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Environmental Defense Fund Needs Your Support

Environmental Defense Fund

Dear Scotts Contracting,

I'm Lisa Moore, an EDF scientist.


We're in a race against time to mitigate the worst of global warming's impacts by dramatically cutting our emissions.

With your support, we can keep the pressure on the United States to act now to reduce global warming-causing pollution.

I've spent most of my professional career reviewing volumes of scientific studies on the climate crisis and its impact on our natural world. And I can tell you that global warming is without a doubt the biggest environmental threat facing our planet today.

It's not too late to change our course, but we will need to act fast. I hope you'll consider supporting EDF's efforts to reduce the pollution that causes global warming.

Over the past few decades, a warming climate has already led to some very dramatic planetary impacts, including the massive loss of polar and glacial ice around the world.

We could soon reach other critical tipping points including the total disappearance of summer sea ice in the Arctic Ocean, widespread extinctions of the earth's plants and animals, and dramatic changes in entire ecosystems.

The consequences are dire. But there is hope. Right now, we have a historic opportunity to change our course.

Will you make a gift to support EDF's urgent climate work today? Your generous support will help us keep the pressure on the U.S. to act swiftly and reduce global warming-causing pollution.

EDF's goals here are threefold:

  • Reduce the pollution that causes global warming
  • Help businesses make low-carbon innovations
  • Secure an international climate agreement in order to avoid catastrophic climate change.

We're working simultaneously on a number of fronts to achieve these goals.

First and foremost, we're keeping the pressure on U.S. leadership to act quickly and pass comprehensive climate legislation that will curb our global warming pollution and unleash a clean energy economy.

We've also helped launch an unprecedented coalition of business partnerships -- including top US corporations like DuPont and General Electric -- that has jointly called for a reduction in global warming-causing pollution.

EDF's international partnerships extend to countries like China where we are developing pathways to clean growth, and India where we are working with local groups on innovative ideas for clean, sustainable development.

EDF will continue to be a leader in the fight against global warming. I hope you'll consider supporting our urgent climate work at this critical moment.


Lisa Moore
EDF Scientist

P.S. Get the latest on the climate fight and more details about actions you can take at EDF's Climate Countdown.

Scott's Contracting

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