Fellow Liberty-Loving American:
We are less than 60 days away from Election Day, and with your help, it will be the END OF THE PELOSI ERA. Out of the hundreds of campaigns across America running against her record, my opponent IS House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and I am the ONLY candidate in America who can send her into retirement.
Thanks to thousands of patriotic Americans, my campaign is gaining momentum and it was recently detailed in a Wall Street Journal article. The outpouring of support is starting to make the Pelosi campaign realize that America is tired of a tax and spend liberal controlling "the People's House."
Before we start the celebration, we must take advantage of every day, hour and minute of the next 56 days remaining days in the battle to beat back Pelosi and her liberal allies. I am not taking even 1 day to stop my attempt to save America from her statist, progressive agenda.
As a father, husband, businessman and life-long patriot, I must do everything within me to defeat Nancy Pelosi in order to save America for your children and mine.
If like me your goal this election cycle is to stop business as usual in Washington and put an end to the liberal taxing and spending that lead to a $13 Trillion debt, then lend YOUR SUPPORT TODAY. Will you follow this link right away to make an immediate donation of $35, $56, $100, or $250.
By giving just $1, $2 or even $3 per day from now until the election, you will ensure that our shared constitutional values of personal liberty and state's rights continue to have a strong voice in Washington.
Pelosi and her liberal cronies are already plotting their post-election lame duck session where they seek to pass cap-and-trade and other harmful legislation while most Americans will be thinking about Thanksgiving and holiday shopping.
Defeating Pelosi this November will force other Members of Congress to reconsider their support for these bills and keep Congress from passing such egregious legislation. In fact, it will single-handedly deflate her perception as the "most powerful" Speaker in the history of the United States and cause a major setback to the radical Obama Agenda.
In her 24 years in Congress, we have lost more of our personal liberties, seen the economy plummet and watched our national debt reach a nearly unrecoverable $13 Trillion. Pelosi is a tax-and-spend liberal whose love for taxing hardworking families goes so far that she wants your children and mine to be stuck paying for debts that do nothing more than put our nation on a wayward death spiral!
Her agenda is mired in decision-making that stems from George Soros' Center for American Progress, receives White House approval and is then executed by MOVEON.org, the Daily Kos, ACORN, labor unions and K Street lobbyists who will do whatever it takes to help her continue this statist agenda. Their record of destroying America includes:
- PelosiCare
- Suing Arizona for cracking down on illegal immigration
- Refusing to extend the Bush tax cuts
- Tax-and-cap environmental extremism
- Cash-for-clunkers
- Bank bailouts
- Bonuses for AIG Executives
- Union bailouts
- State government bailouts
- Bleeding Social Security dry
- Bleeding our children and grandchildren dry
- Unrelenting unemployment
- Increasing Foreclosures
- Unprecedented Bankruptcies
- Ending secret ballot elections
- Nationalization of student loan programs
- Etc., etc., etc.
As we continue to gain momentum and polls continue to show how vulnerable Congressional Democrats are, you can be assured that I will become a top Congressional target on the left. Pelosi is their Queen Bee and they will not allow her to be attacked without a knockdown, drag out brawl.
I will be attacked by the same forces who believe Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters, Erica Massa and Bart Stupak, all top Pelosi lieutenants, have been mistakenly punished for their treasonous actions. These liberal forces are coalescing around the Obama-Pelosi agenda without regard for their long-term impact, and it's high time we put an end to their reign by electing patriotic Americans who put principle above self.
Will you follow this link to make an immediate donation to help me raise $100,000 in the next 24 hours? I know, with your generous support, we can match the support Pelosi is receiving from her far-left supporters dollar for dollar. They will pull out all of the stops to try to stop our rallies and defeat candidates like me.
There is no time to waste in this campaign. We're heading into the busiest stretch of the season, and I must be prepared to wage a serious financial challenge against Nancy Pelosi for the next 56 days.A tide of patriotic Americans who understand Constitutional principles has been building across our nation and now is the time to ensure we succeed by putting an END TO THE PELOSI ERA.
They will stop at nothing to silence our voices unless we have the resources to fight back. Let's show them we're not going anywhere. I need your immediate support to fight back against this liberal surge of money in my race to END THE PELOSI ERA.
We must band together to send a message that we are only gaining strength in the final 56 days leading up to this election. Your immediate donation of $56 - just one dollar per day- will help me do just that.
Please don't sit on the sidelines and allow Nancy Pelosi and the far-left steamroll me with their well-funded attacks. Take action today!
Your support and encouragement is always appreciated.
Please stand with me today and help me put an END TO THE PELOSI ERA.
Yours in liberty,
John Dennis
Republican for U.S. Congress
P.S. With your immediate financial support I know we can revive our constitutional values in Washington and restore prosperity to America for your children and mine. Please follow this link to make a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or even the maximum $2,400 and send a fellow liberty-loving American to Washington while we put an END TO THE PELOSI ERA once and for all.
You may also mail your contributions to:
John Dennis for Congress
1592 Union Street
San Francisco, CA 94123Federal law requires political committees to do their best efforts to obtain and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle. Contributions to John Dennis for Congress are not deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations and foreign nationals are prohibited.
Paid for by John Dennis For Congress 1592 Union Street • San Francisco, CA • 94123
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