-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Stop Senator Murkowski's 'Dirty Air Act' twice in the last year. And with your help, we can do it again.

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Stop Senator Murkowski's 'Dirty Air Act' twice in the last year. And with your help, we can do it again.


Senator Lisa Murkowski just doesn't take no for an answer. Right now, she's preparing to re-launch her lobbyist-penned, oil-company-supported, science-denying attack on the Clean Air Act -- with a vote as soon as this week.

The Murkowski "Dirty Air Act," written by the fossil fuel lobby1, would strip the Clean Air Act -- one of our most proven, effective tools to keep our air and water clean -- of the ability to regulate greenhouse gas pollution.

What's even more outrageous is that it does so by legislating against science: Murkowski's resolution overturns a comprehensive scientific finding that greenhouse gases hurt human health and welfare. Put simply: it would literally establish as the law of the land that greenhouse gases and climate change are not bad for people.

Sign our urgent petition calling on your Senators to Vote NO on Senator Murkowski's attack on the Clean Air Act.

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We can't let Senator Murkowski or her fossil fuel-funded agenda succeed in gutting the Clean Air Act.

Unfortunately, Murkowski only needs 51 votes in the Senate to get her way, and it's going to be very close. There is some good news, though: Senator Murkowski only has until June 7 to push her resolution through. That's why it's vital for each of us to put as much pressure on our Senators as we can this week.

We know Repower America members like you can make a difference: We've already helped stop Senator Murkowski's "Dirty Air Act" twice in the last year. And with your help, we can do it again.

Sign the petition demanding that your Senators stand up to Senator Murkowski and the fossil fuel lobby -- and Repower America members like you will deliver your petition in-person to Senate offices around the country this week.

If we lose this vote, it will be a massive blow to efforts to solve the climate crisis and promote clean energy. And the national media will undoubtedly use this loss to suggest that climate and clean energy legislation lacks the momentum to pass this year.

We're too close to a comprehensive clean energy bill to get derailed by big oil or their allies in Congress.

Please add your voice now. Sign the urgent petition asking your Senator to protect the Clean Air Act.


Dave Boundy
Campaign Manager
The Climate Protection Action Fund's Repower America campaign

P.S. As if her support for the Dirty Air Act isn't enough, Senator Murkowski also just single-handedly delayed the consideration of a Senate bill that would have raised the liability cap for oil companies during offshore oil spills2 -- trying to make sure that the oil industry doesn't pay for contaminating our oceans and coastline, destroying our jobs and our environment. Our elected representatives should work for us, not for big oil. Tell your Senators to vote against Senator Murkowski's Dirty Air Act.

[1] Juliet Eilperin, "Murkowski and her lobbyist allies," The Washington Post, January 11, 2010. http://views.washingtonpost.com/climate-change/post-carbon/2010/01/murkowski_and_her_lobbyist_allies.html

[2] Richard Simon and Margot Roosevelt, "Democrats' effort to increase oil spill liability stalls," Los Angeles Times, May 14, 2010. http://articles.latimes.com/2010/may/14/nation/la-na-oil-spill-new-20100514

info provided by: Scott's Contracting GREEN BUILDER, St Louis "Renewable Energy" Missouri.

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