-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Wind is Clean Energy Production-Free Webinar

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Wind is Clean Energy Production-Free Webinar

You may be interested in participating in this webinar being hosted by
the New England Wind Energy Education Project (NEWEEP), addressing
shadow flicker (even if you are not in New England). It is scheduled
for 1-2:30 p.m. ET on 2/10, is free of charge, and is geared to
inform:general public, local officials, state regulators, facility
siting decision-makers, policy-makers, and others interested in a
review of objective information on the impacts of wind energy.

The New England Wind Energy Education Project (NEWEEP) is pleased to
invite your participation in our upcoming Webinar on "Understanding
the Current Science, Regulation, and Mitigation of Shadow Flicker"
scheduled for Thursday, February 10, 2011 at 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET.

This is the fifth in a series of free Webinars funded by the DOE Wind
Powering America Initiative. The Webinar will include a panel of
experts in the fields of visual assessment, landscape architecture,
and environmental planning with a question and answer session.

The Webinar is designed for attendance by the general public, local
officials, state regulators, facility siting decision-makers,
policy-makers, and others interested in a review of objective
information on the impacts of wind energy.

Key Discussion Topics & Speakers


* Thomas Priestley, Senior Environmental Planner, CH2MHill
* Matthew Allen, Principal, Saratoga Associates
* Richard Lampeter, Senior Scientist, Epsilon Associates

Discussion Topics

The presentations and discussion will provide Webinar participants
with an understanding of:

* What shadow flicker is, and how it is created;
* The methodologies used to forecast when, where, and how much
shadow flicker will occur;
* How forecasted data are analyzed to estimate the potential
impact on nearby receptors;
* The current landscape of state and local regulations, ordinances
and guidance documents, and their role in the wind project permitting
* Available mitigation and management practices; and,
* Areas in need of additional research and analysis.

RSVP and Log-in Information
To register for the NEWEEP Webinar #5, please e-mail rsvp@neweep.com

To receive log-in instructions and dial-in phone number, you must
RSVP. Please include your name, organization, and state. Your RSVP
will ensure that we reserve the correct number of phone lines.


Good decisions require good information; the goal of the NEWEEP
Webinar series is to provide the public with objective information on
which to make informed decisions about proposed wind energy projects
throughout the New England region by:

* Collecting and disseminating accurate, objective information on
critical wind energy issues impacting market acceptance of the
hundreds of land-based and offshore wind development projects proposed
in the region
* Encouraging the market's acceptance of appropriately-sited wind
energy generation

The New England Wind Energy Education Project is a project funded by
the U.S. Department of Energy Wind Powering America Initiative under a
two-year grant. NEWEEP is directed by a Steering Committee consisting
of New England state agencies, regional and national research
organizations and New England's regional grid operator, who have
committed to participate in the project. NEWEEP is neither
industry-funded nor industry-driven. The project consists of an 8-part
Webinar series and an in-person conference.

The objectives of the NEWEEP Webinar series include:

· Cutting through the clutter of competing, conflicting, and
sometimes misleading information on critical issues pertaining to wind
energy generation

· Helping to address concerns in communities where wind
projects are proposed

· Identifying areas for future research ("data gaps")

Find audio visual files and transcripts of past Webinars.

Upcoming NEWEEP Events

STAY TUNED for registration information on the 6th NEWEEP Webinar,
"Impact of Wind Turbines on Birds, Bats and Wildlife." Date and time
to be announced soon.

NEWEEP Conference - June 7, 2011, Best Western Royal Plaza,
Marlborough, MA. Registration information coming soon. Send inquiries
to info@neweep.com

Questions? Please email info@neweep.com.
We look forward to your participation.

Best regards,


Wind Powering America Initiative

Dwight Bailey, U.S. Department of Energy
Ian Baring-Gould, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Steering Committee Partners

* National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
* Connecticut Clean Energy Fund (CCEF)
* Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (CEC)
* University of Massachusetts - Wind Energy Center (WEC)
* Maine Public Utilities Commission (MPUC)
* ISO-New England (ISO-NE)
* Utility Wind Integration Group (UWIG)
* Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
* Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER)
* Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA)
* New Hampshire Office of Energy & Planning (OEP)
* Renewable Energy New England (RENEW)

Project Coordinators

* Sustainable Energy Advantage, LLC (SEA)

Scott's Contracting

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