-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Major Tar Sands Oil Spill in Arkansas-Photo

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Major Tar Sands Oil Spill in Arkansas-Photo

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More than 500,000 gallons of tar sands oil and water just spilled in Arkansas. Don't let this dirty oil nightmare ooze across America.
Imagine coming home to this: Oil oozing down your driveway, pooling in your back yard, and filling up your local waterways. Sounds like a nightmare, right?
This is the reality that families in Mayflower, Arkansas, have had to deal with since more than 500,000 gallons of dirty tar sands oil and water spilled out of a ruptured Exxon Mobil pipeline this past Friday.
This spill is terrible and our hearts go out to the community in Mayflower affected by this disaster. This shouldn't have happened. That's why it's critical that President Obama and Secretary Kerry reject the construction of a much bigger pipeline, Keystone XL, which could cause even more devastating spills of tar sands crude in waterways and lands across America.
We need you to raise your voice now. Tell the State Department to keep us safe from more tar sands spills by rejecting the dangerous Keystone XL pipeline!
Unfortunately, the spill in Arkansas repeats a story we know too well. In 2010, an Enbridge Energy pipeline in Michigan broke and spilled more than 800,000 gallons of toxic tar sands crude into the Kalamazoo River -- and it still hasn't been fully cleaned up. That same year, TransCanada, the company that wants to build the Keystone XL pipeline now, built a pipeline that experienced 12 separate spills in a single year. In 2011, one of Exxon Mobil's pipelines in Montana ruptured and contaminated the Yellowstone River. And even just last week, a train derailed in Minnesota and spilled 30,000 gallons of tar sands crude.
If these stories make your stomach churn, I know how you feel. It's absolutely infuriating that we keep allowing Big Oil to put our lands, water, and wildlife at risk, when we have seen over and over how it ends.
The Keystone XL tar sands pipeline would be a monster -- carrying 20 times more oil than the Exxon pipeline that burst in the Yellowstone River two years ago.
Right now, the State Department is accepting comments on its review of the potential environmental impacts of the Keystone XL pipeline. The initial draft of this review was completely off-base, downplaying the risks of spills and the devastating impact that this dirty oil would have in fueling climate change. Luckily, we have the chance to weigh in on this draft and push them to change it to recommend what many scientists have attested to -- that this pipeline is too dangerous to build and the tar sands oil needs to stay in the ground.
So we're joining with groups across the environmental movement to gather one million comments opposing the dirty Keystone XL pipeline by the end of the comment period on April 22. With only 20 days to go, we need you to send a message now.
Thanks to contributions from more than 3,000 LCV members, we hit our goal in our fundraising drive for this campaign and now we've got all the resources we need to win this fight.
But we can't do it without your help. So thanks for taking a moment to make your voice heard today.
Let's do this,
Vanessa Kritzer
Online Campaigns Manager
League of Conservation Voters
1920 L Street, NW Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036

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