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Fwd: StLouis One Week from Today!

Hello Slay for Mayor Volunteers!

We have just one week to go until the the election that will set the course for the next four years, and for generations to follow!

March 5th represents a cross-roads for our city.  With the competent leadership of Mayor Slay, we can continue to move forward on the road toward a safe, sustainable, well educated, economically prosperous St. Louis, in which everybody benefits from a better quality of life. We understand that the alternative would halt our positive momentum, and push us backwards toward division, inefficiency, and a lack of judgement and understanding in City Hall.  It is up to US to impress this upon the voters, and urge them to get out and vote for Mayor Slay!

  • Read and share this endorsement from the St. Louis Post Dispatch, which explains some of the most important reasons that Mayor Slay is by far the better choice on Election Day.
  • Sign up for our Friends and Family Program now!  If we all keep in touch with between 5 and 15 people we know, inform them about this important election, and make sure they vote, it could determine the future of our City.
  • Bring in your phone book, Christmas card list, or church, club or team directory between now and Friday March 1st and send post cards to your friends and family.  We will supply all of the materials. This is one of THE most effective ways for us to reach out to voters.

  • Help out with a mailing! We are working on mailings every afternoon and evening this week. Email me if you can come in for an hour or two to help write post cards, fold, stuff, label and stamp!

  • Join our Volunteer Canvass Crew!! We need volunteers to go door to door and inform voters about this critical election.  Let's get out there and show our support for Mayor Slay! Any time hour or two you can spare to help us knock on doors will contribute GREATLY to our success!!
  • Join our Volunteer Phone Bank!! We need volunteers to help us call voters and spread the word. Let me know if you have an hour or two to man the phones.
  • Tuesday March 5th is ELECTION DAY!! Plan to help us staff the polls. The busiest times are 7-9am, 11am-1pm, and 5-7pm, but anytime on election day will be helpful.  We will also need volunteers to help post signs at polling places Monday night March 4th and very early in the morning on election day, Tuesday March 5th.
As always, feel free to contact me any time with questions or suggestions, and thank you again for all that you do!

Bonnie Boime
Volunteer Coordinator, Slay for Mayor
Office: 314.535.7529(SLAY)
Volunteer Line: 314.643.8657(VOLS)

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