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Showing posts with label StLouis Arch Grounds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label StLouis Arch Grounds. Show all posts


COP21 StLouis Climate March at the Arch

Here are my 10 biggest takeaways from the #OursToLose Climate March at the Arch in StLouis. In which I was proud participant in last Sunday at the Arch.

The gathering of like minded individuals was an eye opening experience for me to say the least.
#OursToLose Climate March at the Arch in StLouis gathering at the StLouis City Hall
#OursToLose Climate March at the Arch in StLouis

I learned in the brief correspondence while talking to the other participants that:

  1. There were as many older generations ages- 50 plus, as younger generations of less than 30 years old- that care about the health of our Planet and Pollution that is causing world wide climate change from the business as usual approach of the Big Business Polluting Machines 
  2. The participants were interested and knowledgeable to the importance of Energy Conservation as well as generating True Clean Energy
    Scotty at the Climate March #OursToLose StLouis Participants
  3. Climate March #OursToLose StLouis Participants are not happy with the local activities of the Dirty Coal Machine Ameren UE.  
    News Four interviewing #OursToLose StLouis Program organizer
  4. Some of the local Solar Installation Companies in StLouis are not adequately trained in the proper ways of installing Solar Racking on challenging roofs
    Arch Ground Image participants at the Climate March supporting #COP21
  5. Pointing our finger at other countries such as China who is a big polluter, does not help at the Local Level.  I firmly believe that society as a whole needs to: Chop Wood and Carry Water- mankind must not point to another country without taking care of business at home
    Don't be Fooled by the Dirty Coal Plant Misleading Dirty Coal Image Labadie Power Plant
  6. It was great to see a #BlackLivesMatter supporter at the march!  Climate Change affects everyone regardless of Race, Creed, or Community Status- we are all in this together
    #BlackLivesMatter supporter at the march!  Climate Change affects everyone regardless of Race, Creed, or Community Status
  7. People that live around the Labadie Dirty Coal Plant are worried about their Personal and Families Health from the Pollution via the noted 4th Dirtiest Coal Plant in the Entire USA.
    Labadie Dirty Coal Plant 4th Dirtiest Coal Plant in the Entire USA
  8. The boundary line between my activities and what I'm doing needs to be broken in relation to networking with other clean energy and energy conservation promoters and businesses in the St Louis region.  We are all in this together and their is plenty of work and buildings in the StLouis region for everyone.  I personally need to extend the Olive Branch to others in the region to lend my support for their activities as well as letting them know of what I am working on.  I believe in action over inaction and start by listing the information from 2 of the companies working in the area right here that were also proud participants at the #COP21 #OursToLose StLouis Climate March.  Please check out their websites and to give them a call: Aaron Michel Energy Resources Group, inc and Brian Ettling Climate Change Communicator 
    Just like a giant fishbowl with rising tides climate change affects everyone
  9. You will meet some of the nicest people at Social Gatherings and as it was pointed out you can even find love and meet the person of your dreams! 
    Love was in the Air COP21 Climate March at the Arch StLouis MO
  10. I believe to put up or shut up.  And to prove this I will be offering rock bottom prices on any energy conservation activities I will be doing for my StLouis neighbors.  I am going to cut the prices of any and all activities for the remainder of the 2015.  I'm sure this will make the bookkeeper cringe but I will offer a 50% labor discount on any and all green building projects that I bid on for the remainder of the year.

We can build a green St Louis- Join Me in making the world and our region a better place for all.

Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone. Build a Green StLouis Green Building Tips and Resources via: Scotty- St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


StLouis Gateway Arch Grounds SlideShow with Bid Request

Great Rivers GreenWay Project Slide Show

ADVERTISEMENT copied from:http://www.greatriversgreenway.org/projects/public-bids-rfqs.aspx
Central Riverfront, Leonor K. Sullivan Boulevard and Bikeway
Raising and Reconstruction of Leonor K. Sullivan Boulevard
Federal Project TDG-0705(333)

Notice to Contractors
Sealed bids for the raising and reconstruction of Leonor K. Sullivan Boulevard, will be received at the office of the The Great Rivers Greenway District, 6174A Delmar Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63112 until 2:00 o'clock P.M. (Central Daylight
Time) on Thursday, October 24, 2013. Bids will be publicly opened and read at that time (2:00 o'clock P.M.). All bids to be submitted on the bid forms provided in the specification package.

The large scale project is a mile and a half in length on the St. Louis City riverfront and is centered in front of the Gateway Arch. The proposed work includes: a complete reconstruction of Leonor K. Sullivan (LKS) Boulevard with an adjacent bicycle
path, pedestrian guardrail, a pedestrian walk and streetscape improvements and amenities. ADA accessible pedestrian sidewalks will be constructed on both sides of the Leonor K. Sullivan Boulevard to provide new ADA accessible walksfrom
the Arch groundsto the Riverfront. Overall work to include, but not limited to,site demolition, rough and finish grading, extensive retaining wall construction, utility work, sewer construction, flood wall modifications, landscaping installation,
lighting installation, pavement marking, signing, traffic control, and sediment and erosion control.

Bidding registration must be completed prior to obtaining bid documents. Locations for obtaining bid documents will be provided after registration. All requests for bid documents should be addressed to Bill Chilton at David Mason & Associates at
(314)534-1030, bchilton@davidmason.com, or 800 S. Vandeventer Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110.

A pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00 AM on October 7, 2013, at 1520 Market Street, St. Louis, MO 63103. A DBE Mixer conducted by the Construction Manager, BSI, will be held immediately after the pre-bid meeting. All bidders are encouraged to attend both the pre-bid meeting and DBE Mixer with the Construction Manager.

All labor used in the construction of this public improvement shall be paid a wage no less than the prevailing hourly rate of wages of work of a similar character in this locality as established by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (Federal Wage Rate), or state wage rate, whichever is higher.

The Great Rivers Greenway District hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, ancestry, or national origin in consideration for an award.

This project will be broken into 10 different packages, and a contract will be awarded to a prime contractor for each of the 10 packages. Many packages will require the contractors be on MoDOT’s Qualified Contractor List per Section 102.2 of
the Missouri Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, 2011 Edition including all revisions. The contractor questionnaire must be on file 7 days prior to bid opening.

Contractors and sub-contractors who sign a contract to work on this project must conduct a 10-Hour OSHA construction safety program, or similar program approved by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, to be completed by their on-site
employees within sixty (60) days of beginning work on the construction project.
A cashier’s check or a bid bond in the amount of 5% of the total bid shall be submitted with each sealed bid.

The Great Rivers Greenway District reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
DBE goals exist for each of the 10 packages – goals range from 9% to 26%.
No 2nd tier subcontracting will be allowed on this project.

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