-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Re: We're going BIG, and we're taking your voice to D.C.

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Re: We're going BIG, and we're taking your voice to D.C.

Dear friends,

When we started our campaign to take on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, we knew they had deep pockets. We knew they'd fight back. And we knew it wouldn't be easy.

But we also knew that no amount of money can stand up to an engaged, educated, and passionate group of people. That's why we're thrilled that this campaign is growing daily--in depth, breadth, and creativity.

Over 6000 business owners and tens of thousands of supporters have already declared their opposition to "business as usual" at the U.S. Chamber. We are thrilled with this early surge--but we still need many more people on board to really tip the balance of power.

To get big enough to make a big impact, we're going BIG. Really big. And we need your help.

On Monday, April 18th many of the 10,000 college students attending the Powershift conference in Washington D.C. will take to the streets outside of the headquarters of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to help us really underscore the connections between money, politics and climate legislation. Since the U.S. Chamber is right across the street from the White House we hope that this huge action will be a wake up call for legislators, business people (and Presidents too).

You can join this wake-up call from your own community with a simple action: send us a quote today.

Help show that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington D.C. is out of touch with the clean energy future that our country truly needs. 

We're collecting quotes that complete the sentence "The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Doesn't Speak For Me Because ___________________." 

Please take two minutes to submit a quick quote on this page. We'll select the best quotes, print them on big signs, and bring them with us to the rally outside of the U.S. Chamber headquarters in D.C.

Of course, we'd love it if you joined us there in person--but if you can't make it, we'll bring your voices directly to the U.S. Chamber for you.


Phil Aroneanu for the whole team at 350.org

P.S. If you know local business owners who aren't yet part of this campaign, please forward this letter on so we can build this groundswell. Many thanks!

Scott's Contracting

Green Me UP-Scotty


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