Weatherize Your Home with Touch ‘n Seal Insulating Foam Sealants
Hi Scotty – I just discovered your website and blog – love it!! I work in public relations for Fenton-based Touch ‘n Seal and wanted to submit this press release to you for publication consideration.
Air Sealing Your Home with Insulating Foam Saves Money and Energy
Hi Scotty – I just discovered your website and blog – love it!! I work in public relations for Fenton-based Touch ‘n Seal and wanted to submit this press release to you for publication consideration.
Carolyn Schinsky
Ryan Public Relations
(314) 822-9784 Office
(314) 308-1682 Cell
Media Contacts:
Carolyn Schinsky / Ryan PR / 314-822-9784/
Weatherize Your Home with Touch ‘n Seal Insulating Foam Sealants
Air Sealing Your Home with Insulating Foam Saves Money and Energy
ST. LOUIS—Sept. 13, 2010—It’s common knowledge that air leaks from drafty windows and gaps and cracks around the house can cause even a well-insulated home’s energy bills to soar. All year long, a leaky house wastes energy and creates an often uncomfortable living environment. However, weatherizing a home by sealing air leaks, gaps and cracks with Touch ‘n Seal insulating foam sealants and products can reduce energy loss by up to 38 percent.
“The first step in weatherizing a home is to determine where air leakage is occurring,” says Michael Sites, Product Specialist at Touch ‘n Seal. “Some leaks around windows and doors may be obvious, but be sure to also inspect for cracks and gaps around places like electrical outlets, plumbing pipes, dryer vents and phone jacks.”
One of the most common sources of air leaks are drafty windows and doors. However, Touch ‘n Seal’s gun-applied No-Warp Window & Door Insulating Sealant provides a quick and easy solution to this age-old problem. No-Warp is a bright white expanding one-component polyurethane foam that is specially formulated for use around window and door frames – providing airtight insulation that blocks drafts, moisture and insects without bowing the frame.
“NoWarp is a great fenestration foam sealant because it expands fully to seal gaps and cracks, but won’t put undue pressure on window and door frames,” says Sites. “Most foams are inappropriate for use in these areas, because the excessive pressure can warp frames and jambs, rendering the window or door inoperable.”
Constant Pressure Dispensing System Delivers More Spray Foam, Twice as Fast
Contractors can cut costs when applying spray foam insulation and enhance service offerings with Touch ‘n Seal’s new CPDS™ 1000 Constant Pressure Dispensing System. The CPDS 1000 is a self-contained, portable, constant pressure spray foam system that dispenses Class I fire retardant, thermal insulating and sound dampening 2-component polyurethane spray foam – twice as fast as foam kits. As contractors around the country are discovering, the CPDS 1000 is an affordable alternative to buying or hiring a foam dispensing truck, saving both time and money.
With an internal air compressor, the CPDS 1000 operates on a standard 120V power supply. “Efficiency, energy savings and environmental awareness are key factors when weatherizing a home or building,” states Sites. “The CPDS 1000 is the culmination of all these things – it provides reduced chemical waste, reduced fossil fuel consumption, reduced overall energy consumption and no ozone depleting chemicals.”
Air-Seal & Resist Flames with Gun Foam II Sealant
Most homes have a multitude of unnoticed sources of energy loss. Some leaks that often get overlooked are cracks and gaps in basement and foundation walls,
dropped ceilings over cabinets and attic chases – small enclosures around ducts and plumbing - all which lead to skyrocketing energy bills. “Air-sealing floor penetrations and air leaks in walls with Touch ‘n Seal’s Gun Foam II Insulating Sealant is a quick and easy way to prevent energy loss,” says Sites. “It provides weatherization in a variety of areas common in most residential construction.”
Gun Foam II is ideal for use at the juncture of the sill and the slab or foundation, and any penetration through floors or ceilings such as electrical lines, HVAC ducting or pipes. It fills cracks and holes in the exterior sheeting (due to poor application or penetrations made for utility services), at the corner and tee joints in framing, and any other place where air might penetrate the exterior envelope.
Touch ‘n Seal Gun Foam II Insulating Sealant is a gun-applied, bright orange one-component polyurethane foam that is more cost effective and easier to install than traditional fire blocking methods such a s gypsum, cement or fiberglass. Though not a firestop, Gun Foam II withstands flaming over twice as long as the leading competitor, lending crucial seconds to dangerous situations.
“Weatherizing a home not only makes it more comfortable, the long term financial rewards are significant. In addition to saving money on energy bills, when Congress passed the stimulus bill earlier this year, it tripled the tax credit for weatherization home improvements through 2010,” concludes Site.
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About Touch ‘n Seal:
Convenience Products, the manufacturer of Touch ‘n Seal products, is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri. Touch ‘n Seal insulating foams and sealants are the benchmark for performance in commercial and industrial building and maintenance, OEM manufacturing and specialty applications. A full line of one and two-component spray foams, caulks and adhesives are available, including fire blocking foam (ICC-ES: ESR-1926), Low Pressure Window & Door Foam, Drywall Panel Adhesives, Two-Component, Disposable Units, Mining Specialty Units, One-Component Disposable Cylinders and Fire Break Caulks. The company also manufactures Touch ‘n Foam one-component foams for the do-it-yourself market. For more information, visit
Thanks!Carolyn SchinskyRyan Public Relations(314) 822-9784 Office(314) 308-1682 Cell
Scott's Contracting
fen·es·tra·tion (fn-strshn)
1. The design and placement of windows in a building.
2. An opening in the surface of a structure, as in a membrane.
3. The surgical creation of an artificial opening in the bony part of the inner ear so as to improve or restore hearing.