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St Louis Electronic Recycling News

St Louis Electronic Recycling News
Thank you for your interest in a Electronic/Computer Recycling event for your building(s) and their employees. As a part of the Downtown Partnership and other initiatives, our goal is to help building owners and managers offer a tax deductible environmentally sound Electronic Recycling pickup service to all of their buildings with multiple businesses and their employees in St. Louis Metro and Metro East.

You may recall the Cardinals event a couple of months ago that WITS did as a part of the Partnership.

The process for your buildings that you own or manage is very basic:

1) Management Company and WITS decides on a collection Date, items accepted, and if its a week-long or one day building collection

2) Management Company sends a letter to each of the businesses in the building inviting them and their employees to participate.

3) Any questions from businesses can be referred to WITS by email or phone. If a business prefers a separate pickup we can provide you with a business reservation form and employees can still participate with this form as well.

4) All items accepted free but WITS is asking for assistance covering television recycling costs.  Monitors and Televisions on average have a $5-10 recycling fee WITS has to pay to recycle according to DNR and EPA rules.

5) We also ask if the building managers or businesses would help cover our truck and labor costs, this runs about $200 per truck and includes 3-4 man labor. In the past Businesses have split this cost.

Items are usually waiting at a dock or easy access door to street.  We have Low and High trucks.

WITS arrives at specified building on the day agreed and load our truck with items to recycle.
Buildings may decide to collect the entire week or just one day. In that case WITS can arrive early morning and spend the day collecting as businesses and employees bring down their items or drop off their items.

It is possible that WITS could provide extra help to have staff go to the business offices to collect items with carts but because of liability most buildings do not allow this. If this is something you are interested in please talk to us about it.

Thank you again and please let us know if you would like to do this type of an event with WITS. We have several building collections already scheduled Downtown and in West County for the summer and hope to reach many more before end of summer.

Have a great weekend

Angela Haas

647 E Holly
Saint Louis MO 63147
1017 Griggs St
Danville Il 61832

Http://witsinc.org <http://witsinc.org/>

"Thank you for helping help us bridge the digital divide and save our Mother Earth"

Scott's Contracting

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