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E-News From Citizens Against Government Waste

e-News from CAGW

Porker of the Month: Sen. Harry Reid

Sen. Harry ReidCitizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) has named Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) Porker of the Month for his absurd belief that a federally-funded Cowboy Poetry Festival in Elko, Nevada (pop. 17,000) constitutes essential government spending.  The festival receives a portion of its budget from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), whose $146 million budget was defunded under H.R. 1, the Full-Year Continuing Resolution for fiscal year 2011, that Sen. Reid helped defeat in the Senate.  During a floor speech on March 8, 2011, Sen. Reid described the proposed termination as "mean-spirited," stating that were it not for NEH's federal money, the Cowboy Poetry Festival and "the tens of thousands of people who come there every year, would not exist."  In response, Western Folklife Center Executive Director Charlie Seemann commented that NEH funds just 7 percent of the festival and that he and his fellow cowboys "could certainly continue if we lose that funding."  For undervaluing the individual, entrepreneurial spirit that makes America great and believing that federal taxpayers should pay for everything, even those programs that can stand on their own, CAGW names Senate Majority Leader Reid the March Porker of the Month.  Read more about the Porker of the Month.

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CAGW Rereleases "Chinese Professor" Ad

Chinese ProfessorOn March 21, CAGW rereleased its critically acclaimed "Chinese Professor" ad depicting one possible future outcome of Washington's continued fiscal irresponsibility.  The ad, which takes place in 2030 when America has defaulted on its massive debt to China and uses English subtitles, "presents a scenario that should be considered a real possibility," notes CAGW President Tom Schatz.  "We have time to alter our destiny, but we risk insolvency if we continue on our current path."  The ad originally aired for two weeks in the fall of 2010 and again on January 24 and 25, 2011.  It has been airing since March 21 on CNN, FOX News Channel, CNBC, and on a number of other cable and select broadcast channels nationwide.  Make a tax-deductible contribution today to help CAGW keep broadcasting the "Chinese Professor" ad's warning that Washington must get its runaway, deficit spending under control.

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ObamaCare Still Unhealthy to Nation's Bottom Line

On March 23, the one-year anniversary of the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), CAGW President Tom Schatz reiterated the organization's continued opposition:  "President Obama has pledged to tackle the deficit and restore the budget to a sustainable path.  However, his two most prominent achievements since taking office – ObamaCare and the Recovery Act – dramatically raise the present and future burden for taxpayers.  CEOs and business owners at Starbucks, White Castle, IHOP, and the National Council of Chain Restaurants, have reneged on their previous support for ObamaCare and stated that it will reduce employment and profits.  As the nation shakes off a recession, the 'cure' of ObamaCare is worse than the disease.  Taxpayers now fully appreciate the fiscal ruse…perpetrated [by] President Obama and his allies in Congress… [This] bill does not control costs or improve healthcare outcomes.  To date, 1,040 organizations have received waivers exempting 2.5 million individuals from [ObamaCare]…Clearly, these groups – many of which lobbied for ObamaCare – do not view the bill as an expansion of choice or affordability in health care."  Read more of CAGW President Tom Schatz's statement on the one-year anniversary of ObamaCare. 

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 CAGW Applauds GAO Report on Government Waste

thumbs-upCAGW this month applauded the Government Accountability Office's (GAO) newly released report on wasteful or duplicative federal programs, "Opportunities to Reduce Potential Duplication in Government Programs, Save Tax Dollars, and Enhance Revenue."  The report identifies 34 agencies, offices, and initiatives that provide similar or identical services to the same populations, along with 47 programs that are either wasteful or inefficient.  CAGW has documented much of the waste highlighted in its Prime Cuts database for many years.  "We consider this report further proof that eliminating government waste can be done without a fine-tooth comb," said CAGW President Tom Schatz.  "Congress cannot claim ignorance of these duplicative, bloated programs.  One of the most absurd examples is the 56 programs in 20 different agencies promoting financial literacy, while the government itself is on the verge of bankruptcy."  Read more about the new GAO waste report.

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Take Action!

Vote for Our April Fool!

Help Stop $2.9 Billion in Defense Waste!

Tell Treasury Secretary Geithner:  Stand Up for Taxpayers!

Tell Congress to Sign the No Pork Pledge!
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"Tax Dollars Disappear into Black Hole" by CAGW Vice President of Policy & Communications
Leslie Paige,
The Daily Caller
(March 30, 2011)

"Future Shock Inevitable from Foreign-Owned U.S. Debt" by CAGW President Tom Schatz, The Hill
(March 24, 2011)
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Visit CAGW's Blog!

Give us your opinions and tips about government waste in your area on "The Swine Line."
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State Piglet Books

Arizona  Piglet

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Read the monthly newsletter online.
This month's issue includes the articles:

Earmark Moratorium Backlash

A-Maize-ing Waste: Why Ethanol Subsidies Must Be Repealed 

Federal Real Property: Buried Alive!
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In the News...

CNBC (March 25, 2011): "U.S. Postal Post Digital Age"

(March 24, 2011):
"The Bid to Eliminate Dollar Bills"

Chicago Tribune (March 23, 2011): "NASA Still Ordered to Waste $1.4 Million a Day"

The Washington Post (March 17, 2011): "Obama Signs Short-term Spending Measure that Includes Some Easy Cuts"

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Citizens Against Government Waste

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