Dear Scotts Contracting,
Missouri campaigns are much more than just party politics.
In order to win an election here in Missouri, it takes more than just rallying your own political party. You have to build a broad coalition of voters from every political stripe.
But you already know this. You've got friends and family who are Independent or Republican, and they need to see this.
I'd like to introduce you to Jamie, a life-long Republican starting in 1948. And he's supporting Robin.
There are thousands more like Jamie all over the state. Good, hard working folks who have risen above the partisan politics because they know that Robin is the right choice for Missouri. We've chosen 5 of them to highlight in our coalition of Republicans and Independents for Robin.
Please forward this link to 3 people you know and ask them to vote for Robin:
With only 9 days left, I've ordered the campaign into full "Get Out The Vote" mode. Help us make sure that Missourians of every political stripe know about Robin's record of fighting for Missouri working families, and help us make sure they get out and vote.
Thank you for all your hard work,
Mindy Mazur
Campaign Manager, Robin Carnahan for Senate
P.S. Anonymous, out-of-state special interests are dumping more than $8.5 million into false and outrageous attacks against Robin. This is a blatant attempt to buy your Senate seat. Are the corporate special interests electing a Senator, or are we? Don't let them get away with it! Tell your friends, they get to decide who should represent us, not some out-of-state CEO!
Paid for and authorized by Robin Carnahan for SenateThis email was sent to scottscontracting@gmail.com.
Scott's Contracting
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