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Politics and Oil

Oil Change International

Dear Scotts,

In mid-June, as 60,000 barrels of oil or more was spilling into the Gulf of Mexico daily, the U.S. Senate voted to preserve subsidies to the oil industry. 

Then, as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency announced the planet had just come through the warmest decade, the warmest year, and the warmest April, May, and June on record, the Senate utterly failed to pass any energy, climate change, or even oil spill response legislation.*
Want to know why?  You can start by going to CleanUptheSenate.com

The website profiles 46 U.S. Senators - Democrat and Republican - who are allied with the oil industry.  We're escalating our campaign to end oil and coal company campaign contributions, and after the last few months its clearly time.

Last week we launched DirtyEnergyMoney.com.  We built this site to serve as a tool for the growing campaign to get dirty energy money out of politics.  It's working.  We're joined in this campaign by more than a dozen organizations representing millions of Americans.

Of course, we're also supported by all of you - and we need your help right now.

Right now, it's very important that you take action and help build the movement for a Separation of Oil and State
.  If you've already done that, or if you can do more, please read on.

Since the Gulf disaster began, the industry has been on the defensive.  Now they've launched an all out PR blitz to keep Congress from regulating them, taking away their handouts, or even taxing them fairly. 

They are organizing Astroturf rallies.  They are covering the Capitol in cash and highly paid lobbyists wielding expensive studies predicting doom and gloom if "new taxes" are put on the oil industry.

When you hear them complain about "new taxes", know that what they mean is removing the taxpayer support they depend on to increase their already record level profits.  Please join us in stopping these big oil bailouts.

We also hope that you can take the time to tell your Representatives exactly what you feel, directly.  Right now, many groups are organizing rallies over the Congressional recess to pressure the Senate into action, and to demand they stop taking dirty energy money and start supporting an end to oil addiction, clean energy, and real action on climate change. Go to 350.org/shadow, and please consider organizing an event to greet your Senator.  

Please join all of us today. 


Steve Kretzmann
Director, Oil Change International
Follow Oil Change on twitter!

PS - You can read daily dispatches and analysis of what's really going on in the Gulf - minus the industry spin, at our blog, Price of Oil.

* I shamelessly borrowed most of this paragraph from Bill McKibben.  You should read his whole piece.

Scott's Contracting

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