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Dear Scotty,
In this month's Personal Nature column, Dominique Browning takes a look at the power of Eco-Moms, from their influence over manufacturers to their legislative clout.
The Rising Power of Eco-Moms
By Dominique BrowningYes! Prop 23 — a proposal in California, underwritten by Texas oil companies, to repeal the strongest clean energy law in the nation — was resoundingly defeated on Election Day. But apart from that victory, media pundits seem to believe that around the country, environmentalists and their concerns were soundly trounced. I think they are reading the wrong tea leaves.
The Tea Party may be full of science Luddites, but there's another important activist group in the U.S., and it is growing fast. It isn't run by anyone, and has no political candidates — yet. I'm calling it the Green Tea Party, and it is made up of millions of women I think of as Eco Moms. It is going to be - it already is - a game changer.
I count myself among these women. EcoFocus Worldwide, a marketing research consultant, estimates that "the EcoAware Moms market includes more than 50 million women, 69% of [all] moms, and has more than $1.5 trillion in buying power." Best of all, consumer power can translate to political clout.
Most of us wouldn't say we're out to save the planet. And we don't walk around numb with fear, gloomy about the future. Raising children is anxiety-provoking enough. But we want change. We want global warming addressed. We want to protect our homes from toxic chemicals. We want the government to which we pay our taxes to keep our families safe...
Please continue reading this month's column.
And while Eco Moms have huge consumer power, it is time to turn that into legislative clout.
Please pledge to Protect Your Family From Dangerous Toxic Chemicals. We will deliver your message in January when the new Congress is sworn in.
Thank you for your activism and support,
Environmental Defense FundP.S. As we prepare to deal with the new Congress, we're going to need all the help we can get. Please show your support for our work on toxic chemicals by making a generous donation today.
Environmental Defense Fund
1875 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20009
Scott's Contracting
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