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you want to stop sending your money to…terrorists?

By Joseph B. White

AFP/Getty Images
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg at the Wall Street Journal CEO Council on Tuesday.

WASHINGTON — New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Tuesday that he's in favor of a carbon tax –- a view not shared by many political leaders of either party in Washington.

Bloomberg, speaking to a group of chief executives at the Wall Street Journal CEO Council, said the U.S. needs to reduce its dependence on foreign oil if "you want to stop sending your money to…terrorists."

The answer: "We need a carbon tax," he said.

Bloomberg, an independent, criticized the now-moribund Democratic proposal to develop a nationwide "cap and trade" system for limiting U.S. carbon dioxide emissions by requiring companies to buy tradeable permits for the right to emit greenhouse gases under a steadily declining economy wide cap.

"Cap and trade is filled with so many special interests," he said.

The mayor downplayed speculation that he may consider a run for president, saying he had a great job already. He more forcefully dismissed the idea of an independent candidacy.

"The Republicans and Democrats, no matter who their candidates are, no matter who," would have the advantage, he said. An independent couldn't get a majority, Bloomberg explained, and if the electoral collage produced no winner the election would go to the House of Representatives.

"And in the next election, the Republicans would pick the president," he said.

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