homes for "Energy Efficiency" and create 220,000 new jobs- which is 90 times more jobs than you'd get from a power plant replacement."  
ie: how much taxes that are needed for the USA would come from the 220,000 employees?

So basically I'm asking you to do the right thing and leave the EPA alone as the USA is making strides to curb its energy use which reduces the Pollutants in the Air, Land, and Water.

Through the various reporting agencies on Political Contributions. (1 & 2) I know you receive the bulk of your money from Big Oil, Big Coal, and Big Business.  In the future who will be left to buy their products if the population is killed off from Fossil Fuel Pollution.  I'm not even going to mention the fact that we can reduce our reliance on Foreign Oil (which is the root cause of the ongoing wars in the Middle East.  ie: if they don't have any money they cant fight us).

Thank you, looking forward to your Reply.


Help us stop the Inhofe toxic air bill, which would wipe the EPA's life-saving Mercury and Air Toxics Standards off the books and punch a huge hole through our clean air protections.

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotty for any Home Improvement Projects or Energy Reducing Needs and Scotty, Scotts Contracting will respond ASAP. Company Web Address: http://www.stlouisrenewableenergy.com


MO Sen Roy Blunt votes for Big Oil and Not the Taxpayers

Hold Sen. Roy Blunt accountable for the vote against ending oil subsidies.
Take action!
Clicking here will add your name to this petition to your Senator:
Take action now!
Dear Friend,
Last night, 48 Senators, including Sen. Roy Blunt, put Big Oil before the American people and helped defeat a bill that would have ended tax breaks for the five biggest oil companies.1
How could anyone vote against a bill that would have kept $21 billion of American taxpayers' money out of the pockets of cash-rich oil companies?
One big reason is oil money in our political process. A lot of it. Oil and gas companies spent $39.5 million lobbying congress in just the first quarter of this year,2 and have donated tens of millions of dollars directly to the political campaigns of current Senators, including $697,998 to Sen. Roy Blunt.3
In all, three Democrats joined all but two Senate Republicans to protect Big Oil tax breaks that even a former Shell CEO said weren't needed.4
But make no mistake. Even though we didn't get the 60 votes required for passage, our pressure to end oil subsidies is already working. More and more legislators are acting defensive about their support of Big Oil over the American people.
In February, similar legislation to repeal some oil subsidies got only 44 votes. Yesterday, we got 52 votes. That comes after CREDO Action members sent more than 225,000 petitions to the Senate and made more than 1,000 calls yesterday to 11 key Senators, six of whom flipped their position and voted to end tax breaks to Big Oil.
Senate Majority leader Harry Reid said yesterday that despite this defeat, he will continue to push for ending oil subsides as part of negotiations on the budget and to raise the debt ceiling.5
We need to keep the pressure on. And one key to breaking Big Oil's grasp on our legislators is letting Congress know that we know about the millions of dollars that Big Oil has given them — including the $697,998 to Sen. Roy Blunt.
Let's make sure that voting to protect oil company profits doesn't go unanswered by those of us who actually pay the price.
Thank you for taking action.
Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets
P.S. — Want to find out more about the Big Oil money going to our elected officials? Our friends at the Dirty Energy Money campaign have the scoop. Click here to see how much dirty energy money your Senators and other elected officials have taken.



Could this be why our Gasoline Costs are so High Priced?

Oil and Gas: Lobbying Background

For Months I have been preaching about Dirty Energy Politics and quoting information I've been viewing from http://opensecrets.org yet for some reason I've not received many responses to the Article Posts on the Sustainable Building Blogs I operate http://stlouisrenewableenergy.blogspot.com and http://scottscontracting.wordpress.com.

So with this post I've included everything from the open secrets web site in one easy to use point of reference. As you will see the various lobbying organizations are spending Millions of Dollars Influencing our Elected Leaders.

Do Dirty Environmental Polluters Speak For You?

They don't speak for me either.  So Join me in the battle to reduce Climate Change created by the Biggest Polluters and the Lobbying Organizations that buy off the Politicians in office.

Vote for DEMS

This industry, which includes multinational and independent oil and gas producers and refiners, natural gas pipeline companies, gasoline service stations and fuel oil dealers, has long enjoyed a history of strong influence in Washington. Individuals and political action committees affiliated with oil and gas companies have donated $238.7 million to candidates and parties since the 1990 election cycle, 75 percent of which has gone to Republicans.

Though former oilmen George W. Bush and Dick Cheney occupied the White House for eight years, the oil and gas industry could not win support for repealing bans on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. However, Congress voted in 2008 to lift a ban on offshore drilling. These companies are also wary of cap-and-trade climate change legislation, such as the measure Democratic President Barack Obama supports. Yet Obama still received $884,000 from the oil and gas industry during the 2008 campaign, more than any other lawmaker except his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

Obama appeared poised to usher in more offshore drilling expansion in 2010 -- until the explosion of a BP-operated oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico that resulted in millions of gallons of fossil fuels to leak into the coastal waters of Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida. The environmental toll has been significant, and industries such as tourism and fishing have suffered. Politically, the Obama administration has delayed plans to expand offshore drilling in many areas, and Congress is mulling whether to pass legislation aimed at avoiding another disaster of similar scope.

In contrast to former President Bush's largely pro-industry stance on energy and environmental issues, the Democratic-controlled White House and Congress will probably grant these companies fewer favors. Bush consistently rolled back Clinton-era restrictions on commercial uses of federal lands—including nature preserves, national forests and national monuments. To the oil and gas industry's delight, he got one step closer in March 2005 when Senate Republicans passed a budget resolution containing a filibuster-proof provision to allow for drilling in ANWR.
Oil and gas companies are always among the industries to spend the most on lobbying, pouring $132.2 million into these efforts in 2008 alone.
-- Aaron Kiersh and Dave Levinthal
Updated June 2010

Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics.

Oil and Gas

Industry Profile, 2010

Total for Oil and Gas: $146,577,043
Total Number of Clients Reported: 195
Total Number of Lobbyists Reported: 788
Total Number of Revolvers: 500 (63.5%)
. Campaign Contributions from this industry

View totals by: Client/Parent | Subsidiary/Affiliate

Client/Parent Total
ConocoPhillips $19,626,382
Chevron Corp $12,890,000
Exxon Mobil $12,450,000
Royal Dutch Shell $10,370,000
Koch Industries $8,070,000
BP $7,335,000
American Petroleum Institute $7,300,000
Anadarko Petroleum $5,150,000
Marathon Oil $5,130,000
Williams Companies $4,900,000
America's Natural Gas Alliance $3,360,000
Chesapeake Energy $2,776,560
National Petrochemical & Refiners Assn $2,764,909
Occidental Petroleum $2,582,989
Murphy Oil $2,410,000
Devon Energy $1,380,000
Apache Corp $1,310,000
Noble Energy $1,290,000
National Propane Gas Assn $1,200,000
Independent Petroleum Assn of America $1,185,774
Interstate Natural Gas Assn of America $1,140,000
Sunoco Inc $1,120,000
Hess Corp $1,100,000
Spectra Energy $1,083,509
El Paso Corp $1,076,718
American Gas Assn $980,000
Kosmos Energy $890,000
Tesoro Corp $870,300
Energy Transfer Equity $850,000
Weatherford International $840,000
Reliance Industries Ltd $760,000
Petroleum Marketers Assn $685,000
Valero Energy $644,000
Gas Technology Institute $625,000
Plains Exploration & Production $600,000
Shallow Water Energy Security Coalition $545,000
Transocean Inc $540,000
Denbury Resources $540,000
PDVSA $470,000
TMT Group $470,000
Enbridge Pipelines/Lakehead Pipeln Ptnrs $440,000
Cobalt International Energy $430,000
Hercules Offshore $420,000
National Fuel Gas Corp $400,000
Natural Gas Supply Assn $370,455
Enbridge Energy Partners $350,000
Halliburton Co $345,000
Quintana $300,000
Soc of Ind Gasoline Marketers of America $300,000
Statoil ASA $298,500
Gas Processors Assn $270,000
Bass Enterprises Production $270,000
Ansaldo Energia $270,000
Doyon Drilling Inc $265,000
Ad Hoc Deep Water Expl/Production Cltn $260,000
Gas Natural SDG SA $250,000
Domestic Petroleum Council $240,000
Atlas Energy $240,000
ATP Oil & Gas $240,000
Nexen Inc $240,000
Enterprise Products Partners $236,000
Arctic Slope Regional Corp $235,000
Magellan Midstream Partners $232,385
Cheniere Energy $230,000
Syntroleum Corp $219,000
Anschutz Corp $200,000
Frontier Oil $200,000
Lansdale Co $200,000
Hunt Consolidated $200,000
Nicor Inc $200,000
Oceaneering Intl $200,000
CNX Gas Corp $192,500
CenterPoint Energy $190,000
BG Group $190,000
EnCana Corp $190,000
Kinder Morgan Inc $190,000
Assn of Oil Pipe Lines $184,400
Nabors Industries $180,000
Helix Energy Solutions $180,000
TransCanada Corp $180,000
US Turkmenistan Business Council $180,000
In Situ Oil Sands Alliance $170,000
Industrial Safety Training Council $160,000
Mitsui Oil Exploration Co $160,000
Arrow General Supplies & Services Co $160,000
AGL Resources $160,000
Sinclair Oil $160,000
American Public Gas Assn $155,000
Nustar Energy $152,500
ONEOK Inc $150,000
Questar Corp $150,000
Intl Assn of Drilling Contractors $150,000
Michigan Consolidated Gas Co $140,000
National Oilheat Research Alliance $140,000
Southwest Gas $140,000
National Oilwell Varco $137,500
US Oil & Gas Assn $129,195
XTO Energy $120,000
Tellus Operating Group $120,000
Gulf LNG Energy $120,000
Countrymark Cooperative $120,000
Gary-Williams Energy $120,000
Ergon Inc $120,000
Excelerate Energy $120,000
Kern Oil & Refining Co $110,000
Marion Energy $110,000
Vulcan Energy $110,000
Tidewater Inc $100,000
Strata Production $100,000
Hyperion Resources $100,000
Hornbeck Offshore Services $100,000
Seminole Energy Services $100,000
Oilfield Services & Drilling Indus Cltn $100,000
Gilbarco Inc $100,000
Great Point Energy $100,000
Alliance Pipeline $100,000
CSA America $90,000
Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Assn $90,000
Vitol Inc $90,000
Independent Petroleum Assn/Mountn States $85,000
DaVinci Hourani $85,000
Denali-The Alaska Gas Pipeline $80,000
Enstar Natural Gas $80,000
Falck Alford Services $80,000
Energen Corp $80,000
National Stripper Well Assn $80,000
Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America $80,000
US Oil $80,000
NATSO $78,973
Ohio Oil & Gas Assn $70,000
Alon USA Energy $70,000
Talisman Energy $70,000
New England Fuel Institute $67,000
Oil Oxidizer $60,000
Aegean Oil & Environmental Corp $60,000
Encore Acquisition $60,000
Sigma $60,000
Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition $52,500
Colonial Pipeline $50,000
Frank Reidy $50,000
Alberta Energy $50,000
Navajo Nation Oil & Gas Co $40,000
Oil Shale Exploration $40,000
QEP Resources $40,000
Iroquois Gas Transmission System $40,000
McDermott International $40,000
Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority $37,494
AES Corp $30,000
BakkenLink Pipeline $30,000
Western States Petroleum Assn $30,000
Washington Gas Light Co $28,000
Camelot Oil & Gas Development $20,000
Alyeska Pipeline Service $20,000
Green Earth Fuels $20,000
DeepStar Project $20,000
Mariner Energy $20,000
NIC Holding $20,000
UNEV Pipeline $19,500
Trenton Fuel Works $10,000
Western Independent Refiners Assn $10,000
TORP Technology $10,000
Texas Alliance of Energy Producers $10,000
Northern Star Natural Gas $10,000
Elkem Holding Inc $10,000
American Assn of Petroleum Geologists $10,000
Colonial Oil Industries $10,000
Boardwalkd Pipelines $0
Bradwood Landing $0
C&C Technologies $0
Cabot Oil & Gas $0
Delta Petroleum $0
Fleishman-Hillard Inc $0
Seven Seas Petroleum $0
Petro-Hunt LLC $0
Montana Refining Co $0
National Assn of Shell Marketers $0
National Cooperative Refinery Assn $0
Independent Fuel Terminal Operators Assn $0
Gulf South Pipeline Co $0
Stanley Energy $0

NOTE: All lobbying expenditures on this page come from the Senate Office of Public Records. Data for the most recent year was downloaded on January 31, 2010.

Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, such as textbooks, contact the Center.

Oil and Gas Lobbyist-Client

Total Number of Lobbyists Reported: 788*
Total Number of Revolvers: 500 (63.5%)

Lobbying Firm/Registrant
National Assn of Truck Stop Operators
El Paso Corp
America's Natural Gas Alliance
Shell Oil
Marathon Oil
Chevron Corp
Interstate Natural Gas Assn of America
National Assn of Truck Stop Operators
Noble Energy
123456 ...17 Next

* Actual number of individual lobbyists. This number may be different from the total number of records as lobbyists may be associated with more than one lobbying firm.

Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, such as textbooks, contact the Center.

If these stats and numbers sicken your stomach as much as they do mine and you question as to why our Trusted Leaders are Failing to Listen to the Constituents and failing to enact solutions to the everyday struggles that "We the People" are going thru in our daily lives as we are struggling to fill the gas tank and heat/cool our homes.
Then you are perfect person for the  
St Louis 350.org Community
Join Me in the Fight Against The Biggest Polluters!


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