-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Solar and the Novermber Election- Political Issues vs Industry

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Solar and the Novermber Election- Political Issues vs Industry

Rhone Resch: An Industry, Not an Issue

Rhone Resch looks to the November mid-term elections and worries that renewable energy–and solar in particular–may be cast as a political issue and not recognized as the industry both have become.


Tulsa, OK, USA -- "Any time you are embraced by the administration it's a great thing, but opponents to the administration can make it work against you," said Resch, the 44-year-old president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association. This Washington, D.C.-based trade group represents the interests of the solar energy industry. Resch said he expects the mid-term congressional elections to result in more of a numerical balance between Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill. But he also believes fewer opportunities will exist for Congress to pass aggressive legislative initiatives that benefit renewables.

1 comment:

  1. http://stlouisrenewableenergy.blogspot.com/2010/11/new-roofing-option-is-win-win.html--

    A roof that: Generates Electricity is a Win-Win for Generating Electricity and Protecting your Home-Scotty

    Does your Shingle Roof need Replaced? Consider a Roofing Shingle that also creates Electricity. The new DOW POWERHOUSE™ Solar Shingle Received UL Certification as a Roofing Material that creates Clean Green Energy via the Integrated Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Producing System.

    The DOW™ POWERHOUSE™ solar shingle has chosen thin-film CIGS (Copper Indium Gallium deSelenide) as the PV material in the Solar Shingle to convert the Suns Rays into use-able Electricity for your Home and Business.

    DOW™ POWERHOUSE™ solar shingle will become available to the US public mid 2011. Till then Scotts Contracting will be researching the Electrical Out-Put, Efficiency, and Other variables that are needed to determine if the Solar Shingle is a cost-effective option for your Integrated Roofing and Solar Photovoltaic Project.


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