-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: June 15 Pres Obama-National Address-Gulf Oil Spill

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June 15 Pres Obama-National Address-Gulf Oil Spill

Dear Scotty,

Last night, President Obama addressed the nation about the Gulf Coast oil spill. He laid out a crucial plan for recovery in the face of this unprecedented environmental disaster, and he called on Americans to seize this moment to end our addiction to fossil fuels and embrace clean energy.

The House of Representatives has already passed comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation. And tomorrow, the Senate Democratic caucus will meet to determine what legislation to push in the wake of the Deepwater Oil Disaster.

The Senate must choose between two paths -- but only one will embrace a clean energy future.

The first path focuses on the short term. It would do what is necessary to stop the leak, hold BP accountable, and hopefully tighten regulations on offshore drilling. But ultimately, it would do nothing to change our addiction to fossil fuels or the dirty energy policies that led to this disaster.

The second path is bolder. We would still prioritize stopping the leak, but rather than being satisfied with a quick fix, we'll finally seize control of our own destiny with comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation. We would create millions of jobs and strengthen our economy. We'd reduce our dependence on foreign oil and make our nation more secure. And we would prevent future environmental disasters by embracing clean, American energy solutions.

When the Senate Democratic Caucus meets tomorrow, they will make this choice for all of America. We know it will be far too easy for Senators to take the easy way out, and we can't let that happen. In the next 24 hours, we have a crucial window to help decide our country's future.

Your Senator will be in this meeting on Thursday and it's essential that he or she hear from you before making a decision. Call your Senator now and ask him or her to seize this opportunity and support comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation.
Call your Senator Now:

Senator McCaskill:

Report your call here.

Once connected tell him or her:
  • You are a constituent.
  • We must take a bold stand in the wake of the Deepwater Oil Disaster.
  • Only a bill that caps carbon will end our reliance on dangerous, dirty energy.
  • Please, support a comprehensive climate and clean energy bill at the Thursday caucus meeting.
If ever there was a time for our Senators to stand up and end the devastating, dirty energy policies that have weakened our economy, endangered our national security and led to the worst environmental disaster in our nation's history -- this is the time.

But the influence of the oil and coal lobbies in Washington is still overwhelming, and Senators will be tempted to support a band-aid bill that claims to help the Gulf without actually confronting the dirty energy policies that made the Deepwater spill a reality.

This Thursday is decision day. Will the Democratic Caucus push for a new way forward or will they settle for more of the same?

Now is the time to make our voices heard. Call your Senator and ask him or her to support comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation on Thursday.

Report your call.

Our leaders won't rise above the forces of opposition without our help.

Thanks for your work at this crucial moment,

Dave Boundy
Campaign Manager
The Climate Protection Action Fund's Repower America campaign

Contributions or gifts to the Climate Protection Action Fund are not tax deductible.

June 15 Pres Obama-National Address-Gulf Oil Spill

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Wed, June 16, 4pm – 5pm GMT-05:00
Scott's Contracting

Scott's Contracting

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