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Showing posts with label CO2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CO2. Show all posts


Can Plastics Be Sustainable?

 According to New Light Technologies yes it can!  From Greenhouse Gas to Plastic the new technology years in the making.

From the Article: 
the trick developed by Newlight Technologies lies in their biocatalyst: in the past, each kilogram of biocatalyst added to the mixture would be able to produce one kilogram of polymer before it expired...
"It is our belief that climate change is not going to be solved by subsidies or taxes. We think that the only way we are going to solve climate change, in the time and at the scale that is required, is through market-driven solutions," explained Herrema to Smithsonian Magazine. After their initial success, Newlight Technologies is focusing on expanding their operations, setting up production plants in states such as North Dakota and Texas, where practices such as fracking in rural areas creates an excess of methane that can literally be seen from space.

Newlight Technologies' next milestone of production is 50 million pounds (22.7 million kilograms) of plastic per year, but that's just the start. Herrema compares their technology to another breakthrough in plastic technology, Union Carbide's UNIPOL technology, saying that Newlight Technologies aims to achieve a similar scale to Union Carbide's peak of 60 billion pounds (27.2 billion kilograms) per year.
With ambitions like that, it may not be long before architects can talk about using plastic as a sustainable option, a material that sequesters carbon in much the same way as we talk of timber today.


Petition For Ameren Keep NetMetering Standard as Voted on by MO Voters

Bottom Line: Ameren is attempting to sway the Missouri Government to change the laws that we the voters voted for long ago. The company boasts of making millions in profits but can't divvy up for when we connect to the grid and send our clean energy back to them-that they get to say is part their system since it counts towards their renewable energy mandate.

If Ameren UE didn't have the 4th Dirtiest Coal Burning electrical plant (#Labadie) or was making strides to fix this issue I might be a little more swayed that they can't meet the obligation.

Hell the shipping costs for them to ship the coal here from Wyoming is a million dollars and this cost was passed onto we the consumers. The simple way to reduce this million dollars to make electricity in MO that doesn't need outside dirty coal.

Petition For Ameren to Keep the Net-Metering Standard as Voted on by the MO Voters

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Yes I'm participating in BlogActionDay 2013

Humanitys Greatest Challenge

Will 2013 Blog Action Day be a success?  Of course it will be this years subject is 
Humanitarian in Nature and is a perfect fit for addressing 

Humanity's Greatest Challenge yet undertaken by Mankind.  

- See more at: http://stlouisrenewableenergy.blogspot.com/#sthash.TUt8YRh9.dpuf

Key Words for Blog Action Day 2013 : #BAD2013, #OCT16, #Humanrights, #BlogActionDay, #GlobalWarming, #CO2,#ClimateChange - See more at: http://stlouisrenewableenergy.blogspot.com/2013/10/humanitys-greatest-challenge.html#sthash.JsErV4oO.dpuf
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