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Newsletter: Court of Theorists, Pieces of Debt and More

OpenSecrets.org news on money in politics. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.

Amid Budget Debate, Few Lawmakers Own Pieces of U.S. Debt

For a select group of members of Congress, the debate over the debt ceiling has more than political implications. For those with investments in U.S. Treasury notes, bonds and bills, there's a bit of a personal skin in the game too. In 2010, at least 14 veteran members of Congress personally owned a portion of the U.S. debt, according to a Center for Responsive Politics review of congressional personal financial disclosure reports. » Read More

Pennsylvanians Show Santorum the Money

It's good to have home state allies, but will they be enough for for Rick Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania, who announced he would be seeking the Republican presidential nomination in June? At least 27 percent of the $582,100 Santorum raised through June 30 has come from residents of the Keystone State, according to a preliminary analysis of campaign finance filings by the Center for Responsive Politics. Pennsylvanians have so far given Santorum at least $160,660. » Read More

Money Talks: An Interview with Top Campaign Finance Attorney Trevor Potter

Attorney Trevor Potter has been a part of the campaign finance world for two decades, serving as counsel for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and comedian Stephen Colbert. Along the way, he founded the Campaign Legal Center, a nonpartisan, nonprofit group that focuses on legal issues surrounding campaigns and elections and supports campaign finance regulations. OpenSecrets Blog recently sat down with Potter to discuss the changing campaign finance landscape. The wide-ranging conversation touched on the seriousness of Colbert's super PAC, how political speech isn't for "sissies" and how the U.S. Supreme Court is made up of "theorists" who are "not in touch with reality" when it comes to how money is being raised and spent. » Read More

Which Members of Congress Feel the Love From Dunkin' Brands?

The Dunkin' Brands Group, owner of Dunkin' Donuts and Baskin Robbins, got a lot of love from investors when it debuted on the stock market last week. But how much love has the company given to Washington? During the 2010 election cycle, Dunkin' Brands' political action committee contributed some $42,000 to mostly Democratic candidates. But it also donated to several Republicans -- including some of the highest-ranking GOP leaders in Congress. » Read More

Happy Birthday MTV

MTV celebrated its 30th birthday this week. Much has changed since the channel was first launched -- remember when it actually played music videos rather than bad reality television shows? But for nearly MTV's entire life, it has been owned by a single parent-company: Viacom. And while MTV does not have its own political action committee, Viacom's PAC has been a prolific supporter of federal politicians. During the 2010 election cycle, Viacom's PAC contributed more than $237,000 to federal politicians, with 58 percent of that sum benefitting Democrats. » Read More

Join OpenSecrets.org on the West Coast

Join OpenSecrets.org Outreach Coordinator Evan Mackinder at informal meet and greet sessions on Saturday, Aug. 13, in Seattle and Saturday, Aug. 20, in San Francisco. These are informal sessions, meant to give supporters of OpenSecrets.org and activists a chance to meet with a member of our staff and talk about issues related to campaign finance and government transparency. It's also a chance for us to hear what's on your mind! Come, join us!

Numerous Media Outlets Citing OpenSecrets.org's Research, Reporting

Numerous media outlets have this past week cited OpenSecrets.org's research and experts, including MSNBC.com, Politico, Washington Post, New York Times, Scripps Howard News Service and Associated Press.

Other news organizations relying on the Center this week include:

See all the news outlets and blogs who've been citing our work at our "In the News" page.

August 4, 2011
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Center for Responsive Politics
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